setInvalid() functions added.
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-2'?>
4 <holder>Etik-ol Group</holder>
7 <legalnotice id="legalnotice">
8 <title>Legal Notice</title>
9 <para>Egyelőre álljon itt ez:
10 GNU Free Documentation License alá tartozik, részletesen lásd
11 <xref linkend="gfdl"/>.
19 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
24 sgml-namecase-general:nil
25 sgml-general-insert-case:lower
26 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil
27 sgml-always-quote-attributes:t
30 sgml-parent-document:("etik-ol.xml" "bookinfo" ("copyright" "legalnotice"))
32 sgml-local-catalogs:nil
33 sgml-local-ecat-files:nil