Graph and UndirGraph concept modifications.
* For incidence iterators ({In,Out,Inc}EdgeIt) there is now baseNode and
runningNode functions in graph interface
* For Edge in undir graphs: Edge(UndirGraph const &, UndirEdge, Node)
constructor. Same for IncEdgeIt
* Edge(UndirEdge, bool) constructor is no more in the public interface. (But we
need it in the developpers interface).
2 UnionFind<graph_type, NodeIt> uf( G, G.NodeIt());
3 NodeUnionFind<graph_type> uf( G);
6 find visszaadja a nagyfonokot, altalaban kell e a belso tarolobol tudni visszafejteni az ott levo pontot.
8 esetleg merge(Nodeit fonoka, NodeIt fonokb)
11 find: visszaad egy egészet
13 findAndMerge: visszaad egy boolt