227 |
227 |
228 ///This is a simple and fast graph implementation. |
228 ///This is a simple and fast graph implementation. |
229 ///It is also quite memory efficient, but at the price |
229 ///It is also quite memory efficient, but at the price |
230 ///that <b> it does not support node and edge deletion</b>. |
230 ///that <b> it does not support node and edge deletion</b>. |
231 ///It conforms to |
231 ///It conforms to |
232 ///the \ref skeleton::ExtendableGraph "ExtendableGraph" concept. |
232 ///the \ref concept::ExtendableGraph "ExtendableGraph" concept. |
233 ///\sa skeleton::ExtendableGraph. |
233 ///\sa concept::ExtendableGraph. |
234 /// |
234 /// |
235 ///\todo Some member functions could be \c static. |
235 ///\todo Some member functions could be \c static. |
236 /// |
236 /// |
237 ///\todo A possibly useful functionality: a function saveState() |
237 ///\todo A possibly useful functionality: a function saveState() |
238 ///(or snapshot() ) would |
238 ///(or snapshot() ) would |