Sorry for the previous commit, it was not ready yet, but that damned up arrow... So in this new revision string-double and double-string conversion is corrected to a more C++ way. gui
Wed, 27 Jul 2005 11:19:35 +0000 (2005-07-27)
changeset 45199f433eb7cd
parent 44 9a217bdf53a3
child 46 121452cc4096
Sorry for the previous commit, it was not ready yet, but that damned up arrow... So in this new revision string-double and double-string conversion is corrected to a more C++ way.
     1.1 --- a/	Wed Jul 27 11:02:51 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/	Wed Jul 27 11:19:35 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -119,37 +119,10 @@
     1.4  	    {
     1.5  	      edgemap_to_edit=mapname;
     1.6  	      double number=(*(mapstorage.edgemap_storage)[mapname])[i];
     1.7 -// 	      int length=1;
     1.8 -// 	      //if number is smaller than one, length would be negative, or invalid
     1.9 -// 	      if(number>=1)
    1.10 -// 		{
    1.11 -// 		  length=(int)(floor(log(number)/log(10)))+1;
    1.12 -// 		}
    1.13 -// 	      int maxpos=(int)(pow(10,length-1));
    1.14 -// 	      int strl=length+1+RANGE;
    1.15 -// 	      char * str=new char[strl];
    1.16 -// 	      str[length]='.';
    1.17 -// 	      str[strl]='\0';
    1.18 -      
    1.19 -// 	      for(int j=0;j<strl;j++)
    1.20 -// 		{
    1.21 -// 		  if(j!=length)
    1.22 -// 		    {
    1.23 -// 		      if((number-(int)number)>ALMOST_ONE)
    1.24 -// 			{
    1.25 -// 			  number=round(number);
    1.26 -// 			}
    1.27 -// 		      int digit=(int)(number/maxpos);
    1.28 -// 		      str[j]=(digit+'0');
    1.29 -// 		      number-=digit*maxpos;
    1.30 -// 		      number*=10;
    1.31 -// 		    }
    1.32 -// 		}
    1.33 -//       	      edgetextmap[i]->property_text().set_value(str);
    1.35  	      std::ostringstream ostr;
    1.36  	      ostr << number;
    1.37 -
    1.38 +	      
    1.39        	      edgetextmap[i]->property_text().set_value(ostr.str());
    1.40  	    }
    1.41  	  else
    1.42 @@ -165,34 +138,11 @@
    1.43        if(mapname!="Default")
    1.44  	{
    1.45  	  double number=(*(mapstorage.edgemap_storage)[mapname])[edge];
    1.46 -	  int length=1;
    1.47 -	  //if number is smaller than one, length would be negative, or invalid
    1.48 -	  if(number>=1)
    1.49 -	    {
    1.50 -	      length=(int)(floor(log(number)/log(10)))+1;
    1.51 -	    }
    1.52 -	  int maxpos=(int)(pow(10,length-1));
    1.53 -	  int strl=length+1+RANGE;
    1.54 -	  char * str=new char[strl];
    1.55 -	  str[length]='.';
    1.56 -	  str[strl]='\0';
    1.57 -      
    1.58 -	  for(int j=0;j<strl;j++)
    1.59 -	    {
    1.60 -	      if(j!=length)
    1.61 -		{
    1.62 -		  if((number-(int)number)>ALMOST_ONE)
    1.63 -		    {
    1.64 -		      number=round(number);
    1.65 -		    }
    1.66 -		  int digit=(int)(number/maxpos);
    1.67 -		  str[j]=(digit+'0');
    1.68 -		  number-=digit*maxpos;
    1.69 -		  number*=10;
    1.70 -		}
    1.71 -	    }
    1.72 -      
    1.73 -	  edgetextmap[edge]->property_text().set_value(str);
    1.74 +
    1.75 +	  std::ostringstream ostr;
    1.76 +	  ostr << number;
    1.77 +	  
    1.78 +	  edgetextmap[edge]->property_text().set_value(ostr.str());
    1.79  	}
    1.80        else
    1.81  	{
     2.1 --- a/	Wed Jul 27 11:02:51 2005 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/	Wed Jul 27 11:19:35 2005 +0000
     2.3 @@ -751,21 +751,25 @@
     2.4  		      }
     2.5  		    mapvalue_ch[i]=mapvalue_str[i];
     2.6  		  }
     2.7 -  
     2.8 -		double mapvalue_d=atof(mapvalue_ch);
     2.9 -
    2.10 +  	      
    2.11  		//if the text in the entry was correct
    2.12  		if((point_num<=1)&&(valid_double))
    2.13  		  {
    2.14 +		    double mapvalue_d=atof(mapvalue_ch);
    2.15 +
    2.16 +		    //reconvert the double to string for the correct format
    2.17 +		    std::ostringstream ostr;
    2.18 +		    ostr << mapvalue_d;
    2.19 +
    2.20  		    //save the value to the correct place
    2.21  		    switch(actual_tool)
    2.22  		      {
    2.23  		      case EDGE_MAP_EDIT:
    2.24 -			edgetextmap[active_edge]->property_text().set_value(mapvalue_str);
    2.25 +			edgetextmap[active_edge]->property_text().set_value(ostr.str());
    2.26  			(*(mapstorage.edgemap_storage)[edgemap_to_edit])[active_edge]=mapvalue_d;
    2.27  			break;
    2.28  		      case NODE_MAP_EDIT:
    2.29 -			nodetextmap[active_node]->property_text().set_value(mapvalue_str);
    2.30 +			nodetextmap[active_node]->property_text().set_value(ostr.str());
    2.31  			(*(mapstorage.nodemap_storage)[nodemap_to_edit])[active_node]=mapvalue_d;
    2.32  			break;
    2.33  		      default:
     3.1 --- a/	Wed Jul 27 11:02:51 2005 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/	Wed Jul 27 11:19:35 2005 +0000
     3.3 @@ -149,37 +149,11 @@
     3.4  	    {
     3.5  	      nodemap_to_edit=mapname;
     3.6  	      double number=(*actual_map)[i];
     3.7 -	      int length=1;
     3.8 -	      //if number is smaller than one, length would be negative, or invalid
     3.9 -	      if(number>=1)
    3.10 -		{
    3.11 -		  length=(int)(floor(log(number)/log(10)))+1;
    3.12 -		}
    3.13 -	      int maxpos=(int)(pow(10,length-1));
    3.14 -	      int strl=length+1+RANGE;
    3.15 -	      char * str=new char[strl];
    3.16 -	      str[length]='.';
    3.17 -	      str[strl]='\0';
    3.18 -      
    3.19 -	      for(int j=0;j<strl;j++)
    3.20 -		{
    3.21 -		  if(j!=length)
    3.22 -		    {
    3.23 -//  		      std::cout << (number) << "-" << (int)number << "=" << (number)-(int)number << std::endl;
    3.24 -		      if((number-(int)number)>ALMOST_ONE)
    3.25 -			{
    3.26 -// 			  std::cout<<"rounding: " <<number<<std::endl;
    3.27 -			  number=round(number);
    3.28 -			}
    3.29 - 		      int digit=(int)(number/maxpos);
    3.30 -// 		      std::cout << number << "/" << maxpos << "=" << digit << std::endl;
    3.31 -		      str[j]=(digit+'0');
    3.32 -		      number-=digit*maxpos;
    3.33 -		      number*=10;
    3.34 -		    }
    3.35 -		}
    3.36 -      
    3.37 -	      nodetextmap[i]->property_text().set_value(str);
    3.38 +
    3.39 +	      std::ostringstream ostr;
    3.40 +	      ostr << number;
    3.41 +	      
    3.42 +      	      nodetextmap[i]->property_text().set_value(ostr.str());
    3.43  	    }
    3.44  	  else
    3.45  	    {
    3.46 @@ -193,34 +167,11 @@
    3.47        if(mapname!="Default")
    3.48  	{
    3.49  	  double number=(*actual_map)[node];
    3.50 -	  int length=1;
    3.51 -	  //if number is smaller than one, length would be negative, or invalid
    3.52 -	  if(number>=1)
    3.53 -	    {
    3.54 -	      length=(int)(floor(log(number)/log(10)))+1;
    3.55 -	    }
    3.56 -	  int maxpos=(int)(pow(10,length-1));
    3.57 -	  int strl=length+1+RANGE;
    3.58 -	  char * str=new char[strl];
    3.59 -	  str[length]='.';
    3.60 -	  str[strl]='\0';
    3.61 -      
    3.62 -	  for(int j=0;j<strl;j++)
    3.63 -	    {
    3.64 -	      if(j!=length)
    3.65 -		{
    3.66 -		  if((number-(int)number)>ALMOST_ONE)
    3.67 -		    {
    3.68 -		      number=round(number);
    3.69 -		    }
    3.70 -		  int digit=(int)(number/maxpos);
    3.71 -		  str[j]=(digit+'0');
    3.72 -		  number-=digit*maxpos;
    3.73 -		  number*=10;
    3.74 -		}
    3.75 -	    }
    3.76 -      
    3.77 -	  nodetextmap[node]->property_text().set_value(str);
    3.78 +
    3.79 +	  std::ostringstream ostr;
    3.80 +	  ostr << number;
    3.81 +	      
    3.82 +	  nodetextmap[node]->property_text().set_value(ostr.str());
    3.83  	}
    3.84        else
    3.85  	{