Creation of algorithm dialog is even simpler by the usage of the newly created addMapSelector function.
8 #include <all_include.h>
10 #include <libgnomecanvasmm.h>
11 #include <libgnomecanvasmm/polygon.h>
14 ///This class is responsible for creating a window,
15 ///on which the parameters of a new map can be set.
17 class NewMapWin : public Gtk::Dialog
25 tree_node * left_child;
26 tree_node * right_child;
29 ///Constructor of NewMapWin creates the widgets shown in NewMapWin.
30 NewMapWin(const std::string& title, NoteBookTab &, bool itisedge=true, bool edgenode=true);
32 ///Signal on button is connected to this function,
33 ///Therefore this function determines whether to
34 ///call the map/creatort function, and if yes, it
35 //tells it the attributes.(name, default value)
36 virtual void on_response(int response_id);
38 virtual bool closeIfEscapeIsPressed(GdkEventKey*);
40 ///Function that creates a tree from an appropriately manipulated string
41 tree_node * weightedString2Tree(std::string, std::vector<unsigned int> &, int);
43 ///Function that creates a string from a tree by postorder reading.
44 std::string postOrder(tree_node *);
46 std::string string2Polishform(std::string, bool);
48 bool validVariable(std::string, bool);
50 std::map<char, std::string> ch2var;
52 Gtk::Entry name, default_value;
57 Gtk::RadioButton node, edge;