changeset 2091 c8ccc1f8fd51
parent 2080 630a5e16dc12
child 2093 ff241247e157
equal deleted inserted replaced
22:16dc7328937c 23:d6b9d90afaa3
    19 #ifndef LEMON_MAPS_H
    19 #ifndef LEMON_MAPS_H
    20 #define LEMON_MAPS_H
    20 #define LEMON_MAPS_H
    22 #include <iterator>
    22 #include <iterator>
    23 #include <functional>
    24 #include <lemon/bits/utility.h>
    25 #include <lemon/bits/utility.h>
    25 #include <lemon/bits/traits.h>
    26 #include <lemon/bits/traits.h>
    27 ///\file
    28 ///\file
  1006   template <typename M> 
  1007   template <typename M> 
  1007   inline NotWriteMap<M> notMap(M &m) {
  1008   inline NotWriteMap<M> notMap(M &m) {
  1008     return NotWriteMap<M>(m);
  1009     return NotWriteMap<M>(m);
  1009   }
  1010   }
  1012   namespace _maps_bits {
  1013     template <typename Value>
  1014     struct Identity {
  1015       typedef Value argument_type;
  1016       typedef Value result_type;
  1017       Value operator()(const Value& val) {
  1018 	return val;
  1019       }
  1020     };
  1021   }
  1011   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements.
  1024   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements.
  1012   ///
  1025   ///
  1013   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements. It will
  1026   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements. It will
  1014   /// copies all the true setted keys to the given iterator.
  1027   /// copies all the true setted keys to the given iterator.
  1015   ///
  1028   ///
  1016   /// \note The container of the iterator should contain for each element.
  1029   /// \note The container of the iterator should contain space 
  1017   template <typename _Iterator>
  1030   /// for each element.
  1031   ///
  1032   /// The next example shows how can you write the nodes directly
  1033   /// to the standard output.
  1034   ///\code
  1035   /// typedef IdMap<UGraph, UEdge> UEdgeIdMap;
  1036   /// UEdgeIdMap uedgeId(ugraph);
  1037   ///
  1038   /// typedef MapFunctor<UEdgeIdMap> UEdgeIdFunctor;
  1039   /// UEdgeIdFunctor uedgeIdFunctor(uedgeId);
  1040   ///
  1041   /// StoreBoolMap<ostream_iterator<int>, UEdgeIdFunctor> 
  1042   ///   writerMap(ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "), uedgeIdFunctor);
  1043   ///
  1044   /// prim(ugraph, cost, writerMap);
  1045   ///\endcode
  1046   template <typename _Iterator, 
  1047             typename _Functor = 
  1048             _maps_bits::Identity<typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type> >
  1018   class StoreBoolMap {
  1049   class StoreBoolMap {
  1019   public:
  1050   public:
  1020     typedef _Iterator Iterator;
  1051     typedef _Iterator Iterator;
  1022     typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type Key;
  1053     typedef typename _Functor::argument_type Key;
  1023     typedef bool Value;
  1054     typedef bool Value;
  1056     typedef _Functor Functor;
  1025     /// Constructor
  1058     /// Constructor
  1026     StoreBoolMap(Iterator it) : _begin(it), _end(it) {}
  1059     StoreBoolMap(Iterator it, const Functor& functor = Functor()) 
  1060       : _begin(it), _end(it), _functor(functor) {}
  1028     /// Gives back the given first setted iterator.
  1062     /// Gives back the given first setted iterator.
  1029     Iterator begin() const {
  1063     Iterator begin() const {
  1030       return _begin;
  1064       return _begin;
  1031     }
  1065     }
  1036     }
  1070     }
  1038     /// Setter function of the map
  1072     /// Setter function of the map
  1039     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1073     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1040       if (value) {
  1074       if (value) {
  1041 	*_end++ = key;
  1075 	*_end++ = _functor(key);
  1042       }
  1076       }
  1043     }
  1077     }
  1045   private:
  1079   private:
  1046     Iterator _begin, _end;
  1080     Iterator _begin, _end;
  1081     Functor _functor;
  1047   };
  1082   };
  1049   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in 
  1084   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in 
  1050   /// a back insertable container.
  1085   /// a back insertable container.
  1051   ///
  1086   ///
  1052   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in a back 
  1087   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in a back 
  1053   /// insertable container. It will push back all the true setted keys into
  1088   /// insertable container. It will push back all the true setted keys into
  1054   /// the container.
  1089   /// the container. It can be used to retrieve the items into a standard
  1055   template <typename Container>
  1090   /// container. The next example shows how can you store the undirected
  1091   /// edges in a vector with prim algorithm.
  1092   ///
  1093   ///\code
  1094   /// vector<UEdge> span_tree_uedges;
  1095   /// BackInserterBoolMap<vector<UEdge> > inserter_map(span_tree_uedges);
  1096   /// prim(ugraph, cost, inserter_map);
  1097   ///
  1098   /// for (int i = 0; i < (int)span_tree_uedges.size(); ++i) {
  1099   /// std::cout << ugraph.id(ugraph.source(span_tree_uedges[i])) << ' '
  1100   ///           << ugraph.id(ugraph.target(span_tree_uedges[i])) << ' '
  1101   ///           << cost[span_tree_uedges[i]] << endl;
  1102   ///\endcode
  1103   template <typename Container,
  1104             typename Functor =
  1105             _maps_bits::Identity<typename Container::value_type> >
  1056   class BackInserterBoolMap {
  1106   class BackInserterBoolMap {
  1057   public:
  1107   public:
  1058     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
  1108     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
  1059     typedef bool Value;
  1109     typedef bool Value;
  1061     /// Constructor
  1111     /// Constructor
  1062     BackInserterBoolMap(Container& _container) : container(_container) {}
  1112     BackInserterBoolMap(Container& _container, 
  1113                         const Functor& _functor = Functor()) 
  1114       : container(_container), functor(_functor) {}
  1064     /// Setter function of the map
  1116     /// Setter function of the map
  1065     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1117     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1066       if (value) {
  1118       if (value) {
  1067 	container.push_back(key);
  1119 	container.push_back(functor(key));
  1068       }
  1120       }
  1069     }
  1121     }
  1071   private:
  1123   private:
  1072     Container& container;    
  1124     Container& container;
  1125     Functor functor;
  1073   };
  1126   };
  1075   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in 
  1128   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in 
  1076   /// a front insertable container.
  1129   /// a front insertable container.
  1077   ///
  1130   ///
  1078   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in a front 
  1131   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in a front 
  1079   /// insertable container. It will push front all the true setted keys into
  1132   /// insertable container. It will push front all the true setted keys into
  1080   /// the container.
  1133   /// the container. For example see the BackInserterBoolMap.
  1081   template <typename Container>
  1134   template <typename Container,
  1135             typename Functor =
  1136             _maps_bits::Identity<typename Container::value_type> >
  1082   class FrontInserterBoolMap {
  1137   class FrontInserterBoolMap {
  1083   public:
  1138   public:
  1084     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
  1139     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
  1085     typedef bool Value;
  1140     typedef bool Value;
  1087     /// Constructor
  1142     /// Constructor
  1088     FrontInserterBoolMap(Container& _container) : container(_container) {}
  1143     FrontInserterBoolMap(Container& _container,
  1144                          const Functor& _functor = Functor()) 
  1145       : container(_container), functor(_functor) {}
  1090     /// Setter function of the map
  1147     /// Setter function of the map
  1091     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1148     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1092       if (value) {
  1149       if (value) {
  1093 	container.push_front(key);
  1150 	container.push_front(key);
  1094       }
  1151       }
  1095     }
  1152     }
  1097   private:
  1154   private:
  1098     Container& container;    
  1155     Container& container;    
  1156     Functor functor;
  1099   };
  1157   };
  1101   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in 
  1159   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in 
  1102   /// an insertable container.
  1160   /// an insertable container.
  1103   ///
  1161   ///
  1104   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in an 
  1162   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in an 
  1105   /// insertable container. It will insert all the true setted keys into
  1163   /// insertable container. It will insert all the true setted keys into
  1106   /// the container.
  1164   /// the container. If you want to store the cut edges of the strongly
  1107   template <typename Container>
  1165   /// connected components in a set you can use the next code:
  1166   ///
  1167   ///\code
  1168   /// set<Edge> cut_edges;
  1169   /// InserterBoolMap<set<Edge> > inserter_map(cut_edges);
  1170   /// stronglyConnectedCutEdges(graph, cost, inserter_map);
  1171   ///\endcode
  1172   template <typename Container,
  1173             typename Functor =
  1174             _maps_bits::Identity<typename Container::value_type> >
  1108   class InserterBoolMap {
  1175   class InserterBoolMap {
  1109   public:
  1176   public:
  1110     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
  1177     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
  1111     typedef bool Value;
  1178     typedef bool Value;
  1113     /// Constructor
  1180     /// Constructor
  1114     InserterBoolMap(Container& _container) : container(_container) {}
  1181     InserterBoolMap(Container& _container, typename Container::iterator _it,
  1182                     const Functor& _functor = Functor()) 
  1183       : container(_container), it(_it), functor(_functor) {}
  1185     /// Constructor
  1186     InserterBoolMap(Container& _container, const Functor& _functor = Functor())
  1187       : container(_container), it(_container.end()), functor(_functor) {}
  1116     /// Setter function of the map
  1189     /// Setter function of the map
  1117     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1190     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1118       if (value) {
  1191       if (value) {
  1119 	container.insert(key);
  1192 	it = container.insert(it, key);
  1193         ++it;
  1120       }
  1194       }
  1121     }
  1195     }
  1123   private:
  1197   private:
  1124     Container& container;    
  1198     Container& container;
  1199     typename Container::iterator it;
  1200     Functor functor;
  1125   };
  1201   };
  1127   /// \brief Fill the true setted elements with a given value.
  1203   /// \brief Fill the true setted elements with a given value.
  1128   ///
  1204   ///
  1129   /// Writable bool map for fill the true setted elements with a given value.
  1205   /// Writable bool map for fill the true setted elements with a given value.
  1130   /// The value can be setted 
  1206   /// The value can be setted 
  1131   /// the container.
  1207   /// the container.
  1208   ///
  1209   /// The next code finds the connected components of the undirected graph
  1210   /// and stores it in the \c comp map:
  1211   ///\code
  1212   /// typedef UGraph::NodeMap<int> ComponentMap;
  1213   /// ComponentMap comp(ugraph);
  1214   /// typedef FillBoolMap<UGraph::NodeMap<int> > ComponentFillerMap;
  1215   /// ComponentFillerMap filler(comp, 0);
  1216   ///
  1217   /// Dfs<UGraph>::DefProcessedMap<ComponentFillerMap>::Create dfs(ugraph);
  1218   /// dfs.processedMap(filler);
  1219   /// dfs.init();
  1220   /// for (NodeIt it(ugraph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
  1221   ///   if (!dfs.reached(it)) {
  1222   ///     dfs.addSource(it);
  1223   ///     dfs.start();
  1224   ///     ++filler.fillValue();
  1225   ///   }
  1226   /// }
  1227   ///\endcode
  1132   template <typename Map>
  1229   template <typename Map>
  1133   class FillBoolMap {
  1230   class FillBoolMap {
  1134   public:
  1231   public:
  1135     typedef typename Map::Key Key;
  1232     typedef typename Map::Key Key;
  1136     typedef bool Value;
  1233     typedef bool Value;
  1142     /// Constructor
  1239     /// Constructor
  1143     FillBoolMap(Map& _map) 
  1240     FillBoolMap(Map& _map) 
  1144       : map(_map), fill() {}
  1241       : map(_map), fill() {}
  1146     /// Gives back the current fill value
  1243     /// Gives back the current fill value
  1147     typename Map::Value fillValue() const {
  1244     const typename Map::Value& fillValue() const {
  1245       return fill;
  1246     } 
  1248     /// Gives back the current fill value
  1249     typename Map::Value& fillValue() {
  1148       return fill;
  1250       return fill;
  1149     } 
  1251     } 
  1151     /// Sets the current fill value
  1253     /// Sets the current fill value
  1152     void fillValue(const typename Map::Value& _fill) {
  1254     void fillValue(const typename Map::Value& _fill) {
  1169   /// \brief Writable bool map which stores for each true assigned elements  
  1271   /// \brief Writable bool map which stores for each true assigned elements  
  1170   /// the setting order number.
  1272   /// the setting order number.
  1171   ///
  1273   ///
  1172   /// Writable bool map which stores for each true assigned elements  
  1274   /// Writable bool map which stores for each true assigned elements  
  1173   /// the setting order number.
  1275   /// the setting order number. It make easy to calculate the leaving
  1276   /// order of the nodes in the \ref dfs "Dfs" algorithm.
  1277   ///
  1278   ///\code
  1279   /// typedef Graph::NodeMap<int> OrderMap;
  1280   /// OrderMap order(graph);
  1281   /// typedef SettingOrderBoolMap<OrderMap> OrderSetterMap;
  1282   /// OrderSetterMap setter(order);
  1283   /// Dfs<Graph>::DefProcessedMap<OrderSetterMap>::Create dfs(graph);
  1284   /// dfs.processedMap(setter);
  1285   /// dfs.init();
  1286   /// for (NodeIt it(graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
  1287   ///   if (!dfs.reached(it)) {
  1288   ///     dfs.addSource(it);
  1289   ///     dfs.start();
  1290   ///   }
  1291   /// }
  1292   ///\endcode
  1293   ///
  1294   /// The discovering order can be stored a little harder because the
  1295   /// ReachedMap should be readable in the dfs algorithm but the setting
  1296   /// order map is not readable. Now we should use the fork map:
  1297   ///
  1298   ///\code
  1299   /// typedef Graph::NodeMap<int> OrderMap;
  1300   /// OrderMap order(graph);
  1301   /// typedef SettingOrderBoolMap<OrderMap> OrderSetterMap;
  1302   /// OrderSetterMap setter(order);
  1303   /// typedef Graph::NodeMap<bool> StoreMap;
  1304   /// StoreMap store(graph);
  1305   ///
  1306   /// typedef ForkWriteMap<StoreMap, OrderSetterMap> ReachedMap;
  1307   /// ReachedMap reached(store, setter);
  1308   ///
  1309   /// Dfs<Graph>::DefReachedMap<ReachedMap>::Create dfs(graph);
  1310   /// dfs.reachedMap(reached);
  1311   /// dfs.init();
  1312   /// for (NodeIt it(graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
  1313   ///   if (!dfs.reached(it)) {
  1314   ///     dfs.addSource(it);
  1315   ///     dfs.start();
  1316   ///   }
  1317   /// }
  1318   /// for (NodeIt it(graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
  1319   ///   cout << graph.id(it) << ' ' << order[it] << endl;
  1320   /// }
  1321   ///\endcode
  1174   template <typename Map>
  1322   template <typename Map>
  1175   class SettingOrderBoolMap {
  1323   class SettingOrderBoolMap {
  1176   public:
  1324   public:
  1177     typedef typename Map::Key Key;
  1325     typedef typename Map::Key Key;
  1178     typedef bool Value;
  1326     typedef bool Value;