author ladanyi
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 14:39:40 +0000
changeset 1018 68beae6758a7
child 1025 3b1ad8bc21da
permissions -rw-r--r--
Use lemon::Timer for time measuring. Added the threshold() function and initial threshold and temperature calculation.
     1 // -*- c++ -*-
     2 #ifndef LEMON_MIN_COST_GEN_FLOW_H
     3 #define LEMON_MIN_COST_GEN_FLOW_H
     4 //#include <iostream>
     5 //#include <fstream>
     7 //#include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
     8 //#include <lemon/list_graph.h>
     9 //#include <lemon/dimacs.h>
    10 //#include <lemon/time_measure.h>
    11 //#include <graph_wrapper.h>
    12 //#include <lemon/preflow.h>
    13 //#include <augmenting_flow.h>
    14 //#include <preflow_res.h>
    15 #include <lemon/../work/marci/lp/lp_solver_wrapper.h>
    17 namespace lemon {
    19   template<typename Edge, typename EdgeIndexMap> 
    20   class PrimalMap {
    21   protected:
    22     LPSolverWrapper* lp;
    23     EdgeIndexMap* edge_index_map;
    24   public:
    25     PrimalMap(LPSolverWrapper& _lp, EdgeIndexMap& _edge_index_map) : 
    26       lp(&_lp), edge_index_map(&_edge_index_map) { }
    27     double operator[](Edge e) const { 
    28       return lp->getPrimal((*edge_index_map)[e]);
    29     }
    30   };
    32   // excess: rho-delta
    33   template <typename Graph, typename Num,
    34 	    typename Excess=typename Graph::template NodeMap<Num>, 
    35 	    typename LCapMap=typename Graph::template EdgeMap<Num>,
    36 	    typename CapMap=typename Graph::template EdgeMap<Num>,
    37             typename FlowMap=typename Graph::template EdgeMap<Num>,
    38 	    typename CostMap=typename Graph::template EdgeMap<Num> >
    39   class MinCostGenFlow {
    40   protected:
    41     const Graph& g;
    42     const Excess& excess;
    43     const LCapMap& lcapacity;
    44     const CapMap& capacity;
    45     FlowMap& flow;
    46     const CostMap& cost;
    47   public:
    48     MinCostGenFlow(const Graph& _g, const Excess& _excess, 
    49 		   const LCapMap& _lcapacity, const CapMap& _capacity, 
    50 		   FlowMap& _flow, 
    51 		   const CostMap& _cost) :
    52       g(_g), excess(_excess), lcapacity(_lcapacity),
    53       capacity(_capacity), flow(_flow), cost(_cost) { }
    54     void run() {
    55       LPSolverWrapper lp;
    56       lp.setMinimize();
    57       typedef LPSolverWrapper::ColIt ColIt;
    58       typedef LPSolverWrapper::RowIt RowIt;
    59       typedef typename Graph::template EdgeMap<ColIt> EdgeIndexMap;
    60       EdgeIndexMap edge_index_map(g);
    61       PrimalMap<typename Graph::Edge, EdgeIndexMap> lp_flow(lp, edge_index_map);
    62       for (typename Graph::EdgeIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) {
    63 	ColIt col_it=lp.addCol();
    64 	edge_index_map.set(e, col_it);
    65 	if (lcapacity[e]==capacity[e])
    66 	  lp.setColBounds(col_it, LPX_FX, lcapacity[e], capacity[e]);
    67 	else 
    68 	  lp.setColBounds(col_it, LPX_DB, lcapacity[e], capacity[e]);
    69 	lp.setObjCoef(col_it, cost[e]);
    70       }
    71       for (typename Graph::NodeIt n(g); n!=INVALID; ++n) {
    72 	typename Graph::template EdgeMap<Num> coeffs(g, 0);
    73 	for (typename Graph::InEdgeIt e(g, n); e!=INVALID; ++e)
    74 	coeffs.set(e, coeffs[e]+1);
    75 	for (typename Graph::OutEdgeIt e(g, n); e!=INVALID; ++e) 
    76 	coeffs.set(e, coeffs[e]-1);
    77 	RowIt row_it=lp.addRow();
    78 	typename std::vector< std::pair<ColIt, double> > row;
    79 	//std::cout << "node:" <<<<std::endl;
    80 	for (typename Graph::EdgeIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) {
    81 	  if (coeffs[e]!=0) {
    82 	    //std::cout << " edge:" <<<<" "<<coeffs[e];
    83 	    row.push_back(std::make_pair(edge_index_map[e], coeffs[e]));
    84 	  }
    85 	}
    86 	//std::cout << std::endl;
    87 	lp.setRowCoeffs(row_it, row.begin(), row.end());
    88 	lp.setRowBounds(row_it, LPX_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
    89       }
    90       lp.solveSimplex();
    91       //std::cout << lp.colNum() << std::endl;
    92       //std::cout << lp.rowNum() << std::endl;
    93       //std::cout << "flow value: "<< lp.getObjVal() << std::endl;
    94       for (typename Graph::EdgeIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) 
    95       flow.set(e, lp_flow[e]);
    96     }
    97   };
    99 } // namespace lemon
   101 #endif //LEMON_MIN_COST_GEN_FLOW_H