Uh, long comment arrives... Zoom update does not happen after editorial steps. Nodes initial color is light blue, if there is any item under them. Strange node-text relations disappeared. Initial values of new items are given now in a more common way. The wood-cutter way of handling default values of properties is now changed.
1 #include <graph_displayer_canvas.h>
2 #include <broken_edge.h>
5 GraphDisplayerCanvas::GraphDisplayerCanvas(Graph & gr, CoordinatesMap & cm, MapStorage & ms, MapWin * mw):g(gr),nodesmap(g),edgesmap(g),edgetextmap(g),nodetextmap(g),displayed_graph(*(root()), 0, 0),mapstorage(ms),isbutton(0),active_item(NULL),target_item(NULL),mapwin(mw)
8 actual_handler=signal_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GraphDisplayerCanvas::moveEventHandler), false);
9 actual_tool=CREATE_NODE;
14 //set_center_scroll_region(true);
16 //first edges are drawn, to hide joining with nodes later
18 for (EdgeIt i(g); i!=INVALID; ++i)
21 //drawing green lines, coordinates are from cm
23 Gnome::Canvas::Points coos;
24 coos.push_back(Gnome::Art::Point(cm[g.source(i)].x,cm[g.source(i)].y));
25 coos.push_back(Gnome::Art::Point(cm[g.target(i)].x,cm[g.target(i)].y));
27 edgesmap[i]=new BrokenEdge(displayed_graph, coos, *this);
28 *(edgesmap[i]) << Gnome::Canvas::Properties::fill_color("green");
29 edgesmap[i]->property_width_pixels().set_value(10);
31 //initializing edge-text as well, to empty string
33 xy<double> text_pos=edgesmap[i]->getArrowPos();
34 text_pos+=(xy<double>(10,10));
36 edgetextmap[i]=new Gnome::Canvas::Text(displayed_graph, text_pos.x, text_pos.y, "");
37 edgetextmap[i]->property_fill_color().set_value("darkgreen");
40 //afterwards nodes come to be drawn
43 int maxx=0, maxy=0, minx=(int)cm[i].x, miny=(int)cm[i].y;
45 for (; i!=INVALID; ++i)
47 //minimum and maximum is gathered to be able to zoom to the graph correctly (whole figure should be seen)
49 if(cm[i].x>maxx)maxx=(int)cm[i].x;
50 if(cm[i].y>maxy)maxy=(int)cm[i].y;
51 if(cm[i].x<minx)minx=(int)cm[i].x;
52 if(cm[i].y<miny)miny=(int)cm[i].y;
54 //drawing bule nodes, with black line around them
56 nodesmap[i]=new Gnome::Canvas::Ellipse(displayed_graph, cm[i].x-20, cm[i].y-20, cm[i].x+20, cm[i].y+20);
57 *(nodesmap[i]) << Gnome::Canvas::Properties::fill_color("blue");
58 *(nodesmap[i]) << Gnome::Canvas::Properties::outline_color("black");
60 //initializing edge-text as well, to empty string
62 xy<double> text_pos((cm[i].x+node_property_defaults[N_RADIUS]+5),(cm[i].y+node_property_defaults[N_RADIUS]+5));
64 nodetextmap[i]=new Gnome::Canvas::Text(displayed_graph, text_pos.x, text_pos.y, "");
65 nodetextmap[i]->property_fill_color().set_value("darkblue");
71 GraphDisplayerCanvas::~GraphDisplayerCanvas()
74 //writing out the end state of the graph
75 //\todo all the maps has to be write out!
77 Graph::NodeMap <int> id(g);
78 Graph::NodeMap <double> xc(g);
79 Graph::NodeMap <double> yc(g);
83 for (NodeIt i(g); i!=INVALID; ++i)
86 nodesmap[i]->get_bounds(x1, y1, x2, y2);
93 GraphWriter<Graph> writer(std::cout,g);
95 writer.writeNodeMap("id", id);
96 writer.writeNodeMap("coordinates_x", xc);
97 writer.writeNodeMap("coordinates_y", yc);