Documentation of NoteBookTab. Redundant function parameters are removed from other classes as well. gui
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 13:28:54 +0000 (2006-01-12)
changeset 121637c12cbd64c
parent 120 9166130d8d56
child 122 96bfa82264c3
Documentation of NoteBookTab. Redundant function parameters are removed from other classes as well.
     1.1 --- a/	Wed Jan 11 15:49:06 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/	Thu Jan 12 13:28:54 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     1.4      (*table).attach((*(e_combo_array[i])),0,1,i,i+1,Gtk::SHRINK,Gtk::SHRINK,10,3);
     1.6      e_combo_array[i]->signal_cbt_ch().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MapWin::edgeMapChanged), i));
     1.7 -    e_combo_array[i]->signal_newmapwin_needed().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MapWin::newMapWinNeeded), i));
     1.8 +    e_combo_array[i]->signal_newmapwin_needed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MapWin::newMapWinNeeded));
     1.9    }
    1.11    vbox.pack_start(*(new Gtk::Label("Edge properties")));
    1.12 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
    1.13      (*table).attach((*(n_combo_array[i])),0,1,i,i+1,Gtk::SHRINK,Gtk::SHRINK,10,3);
    1.15      n_combo_array[i]->signal_cbt_ch().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MapWin::nodeMapChanged), i));
    1.16 -    n_combo_array[i]->signal_newmapwin_needed().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MapWin::newMapWinNeeded), i));
    1.17 +    n_combo_array[i]->signal_newmapwin_needed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MapWin::newMapWinNeeded));
    1.18    }
    1.20    add(vbox);
    1.21 @@ -76,9 +76,9 @@
    1.22    mytab.propertyChange(true, prop, mapname);
    1.23  }
    1.25 -void MapWin::newMapWinNeeded(bool itisedge, int prop)
    1.26 +void MapWin::newMapWinNeeded(bool itisedge)
    1.27  {
    1.28 -  mytab.popupNewMapWin(itisedge, prop);
    1.29 +  mytab.popupNewMapWin(itisedge);
    1.30  }
    1.32  void MapWin::update(std::vector<std::string> eml, std::vector<std::string> nml)
     2.1 --- a/map_win.h	Wed Jan 11 15:49:06 2006 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/map_win.h	Thu Jan 12 13:28:54 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     2.5    void edgeMapChanged(std::string, int);
     2.7 -  void newMapWinNeeded(bool, int);
     2.8 +  void newMapWinNeeded(bool);
    2.10    ///This function inserts name of the new edgemap in the list in the combo box
    2.11    void registerNewEdgeMap(std::string);
     3.1 --- a/	Wed Jan 11 15:49:06 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/	Thu Jan 12 13:28:54 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -164,9 +164,8 @@
     3.4    return signal_newmap;
     3.5  }
     3.7 -void NoteBookTab::popupNewMapWin(bool itisedge, int prop)
     3.8 +void NoteBookTab::popupNewMapWin(bool itisedge)
     3.9  {
    3.10 -  prop=prop;
    3.11    signal_newmap.emit(this, itisedge);
    3.12  }
     4.1 --- a/nbtab.h	Wed Jan 11 15:49:06 2006 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/nbtab.h	Thu Jan 12 13:28:54 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -11,28 +11,78 @@
     4.4  #include <libgnomecanvasmm.h>
     4.5  #include <libgnomecanvasmm/polygon.h>
     4.7 +///One tab in the Notebook that is placed in the main window (\ref MainWin).
     4.8 +
     4.9 +///One graph and all of its accessories like maps are assigned to one tab in the notebook.
    4.10 +///\ref NoteBookTab is responsible for the user defined display of the graph: view can be
    4.11 +///set by visualized maps, therefore \ref NoteBookTab must provide an interface to set the
    4.12 +///view of graph. This is \ref Mapwin window.
    4.13 +///
    4.14 +///\ref NoteBookTab is also
    4.15 +///responsible for modify the graph if it is
    4.16 +///requested. Therefore it is responsible for translating user events to modifications to
    4.17 +///do on graph, like node/edge addition/deletion, map modification, addition and so on.
    4.18 +///
    4.19 +///To be able to solve these tasks the help of \ref MainWin is also needed, for example to
    4.20 +///know which editor-tool is active at the moment. Therefore \ref MainWin knows \ref NoteBookTab.
    4.21 +///
    4.22 +///Some information in the other direction is needed as well: for example when new map creation is requested for this tab
    4.23 +///\ref NoteBookTab must ask \ref MainWin to pop-up a \ref NewMapWin. Communication in this direction is realized by signals
    4.24 +///therefore \ref NoteBookTab does not know \ref MainWin at all, but in this way it is not necessary.
    4.25  class NoteBookTab : public Gtk::VBox
    4.26  {
    4.27  public:
    4.28 +  
    4.29 +  ///Constructor of \ref NoteBookTab
    4.30 +
    4.31 +  ///It initiates the \re GraphDisplayerCanvas, on which the graph will be drawn
    4.32 +  ///Signals of \ref MapStorage will be bound to the appropriate callback functions here.
    4.33    NoteBookTab();
    4.35 +  ///Maps assigned to the graph displayed in this \ref NoteBookTab of notebook.
    4.36    MapStorage mapstorage;
    4.38 +  ///Title changement indicator.
    4.39 +
    4.40 +  ///If graph is loaded from disk or saved to disk or changed its name somehow
    4.41 +  ///this signal will be emit to let
    4.42 +  ///\ref MainWin know that it has to modify the title of the main window.
    4.43 +  ///It contains the new title.
    4.44    sigc::signal<void, std::string> signal_title;
    4.46 +  ///Returns \ref signal_title to be the caller able to connect it to a callback function.
    4.47    sigc::signal<void, std::string> signal_title_ch();
    4.49 +  ///Indicates that new map window should be popped up.
    4.50 +
    4.51 +  ///\ref NoteBookTab can ask \ref MainWin to pop up a \ref NweMapWin ny emitting this signal.
    4.52 +  ///The signal contains whether an edgemap or a nodemap should be popped up. \ref NewMapWin
    4.53 +  ///is not popped up by \ref NoteBookTab, because not only \ref NoteBookTab needs \ref NewMapWin,
    4.54 +  ///but for example \ref MainWin and \ref AlgoWin s as well.
    4.55    sigc::signal<void, NoteBookTab *, bool> signal_newmap;
    4.57 +  ///Returns \ref signal_newmap to be the caller able to connect it to a callback function.
    4.58    sigc::signal<void, NoteBookTab *, bool> signal_newmap_needed();
    4.60 +  ///Loads the given file.
    4.61 +
    4.62 +  ///The given file will be load in the \ref MapStorage and afeter that
    4.63 +  ///\ref GraphDisplayerCanvas will be requested to display the graph.
    4.64 +  ///\ref GraphDisplayer will get datas from the recently set \ref MapStorage.
    4.65    void readFile(const std::string &);
    4.67    ///The graph will be drawn on this \ref GraphDisplayerCanvas
    4.68    GraphDisplayerCanvas * gd_canvas;
    4.70 +  ///Indicates whether the \ref MapWin is opened or not. See \ref mapwin.
    4.71    bool mapwinexists;
    4.73 +  ///Address of the only \ref MapWin that the \ref NoteBookTab can open.
    4.74 +
    4.75 +  ///Only one of this window can be opened at the same time (\ref mapwinexists), 
    4.76 +  ///because there is no need for more, one per tab is enough.
    4.77 +  ///There won1t be benefit of more than one, but it would be
    4.78 +  ///more complicated to synchronize them.
    4.79    MapWin * mapwin;
    4.81  public:
    4.82 @@ -47,16 +97,64 @@
    4.83    ///Callback for 'Close' action.
    4.84    virtual void close();
    4.86 -  void propertyChange(bool, int, std::string);
    4.87 -  void popupNewMapWin(bool, int);
    4.88 +  ///Handles changement of view of graph.
    4.90 -  std::string getActiveEdgeMap(int);
    4.91 -  std::string getActiveNodeMap(int);
    4.92 +  ///If the user changes the map to show by a property to a nother in \ref MapWin,
    4.93 +  ///\ref MapWin will call this function. This function will registrate in \ref MapStorage
    4.94 +  ///the new map to display by the changed property. After that \ref MapStorage will
    4.95 +  ///emits a signal that will be forwarded to \ref GraphDisplayerCanvas to update the
    4.96 +  ///appropriate parts of graph.
    4.97 +  ///\param itiesedge whether the changed property is edge property or node property
    4.98 +  ///\param prop id of property, see all_include.h
    4.99 +  ///\param mapname name of the recently selected map
   4.100 +  void propertyChange(bool itisedge, int prop, std::string mapname);
   4.102 -  void registerNewEdgeMap(std::string);
   4.103 -  void registerNewNodeMap(std::string);
   4.104 +  ///Emits a signal that request \ref MainWin to pop up \ref NewMapWin
   4.106 +  ///This function is called by \ref MapWin.
   4.107 +  ///\param itisedge whether the new map should be an edgemap or a nodemap.
   4.108 +  void popupNewMapWin(bool itisedge);
   4.109 +
   4.110 +  ///Returns the actually selected edgemap to visualize by the given property.
   4.111 +
   4.112 +  ///\ref MapWin calls this function, beacuse it does not know \ref MapStorage.
   4.113 +  ///\param prop property to inquire.
   4.114 +  std::string getActiveEdgeMap(int prop);
   4.115 +
   4.116 +  ///Returns the actually selected nodemap to visualize by the given property.
   4.117 +
   4.118 +  ///\ref MapWin calls this function, beacuse it does not know \ref MapStorage.
   4.119 +  ///\param prop property to inquire.
   4.120 +  std::string getActiveNodeMap(int prop);
   4.121 +
   4.122 +  ///Registers recently created edgemap in \ref MapWin.
   4.123 +
   4.124 +  ///After creation of new map \ref MapStorage emits a signal.
   4.125 +  ///This signal is bound to this callback function, that will call
   4.126 +  ///a function with the same name and same parameterin \ref MapWin.
   4.127 +  ///This call-forwarder function is needed, because \ref Mapstorage does not know \ref MapWin
   4.128 +  ///\param mapname name of new map
   4.129 +  void registerNewEdgeMap(std::string mapname);
   4.130 +
   4.131 +  ///Registers recently created nodemap in \ref MapWin.
   4.132 +
   4.133 +  ///After creation of new map \ref MapStorage emits a signal.
   4.134 +  ///This signal is bound to this callback function, that will call
   4.135 +  ///a function with the same name and same parameter in \ref MapWin.
   4.136 +  ///This call-forwarder function is needed, because \ref Mapstorage does not know \ref MapWin
   4.137 +  ///\param mapname name of new map
   4.138 +  void registerNewNodeMap(std::string mapname);
   4.139 +
   4.140 +  ///Pops up and registrates the \ref MapWin of \ref NoteBookTab.
   4.141 +  
   4.142 +  ///See also
   4.143 +  ///\ref mapwin.
   4.144    void createMapWin(std::string);
   4.145 +
   4.146 +  ///Closes and deregistrates the \ref MapWin of \ref NoteBookTab.
   4.147 +  
   4.148 +  ///See also
   4.149 +  ///\ref mapwin.
   4.150    void closeMapWin();
   4.151  };
     5.1 --- a/new_map_win.h	Wed Jan 11 15:49:06 2006 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/new_map_win.h	Thu Jan 12 13:28:54 2006 +0000
     5.3 @@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
     5.5    ///Initial values of map elements can be given
     5.6    ///by numbers or by expressions. From expressions
     5.7 -  ///we build first a tree. This is the data structure
     5.8 +  ///we build first a tree according to the priorities
     5.9 +  ///of operations in the expression. This is the data
    5.10 +  ///structure
    5.11    ///that can store one tree element.
    5.12    struct tree_node
    5.13    {