Doc fix.
1 2006-10-31 Version 0.6 Released
2 * GLEMON has moved to a separate repository
3 (
5 - Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) support
6 - interface to GLPK and CPLEX MIP solvers
8 - Bipatrite graph concepts and implementations
9 - a Polinomial template class
10 - RefPtr: a reference counted pointer class
12 - random.h: Mersenne Twister random number generator
13 - EdgeLookUp and AllEdgeLookUp
14 - Tools to find edges between to nodes in time O(log d)
15 - new matching algorithms
16 - Bipartite Graph Max Cardinality Matching (Hopcroft-Karp)
17 - MaxWeightedBipartiteMatching
18 - MinCostMaxBipartiteMatching
19 - MaxCardinalitySearch
20 - MinimalCut in UGraph
21 - Tabu Search framework
22 - Minimum Cost Arborescence algorithm
23 - Edmonds-Karp MaxFlow
25 - eps.h: A simple tool to create .eps pictures.
26 * Backward incompatibilities/changed namings:
29 - GridGraph -> GridUGraph
30 - LinearHeap -> BucketHeap
34 - concept -> concepts (namespace & directory)
36 - ColName() -> colName
38 - MinCostFlow -> SspMinCostFlow
39 * Repository reorganization:
40 - compilation is conducted by a single makefile
41 - internal building blocks are now in a separate directory
43 * Major improvements many algorithms and data structures.
45 * Compatibility issues:
46 - known to compile with
47 - GCC 3.3, 3.4, 4.0, 4.1
49 - Intel C++ 9.x support
51 2006-02-03 Version 0.5 Released
54 + query functions for the next node/edge to be processed
55 + visitor interface for dfs
56 - topology.h: small functions for discovering graph topology
57 + connected components, strongly connected components
58 + bipartiteness testing
59 - Shortest paths algorithms:
60 bellman_ford.h, floyd_warshall.h, johnson.h
61 - Euler tour iterator for directed and undirected graphs
64 + fredman_tarjan.h and prim.h for min cost trees
65 - Bipartite graph concept and implementations
67 + template assign operator
68 + specialized iterable bool map
69 + potential difference map
70 + NodeMatrixMap -- Matrix over the nodes
74 + NewMap window in MapSelector
75 + Algorithm window and some algorithms (eg. Kruskal) added
77 + exception on non-existent files
79 + (Dual)Expr::simplify(double tolerance) added
83 + male/female node shapes :)
84 + correct %%BoundingBox handling
86 + Timer can be stop()ed and (re)start()ed
87 + radix sort algorithm
88 + tolerance.h for working with imprecise numbers
89 * Backward incompatibilities/changed namings:
90 - Access functions of TimeStamp/Timer
91 - Undir graph interface: findUEdge, ConUEdgeIt
92 - pred -> predEdge renaming in search algorithms
93 - SnapShot -> Snapshot in {List,Smart}Graph
94 - NewEdgeSetAdaptor -> ListEdgeSet
95 - LP: set{Obj,Row,Col}() -> {obj,row,col}()
96 - "label" instead of "id" inside the LGF files
97 - UndirGraph -> UGraph, UndirEdge* -> UEdge*
98 - BipartiteGraph -> BpGraph, Lower/UpperNode* -> A/BNode*
102 - x86_64 connected bugfixes (lemon_reader.h)
104 * New demos, benchmarks and tools:
105 - A thoroughly documented demo application
106 - runningTimeTest(): a tool to measure running times more precisely
108 - counter.h: a tool to measure the number of steps of algorithms
109 - Some useful scripts: check-compiler, check-integrity
111 - Demos and benchmarks are not built by default now. They can be
112 enabled with the --enable-demo and --enable-benchmark
114 - GCC 4.0.3 and ICC 9.0 compatibility
116 2005-08-27 Version 0.4 Released
117 * List of new features and changes
120 kruskalEdgeMap() -> kruskal()
121 kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut() -> kruskal()
123 * operator+=() -> add()
125 + More and better graph I/O functionalities
126 + High level uniform LP solver interface to CPLEX and GLKP
128 + Automatic node size and edge width scaling
129 + Simple color palette tool (ColorSet)
131 + Step-by-step execution
132 + Run from multiple sources
133 + Used define stop condition
134 + Improved "named parameters"
136 + Function type interface
138 * ListGraph/SmarGraph
139 + split() splits a node
142 + New convenience maps
143 + IdMap, DescriptorMap
144 + InDegMap, OutDegMap
146 + Default graph maps are iterable
147 + glemon: a graph editor
148 + Some new demo codes added, the old ones got polished.
149 * Better documentation
150 * Several important bugfixes
151 * Now lemon should compile without warnings with
153 * Intel C++ Compiler v9.0
155 2005-03-19 Version 0.3.1 Released
156 * This release fixes a compilation failure bug under cygwin.
158 2005-02-21 Version 0.3 released
159 * List of new features and changes
160 * Redesigned Graph infrastructures
161 + Standardized LEMON exceptions
163 + Standard graph file format, input and output classes for it.
164 * head() -> target(), tail() -> source()
165 * Some standard namings have changes:
168 ReferenceType ->Reference,
169 PointerType -> Pointer
170 + GraphToEps: A simple graph drawer
171 * Better documentation
173 2004-09-30 Version 0.2 released