Graph and UndirGraph concept modifications.
* For incidence iterators ({In,Out,Inc}EdgeIt) there is now baseNode and
runningNode functions in graph interface
* For Edge in undir graphs: Edge(UndirGraph const &, UndirEdge, Node)
constructor. Same for IncEdgeIt
* Edge(UndirEdge, bool) constructor is no more in the public interface. (But we
need it in the developpers interface).
11 cout << "Kérek szépen egy egész számot!" << endl;
15 cout << "Kerek sok sikvektort." << endl;
27 cout << "Az összeg aktualisan: " << osszeg << endl;
28 cout << "A különbség aktualisan: " << kul << endl;
31 cout << "A kovetkezo szamokat szoroztam ossze:" << endl;
32 for(unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
33 cout << v[i] << ", A normanégyzete: " << v[i].normSquare() <<endl;
34 cout << v[i] << " " << s << " szorosa " << v[i]*s <<endl;
35 cout << v[i] << " " << s << " edrésze " << v[i]/s <<endl;
38 cout << "Az elsö kettö szorzata: " << v[0]*v[1] << endl;
41 cout << "Eleg nehez volt." << endl;