COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 545)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#154 fixed Wrong compiler flags with Intel C++ compiler Akos Ladanyi Alpar Juttner

I run the configure scripts using Intel C++ compiler version 10.1 like this:

./configure --enable-demo --enable-benchmark CXX=/usr/local/intel/cc/10.1/bin/icpc

The scripts sets CXXFLAGS in a wrong way as it sets all the GCC specific -Wxyz flags are also set. The correct setting should probably be


This bug exists in [bb40b6db0a58].

#155 fixed The visitors use the base algorithms' traits class Balazs Dezso Balazs Dezso

The BfsVisit? uses the BfsDefaultTraits? instead of BfsVisitDefaultTraits? and similarly DfsVisit? uses the DfsDefaultTraits? instead of DfsVisitDefaultTraits?. It does not cause problem, because the used traits are supersets of the right classes, but the [47b3a3b67837] fixes the problem

#156 fixed Rearrange parameters of LGF reader/writer tools Peter Kovacs Peter Kovacs

[47fbc814aa31] changes the parameter order so that it becomes analogous to graphToeps().

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