2007-02-20 hegyi Adding branch that opens lgf-s in a much faster way. fastopen
2008-05-26 ladanyi Added missing include. default
2008-01-02 ladanyi Merge branches/akos to trunk.
2007-05-02 ladanyi Bugfix.
2007-03-29 hegyi Bugfix
2007-03-01 hegyi Shape feature of EPS can be used.
2007-03-01 hegyi Sorry, forgot tu initialize variable.
2007-03-01 hegyi EpsWin and DesignWin does not need to know NoteBookTab.
2007-03-01 hegyi Mapstorage does not need to know NoteBookTab furthermore.
2007-02-28 hegyi Header reorganising
2007-02-28 hegyi Forgot to update Makefile.am
2007-02-27 hegyi Forgot the meat.
2007-02-27 hegyi GUI can now export graph to EPS.
2007-02-20 hegyi Working tooltips are added. No segmentation fault is occured if empty graphs are redesigned.
2007-02-20 hegyi No segmentation fault will be occured if two nodes are exactly overlap each other, AND they are connected.
2007-02-03 alpar Syncronize glemon repo with the latest version of lemon.
2007-02-02 hegyi Zoom is now available with mouse-wheel.
2007-01-10 ladanyi Removed this extra widget thing, because it is now developed in my private branch.
2007-01-10 ladanyi Set svn:ignore property.
2007-01-10 ladanyi Added support for setting the background form an image file.
2006-12-28 ladanyi Add missing export.
2006-12-16 ladanyi Handle the case when glemon_version_tag is empty.
2006-12-16 ladanyi Version magic.
2006-11-07 alpar Bugfix + polishing
2006-11-06 hegyi Color handling of maps is a bit better now.
2006-10-30 hegyi If visualization is not autoscaled, edges with widths associated with negative map values will be hidden.
2006-10-30 hegyi Redesign parameters can now be saved and loaded.
2006-10-30 hegyi Showed map is loaded even if ArrowPos not.
2006-10-30 alpar Add autopackage specfile (not yet working).
2006-10-30 alpar Add copyright headers
2006-10-25 ladanyi Added two new classes.
2006-10-25 hegyi Currently visualized map can be saved and loaded from file.
2006-10-24 ladanyi Fix --with-lemon-prefix.
2006-10-22 alpar Fix the compilation environment:
2006-10-22 alpar Update for the new Path interface
2006-10-22 alpar Fix usage of Random. (Random's doc should possibly be improved.)
2006-10-19 hegyi Used randomizator is changed to the one included in Lemon
2006-10-16 hegyi Graph redesign starts with an initial kick of the first node.
2006-10-13 hegyi Suurballe algorithm is implemented in glemon.
2006-10-13 alpar - Add missing repository files (AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README). They need to
2006-10-13 hegyi Dijkstra in GUI - and the body...
2006-10-13 hegyi Dijkstra in GUI.
2006-10-12 hegyi Forget to commit the body, sorry\!
2006-10-12 hegyi Node antigravity and edge elasticity based graph layout redesigner.
2006-10-09 ladanyi Configure option to set lemon prefix.
2006-10-02 hegyi Two redundant lines were removed.
2006-10-02 hegyi View settings also for edges.
2006-09-28 hegyi Zoom tracking of nodes is implemented and is switchable.
2006-09-28 hegyi Small modification in node view settings.
2006-09-25 hegyi Node view
2006-09-25 ladanyi Bugfixes.
2006-09-25 ladanyi Bugfix.
2006-09-25 ladanyi LoopEdge improvements.
2006-09-21 hegyi According to xy->Point changement.
2006-09-19 hegyi Node and edge editor button are the same furthermore.
2006-09-18 hegyi When moving nodes with midbutton little red arrows keep their position.
2006-09-13 ladanyi Loop edges.
2006-08-30 hegyi Size of MapWin cannot be changed.
2006-08-23 alpar Bugfix (graphs are not copy constructible)
2006-07-11 ladanyi Handle 'svn-head' as lemon version.