Several changes in Kruskal alg.
- Input object interface was changed to an STL compatible one.
- template parameters of class KruskalPairVec has been simplified.
- (the most of) the names meet the naming conventions.
- a lot of (but still not enough) documentation has been added.
- class KruskalMapVec has been commented out.
2 @defgroup datas Data Structures
3 This group describes the several graph structures implemented in HugoLib.
7 @defgroup graphs Graph Structures
9 \brief Graph structures implemented in Hugo.
11 Hugolib provides several data structures to meet the diversing requirements
12 of the possible users.
13 In order to save on running time or on memory usage, some structures may
15 some graph features like edge or node deletion.
17 Hugolib also offers special graphs that cannot be used alone but only
18 in conjunktion with other graph representation. The examples for this are
19 \ref EdgeSet, \ref NodeSet, and the large variety of graph wrappers.
21 You are free to use the graph structure that fit your requirements
22 the best, most graph algorithms and auxiliary data structures can be used
23 with any graph structures.
27 @defgroup auxdat Auxiliary Data Structures
29 \brief Some data structures implemented in HugoLib.
31 This group describes the data structures implemented in HugoLib in
32 order to make it easier to implement combinatorial algorithms.
36 @defgroup gwrappers Wrapper Classes for Graphs
37 \brief This group contains several wrapper classes for graphs
42 @defgroup galgs Graph Algorithms
43 \brief This group describes the several graph algorithms
44 implemented in HugoLib.
48 @defgroup spantree Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Algorithms
49 \brief This group containes the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
55 @defgroup misc Miscellaneous Tools
56 Here you can find several useful tools for development,
57 debugging and testing.
61 @defgroup experimental Experimental Structures and Algorithms
62 This group contains some Experimental structures and algorithms.
63 The stuff here is subject to change.
66 /// \ingroup misc experimental