Graph and UndirGraph concept modifications.
* For incidence iterators ({In,Out,Inc}EdgeIt) there is now baseNode and
runningNode functions in graph interface
* For Edge in undir graphs: Edge(UndirGraph const &, UndirEdge, Node)
constructor. Same for IncEdgeIt
* Edge(UndirEdge, bool) constructor is no more in the public interface. (But we
need it in the developpers interface).
3 Egy dologrol le lehessen kerdezni a tipusat forditasi idoben (es hasznalni).
4 [ a.iterator i = a.begin(); ... problema ]
8 egy neven tobb kulonbozo parameterszamu template
10 typedef/using dolgok. Ne insztancialjanak, felcserelhetoseg.
17 (valahova nem lehet typedef-et irni...)