Euler tour iterator.
8 #include "all_include.h"
9 #include "mapstorage.h"
10 #include "new_map_win.h"
11 #include "graph_displayer_canvas.h"
12 #include <libgnomecanvasmm.h>
13 #include <libgnomecanvasmm/polygon.h>
15 class MapSelector : public Gtk::HBox
18 GraphDisplayerCanvas & gdc;
19 ///The \ref MapStorage in which the visualizable maps are stored
31 Gtk::ComboBoxText cbt;
33 Gtk::Button * newbut, * defbut;
45 MapSelector(GraphDisplayerCanvas &, MapStorage &, NewMapWin &, int, bool);
49 ///If a radiobutton is clicked, this function determines
50 ///which button was that and after that calls the
51 ///appropriate function of the \ref GraphDisplayerCanvas
52 ///to change the visible values of that attribute.
53 virtual void comboChanged();
55 virtual void new_but_pressed();
59 virtual void update(Node node);
60 virtual void update(Edge edge);
62 Glib::ustring get_active_text();
63 void set_active_text(Glib::ustring);
64 void append_text(Glib::ustring);