Correcting the structure of the graph's and adaptor's map.
The template assign operators and map iterators can be used for adaptors also.
Some bugfix in the adaptors
New class SwapBpUGraphAdaptor which swaps the two nodeset of the graph.
5 DisplayName: Lemon Library
7 Maintainer: The LEMON Developers -
8 Packager: Alpar Juttner <>
10 SoftwareVersion: @VERSION@
11 AutopackageTarget: 0.7
13 # Only uncomment InterfaceVersion if your package exposes interfaces to other software,
14 # for instance if it includes DSOs or python/perl modules. See the developer guide for more info,
15 # or ask on autopackage-dev if you don't understand interface versioning in autopackage.
17 # InterfaceVersion: 0.0
22 LEMON stands for Library of Efficient Models and Optimization in Networks.
23 It is a C++ template library aimed at combinatorial optimization tasks,
24 primaliry those involved in working with graphs.
37 #require 1.0
40 # Put your installation script here
45 # Usually just the following line is enough to uninstall everything