author hegyi
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 15:49:06 +0000
changeset 120 9166130d8d56
parent 117 004b239908e6
child 121 637c12cbd64c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Documentation of NewMapWin.
     1 // -*- C++ -*- //
     3 #ifndef NEWMAPWIN_H
     4 #define NEWMAPWIN_H
     6 class NewMapWin;
     8 #include <all_include.h>
     9 #include <nbtab.h>
    10 #include <libgnomecanvasmm.h>
    11 #include <libgnomecanvasmm/polygon.h>
    12 #include <stack>
    14 ///Graphical interface for node/edge map creation.
    16 ///This class is responsible for creating a window,
    17 ///on which the parameters of a new map can be set.
    18 class NewMapWin : public Gtk::Dialog
    19 {
    20   ///The \ref NoteBookTab in which the new map has to be placed.
    21   NoteBookTab & mytab;
    23 public:
    25   ///Struct to be able to evaluate expressions.
    27   ///Initial values of map elements can be given
    28   ///by numbers or by expressions. From expressions
    29   ///we build first a tree. This is the data structure
    30   ///that can store one tree element.
    31   struct tree_node
    32   {
    33     ///Character stored in this tree element
    34     char ch;
    35     ///Left child of tree element.
    36     tree_node * left_child;
    37     ///Right child of tree element.
    38     tree_node * right_child;
    39   };
    41   ///Constructor of NewMapWin.
    43   ///It creates the widgets shown in
    44   ///NewMapWin.
    45   NewMapWin(const std::string& title, NoteBookTab &, bool itisedge=true, bool edgenode=true);
    47   ///Callback function for OK button. It creates the map.
    49   ///This function determines whether the input is correct:
    50   ///the name of new map must not be already used, the expression
    51   ///that gives tha initial values of map elements has to be valid.
    52   ///If input is correct it creates and registrates the new map
    53   ///to the correct place. (\ref mytab)
    54   virtual void on_response(int response_id);
    56   ///Close window if Esc key pressed.
    57   virtual bool closeIfEscapeIsPressed(GdkEventKey*);
    59   ///Function that creates a tree from an appropriately manipulated string.
    61   ///Tree is builded according to priorities of operations in expression given by string.
    62   ///Priorities are indicated in a vector that contains weights for each operation.
    63   ///\param to_tree string to build tree from
    64   ///\param weights weights (priorities)
    65   ///\param offset this function call is recursive. This parameter tells us,
    66   ///with which part of the string do we have to deal with.
    67   tree_node * weightedString2Tree(std::string to_tree, std::vector<unsigned int> & weights, int offset);
    69   ///Function that creates a string from a tree by postorder reading.
    71   ///This is the last step of creating polishform
    72   ///from a given expression string.
    73   ///\param root the root of the tree to read through
    74   std::string postOrder(tree_node * root);
    76   ///From the given expression it creates expression given in polish form.
    78   ///First it substitutes variables and numbers in the given expression.
    79   ///The substitutions will be one character long local variables.
    80   ///The substituted-substitution pair is registrated in \ref ch2var.
    81   ///After that it gives weights fo each character in substituted expression.
    82   ///Weights are calculated according to the priority of operations in expression.
    83   ///Then it creates tree (\ref tree_node) from the weighted string. (\ref weightedString2Tree)
    84   ///\param to_polish the string to turn into polish_form
    85   ///\param itisedge do we have to create an edgemap or a nodemap.
    86   ///It is important, because variables are maps and if expression
    87   ///citates a map that does not exists the expression is not valid.
    88   ///But to determine, whether the map exists we have to know where
    89   ///to search for it. And of course for a new edgemap only edgemaps can be serve with values. 
    90   std::string string2Polishform(std::string to_polish, bool itisedge);
    92   ///Returns whether a string can be used as value in an expression.
    94   ///The given string has to be either a mapname or a number. If it is a mapname
    95   ///we have to know whether it is an edgemap or a nodemap.
    96   ///\param variable the string about the function has to determine whether it is usable in expressions
    97   ///\param itisedge should the mapname be between edgemaps, or nodemaps
    98   bool validVariable(std::string variable, bool itisedge);
   100   ///Deletes the whole tree created for translating string to polishform.
   102   ///\param root
   103   ///root of the tree
   104   void deleteTree(tree_node * root);
   106   ///Dictionary of substitutions in expression.
   108   ///Variables and numbers are substituted with one character long variables in expressions.
   109   ///This is the dictionary.
   110   std::map<char, std::string> ch2var;
   112   ///Entry which gives us the name of new map.
   113   Gtk::Entry name;
   115   ///Entry which gives us the initial values of elements of new map.
   117   ///Initial value can be a number or an expression after that the
   118   ///initial value for each map element can be calculated.
   119   Gtk::Entry default_value;
   121   ///GTK Designing object.
   122   Gtk::Table * table;
   124   ///Information holder in window.
   125   Gtk::Label * label;
   127   ///If selected, nodemap will be created.
   128   Gtk::RadioButton node;
   130   ///If selected, edgemap will be created.
   131   Gtk::RadioButton edge;
   132 };
   134 #endif //NEWMAPWIN_H