Graph and UndirGraph concept modifications.
* For incidence iterators ({In,Out,Inc}EdgeIt) there is now baseNode and
runningNode functions in graph interface
* For Edge in undir graphs: Edge(UndirGraph const &, UndirEdge, Node)
constructor. Same for IncEdgeIt
* Edge(UndirEdge, bool) constructor is no more in the public interface. (But we
need it in the developpers interface).
4 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
8 class Ex : public exception {
10 typedef exception Parent;
16 // boost::shared_ptr<string> uz;
18 Ex(const Ex &e) : Parent(e), uz( {}
21 Ex(const char *msg = 0) {
34 const char* what() const throw() {
40 virtual ~Ex() throw() {}
57 catch(exception const &e) {
58 cerr << "Hiba: " << e.what() << endl;
64 catch(exception const &e) {
65 cerr << "Hiba: " << e.what() << endl;