author deba
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 14:22:08 +0000
changeset 2363 2aabce558574
parent 2290 f30867b359a8
child 2391 14a343be7a5a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changes on the LP interface

_FixId => LpId
- handling of not common ids // soplex
LpGlpk row and col erase bug fix
- calling lpx_std_basis before simplex
- added getter functions
- better m4 file
- integration to the tests
- better handling of unsolved lps
     1 #include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
     2 #include <lemon/list_graph.h>
     3 #include <lemon/graph_reader.h>
     4 #include <lemon/graph_utils.h>
     5 #include <lemon/error.h>
     7 #include "test_tools.h"
     9 using namespace std;
    10 using namespace lemon;
    12 void graph_copy_test() {
    13   const int nn = 10;
    15   SmartGraph source;
    16   SmartGraph::NodeMap<int> snm(source);
    17   SmartGraph::EdgeMap<int> sem(source);
    18   SmartGraph::Node sn = INVALID;
    19   SmartGraph::Edge se = INVALID;
    21   std::vector<SmartGraph::Node> snv;
    22   for (int i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
    23     SmartGraph::Node node = source.addNode();
    24     snv.push_back(node);
    25     snm[node] = i * i;
    26     if (i == 0) sn = node;
    27   }
    29   for (int i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
    30     for (int j = 0; j < nn; ++j) {
    31       SmartGraph::Edge edge = source.addEdge(snv[i], snv[j]);
    32       sem[edge] = i + j * j;
    33       if (i == 0 && j == 0) se = edge;
    34     }
    35   }
    37   ListGraph target;
    38   ListGraph::NodeMap<int> tnm(target);
    39   ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> tem(target);
    40   ListGraph::Node tn;
    41   ListGraph::Edge te;
    43   SmartGraph::NodeMap<ListGraph::Node> nr(source);
    44   SmartGraph::EdgeMap<ListGraph::Edge> er(source);
    46   ListGraph::NodeMap<SmartGraph::Node> ncr(target);
    47   ListGraph::EdgeMap<SmartGraph::Edge> ecr(target);
    49   GraphCopy<ListGraph, SmartGraph>(target, source).
    50     nodeMap(tnm, snm).edgeMap(tem, sem).
    51     nodeRef(nr).edgeRef(er).
    52     nodeCrossRef(ncr).edgeCrossRef(ecr).
    53     node(tn, sn).edge(te, se).run();
    55   for (SmartGraph::NodeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    56     check(ncr[nr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
    57     check(snm[it] == tnm[nr[it]], "Wrong copy.");
    58   }
    60   for (SmartGraph::EdgeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    61     check(ecr[er[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
    62     check(sem[it] == tem[er[it]], "Wrong copy.");
    63     check(nr[source.source(it)] == 
    64                  target.source(er[it]), "Wrong copy.");
    65     check(nr[source.target(it)] == 
    66                  target.target(er[it]), "Wrong copy.");
    67   }
    69   for (ListGraph::NodeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    70     check(nr[ncr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
    71   }
    73   for (ListGraph::EdgeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    74     check(er[ecr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
    75   }
    76   check(tn == nr[sn], "Wrong copy.");
    77   check(te == er[se], "Wrong copy.");
    78 }
    80 void ugraph_copy_test() {
    81   const int nn = 10;
    83   SmartUGraph source;
    84   SmartUGraph::NodeMap<int> snm(source);
    85   SmartUGraph::EdgeMap<int> sem(source);
    86   SmartUGraph::UEdgeMap<int> suem(source);
    87   SmartUGraph::Node sn = INVALID;
    88   SmartUGraph::Edge se = INVALID;
    89   SmartUGraph::UEdge sue = INVALID;
    91   std::vector<SmartUGraph::Node> snv;
    92   for (int i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
    93     SmartUGraph::Node node = source.addNode();
    94     snv.push_back(node);
    95     snm[node] = i * i;
    96     if (i == 0) sn = node;
    97   }
    99   for (int i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
   100     for (int j = 0; j < nn; ++j) {
   101       SmartUGraph::UEdge edge = source.addEdge(snv[i], snv[j]);
   102       suem[edge] = i * i + j * j;
   103       sem[source.direct(edge, true)] = i + j * j;
   104       sem[source.direct(edge, false)] = i * i + j;
   105       if (i == 0 && j == 0) se = source.direct(edge, true);
   106       if (i == 0 && j == 0) sue = edge;
   107     }
   108   }
   110   ListUGraph target;
   111   ListUGraph::NodeMap<int> tnm(target);
   112   ListUGraph::EdgeMap<int> tem(target);
   113   ListUGraph::UEdgeMap<int> tuem(target);
   114   ListUGraph::Node tn;
   115   ListUGraph::Edge te;
   116   ListUGraph::UEdge tue;
   118   SmartUGraph::NodeMap<ListUGraph::Node> nr(source);
   119   SmartUGraph::EdgeMap<ListUGraph::Edge> er(source);
   120   SmartUGraph::UEdgeMap<ListUGraph::UEdge> uer(source);
   122   ListUGraph::NodeMap<SmartUGraph::Node> ncr(target);
   123   ListUGraph::EdgeMap<SmartUGraph::Edge> ecr(target);
   124   ListUGraph::UEdgeMap<SmartUGraph::UEdge> uecr(target);
   126   UGraphCopy<ListUGraph, SmartUGraph>(target, source).
   127     nodeMap(tnm, snm).edgeMap(tem, sem).uEdgeMap(tuem, suem).
   128     nodeRef(nr).edgeRef(er).uEdgeRef(uer).
   129     nodeCrossRef(ncr).edgeCrossRef(ecr).uEdgeCrossRef(uecr).
   130     node(tn, sn).edge(te, se).uEdge(tue, sue).run();
   132   for (SmartUGraph::NodeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   133     check(ncr[nr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   134     check(snm[it] == tnm[nr[it]], "Wrong copy.");
   135   }
   137   for (SmartUGraph::EdgeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   138     check(ecr[er[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   139     check(sem[it] == tem[er[it]], "Wrong copy.");
   140     check(nr[source.source(it)] == 
   141                  target.source(er[it]), "Wrong copy.");
   142     check(nr[source.target(it)] == 
   143                  target.target(er[it]), "Wrong copy.");
   144   }
   146   for (SmartUGraph::UEdgeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   147     check(uecr[uer[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   148     check(suem[it] == tuem[uer[it]], "Wrong copy.");
   149     check(nr[source.source(it)] == target.source(uer[it]) ||
   150                  nr[source.source(it)] == target.target(uer[it]), 
   151                  "Wrong copy.");
   152     check(nr[source.target(it)] == target.source(uer[it]) ||
   153                  nr[source.target(it)] == target.target(uer[it]), 
   154                  "Wrong copy.");
   155     check((source.source(it) != source.target(it)) ==
   156                  (target.source(uer[it]) != target.target(uer[it])), 
   157                  "Wrong copy.");
   158   }
   160   for (ListUGraph::NodeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   161     check(nr[ncr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   162   }
   164   for (ListUGraph::EdgeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   165     check(er[ecr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   166   }
   167   for (ListUGraph::UEdgeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   168     check(uer[uecr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   169   }
   170   check(tn == nr[sn], "Wrong copy.");
   171   check(te == er[se], "Wrong copy.");
   172   check(tue == uer[sue], "Wrong copy.");
   173 }
   175 void bpugraph_copy_test() {
   176   const int nn = 10;
   178   SmartBpUGraph source;
   179   SmartBpUGraph::ANodeMap<int> sanm(source);
   180   SmartBpUGraph::BNodeMap<int> sbnm(source);
   181   SmartBpUGraph::NodeMap<int> snm(source);
   182   SmartBpUGraph::EdgeMap<int> sem(source);
   183   SmartBpUGraph::UEdgeMap<int> suem(source);
   184   SmartBpUGraph::Node sn = INVALID;
   185   SmartBpUGraph::Edge se = INVALID;
   186   SmartBpUGraph::UEdge sue = INVALID;
   188   std::vector<SmartBpUGraph::Node> sanv;
   189   for (int i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
   190     SmartBpUGraph::Node node = source.addANode();
   191     sanv.push_back(node);
   192     sanm[node] = i * i;
   193     snm[node] = i * i + i;
   194     if (i == 0) sn = node;
   195   }
   197   std::vector<SmartBpUGraph::Node> sbnv;
   198   for (int i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
   199     SmartBpUGraph::Node node = source.addBNode();
   200     sbnv.push_back(node);
   201     sbnm[node] = i * i - i;
   202     snm[node] = i * i + i + 1;
   203   }
   205   for (int i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
   206     for (int j = 0; j < nn; ++j) {
   207       SmartBpUGraph::UEdge edge = source.addEdge(sanv[i], sbnv[j]);
   208       suem[edge] = i * i + j * j;
   209       sem[source.direct(edge, true)] = i + j * j;
   210       sem[source.direct(edge, false)] = i * i + j;
   211       if (i == 0 && j == 0) se = source.direct(edge, true);
   212       if (i == 0 && j == 0) sue = edge;
   213     }
   214   }
   216   ListBpUGraph target;
   217   ListBpUGraph::ANodeMap<int> tanm(target);
   218   ListBpUGraph::BNodeMap<int> tbnm(target);
   219   ListBpUGraph::NodeMap<int> tnm(target);
   220   ListBpUGraph::EdgeMap<int> tem(target);
   221   ListBpUGraph::UEdgeMap<int> tuem(target);
   222   ListBpUGraph::Node tn;
   223   ListBpUGraph::Edge te;
   224   ListBpUGraph::UEdge tue;
   226   SmartBpUGraph::ANodeMap<ListBpUGraph::Node> anr(source);
   227   SmartBpUGraph::BNodeMap<ListBpUGraph::Node> bnr(source);
   228   SmartBpUGraph::NodeMap<ListBpUGraph::Node> nr(source);
   229   SmartBpUGraph::EdgeMap<ListBpUGraph::Edge> er(source);
   230   SmartBpUGraph::UEdgeMap<ListBpUGraph::UEdge> uer(source);
   232   ListBpUGraph::ANodeMap<SmartBpUGraph::Node> ancr(target);
   233   ListBpUGraph::BNodeMap<SmartBpUGraph::Node> bncr(target);
   234   ListBpUGraph::NodeMap<SmartBpUGraph::Node> ncr(target);
   235   ListBpUGraph::EdgeMap<SmartBpUGraph::Edge> ecr(target);
   236   ListBpUGraph::UEdgeMap<SmartBpUGraph::UEdge> uecr(target);
   238   BpUGraphCopy<ListBpUGraph, SmartBpUGraph>(target, source).
   239     aNodeMap(tanm, sanm).bNodeMap(tbnm, sbnm).nodeMap(tnm, snm).
   240     edgeMap(tem, sem).uEdgeMap(tuem, suem).
   241     aNodeRef(anr).bNodeRef(bnr).nodeRef(nr).edgeRef(er).uEdgeRef(uer).
   242     aNodeCrossRef(ancr).bNodeCrossRef(bncr).nodeCrossRef(ncr).
   243     edgeCrossRef(ecr).uEdgeCrossRef(uecr).
   244     node(tn, sn).edge(te, se).uEdge(tue, sue).run();
   246   for (SmartBpUGraph::ANodeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   247     check(nr[it] == anr[it], "Wrong copy.");
   248     check(ancr[anr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   249     check(sanm[it] == tanm[anr[it]], "Wrong copy.");
   250   }
   252   for (SmartBpUGraph::BNodeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   253     check(nr[it] == bnr[it], "Wrong copy.");
   254     check(bncr[bnr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   255     check(sbnm[it] == tbnm[bnr[it]], "Wrong copy.");
   256   }
   258   for (SmartBpUGraph::NodeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   259     check(ncr[nr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   260     check(snm[it] == tnm[nr[it]], "Wrong copy.");
   261   }
   263   for (SmartBpUGraph::EdgeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   264     check(ecr[er[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   265     check(sem[it] == tem[er[it]], "Wrong copy.");
   266     check(nr[source.source(it)] == 
   267                  target.source(er[it]), "Wrong copy.");
   268     check(nr[source.target(it)] == 
   269                  target.target(er[it]), "Wrong copy.");
   270   }
   272   for (SmartBpUGraph::UEdgeIt it(source); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   273     check(uecr[uer[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   274     check(suem[it] == tuem[uer[it]], "Wrong copy.");
   275     check(nr[source.aNode(it)] == 
   276                  target.aNode(uer[it]), "Wrong copy.");
   277     check(nr[source.bNode(it)] == 
   278                  target.bNode(uer[it]), "Wrong copy.");
   279   }
   281   for (ListBpUGraph::ANodeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   282     check(ancr[it] == ncr[it], "Wrong copy.");
   283     check(anr[ancr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   284   }
   286   for (ListBpUGraph::BNodeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   287     check(bncr[it] == ncr[it], "Wrong copy.");
   288     check(bnr[bncr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   289   }
   291   for (ListBpUGraph::NodeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   292     check(nr[ncr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   293   }
   295   for (ListBpUGraph::EdgeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   296     check(er[ecr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   297   }
   298   for (ListBpUGraph::UEdgeIt it(target); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   299     check(uer[uecr[it]] == it, "Wrong copy.");
   300   }
   301   check(tn == nr[sn], "Wrong copy.");
   302   check(te == er[se], "Wrong copy.");
   303   check(tue == uer[sue], "Wrong copy.");
   304 }
   306 int main() {
   307   graph_copy_test();
   308   ugraph_copy_test();
   309   bpugraph_copy_test();
   311   return 0; 
   312 }