Some comments and minor additions to the AdvancedController.
4 #include <path_skeleton.h>
5 #include <list_graph.h>
9 using namespace concept;
14 passed = passed && rc;
16 cout << "Test failed!" << endl;
21 const bool debug = true;
23 const bool debug = false;
31 typedef ListGraph::Node Node;
32 typedef ListGraph::Edge Edge;
43 Edge e1 = G.addEdge(s, v1);
44 Edge e2 = G.addEdge(s, v2);
45 Edge e3 = G.addEdge(v1, v2);
46 Edge e4 = G.addEdge(v2, v1);
47 Edge e5 = G.addEdge(v1, v3);
48 Edge e6 = G.addEdge(v3, v2);
49 Edge e7 = G.addEdge(v2, v4);
50 Edge e8 = G.addEdge(v4, v3);
51 Edge e9 = G.addEdge(v3, t);
52 Edge e10 = G.addEdge(v4, t);
57 cout << "\n\n\nDirPath tesztelese...\n";
60 cout << "Ures path letrehozasa" << endl;
61 //typedef DirPath<ListGraph> DPath;
62 typedef Path <ListGraph> DPath;
65 cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
66 check(P.length() == 0);
69 cout << "P.source() valid? " << (P.source()!=INVALID) << endl;
70 check(! (P.source()!=INVALID));
72 cout << "P.source() valid? " << (P.from()!=INVALID) << endl;
73 check(! (!=INVALID));
76 cout << "Builder objektum letrehozasa" << endl;
79 cout << "Hozzaadunk az elejehez ket elet..." << endl;
82 cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
83 check(P.length() == 0);
85 cout << "Commitolunk..." << endl;
88 cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
89 check(P.length() == 2);
92 cout << "P.source() valid? " << (P.source()!=INVALID) << endl;
93 check(P.source()!=INVALID);
94 cout << "P.source()==v1 ? " << (P.source()==v1) << endl;
95 check(P.source() == v1);
97 cout << "P.source() valid? " << (P.from()!=INVALID) << endl;
98 check(P.from()!=INVALID);
99 cout << "P.source()==v1 ? " << (P.from()==v1) << endl;
100 check(P.from() == v1);
103 // Na ja, ez igy nem igazi, mindket esetet le kene tesztelni,
104 // de legalabb valami:
106 cout << "Hozzaadunk az elejehez egy nem illeszkedo elet..." << endl;
111 catch(const Exception &e) {
112 cout << "E: " << e.what() << endl;
118 cout << "Hozzaadunk a vegehez ket elet..." << endl;
121 cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
122 check(P.length() == 2);
124 cout << "Es commitolunk...\n";
127 cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
128 check(P.length() == 4);
131 cout << " ? " << ( << endl;
132 check( == v3);
134 cout << " ? " << ( << endl;
138 cout << "Vegigiteralunk az eleken." << endl;
139 typedef DPath::NodeIt NodeIt;
140 typedef DPath::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
143 for(P.first(e); e!=INVALID; ++e, ++i) {
144 cout << i << ". el: " <</* e << */endl;
148 // Na ja, ez igy nem igazi, mindket esetet le kene tesztelni,
149 // de legalabb valami:
154 cout << "Setting an edgeiter to a nonexistant edge." << endl;
158 catch(const Exception &e) {
159 cout << "E: " << e.what() << endl;
167 catch(const std::exception &e) {
168 cout << "Uncaught exception: " << e.what() << endl;
172 cout << "Something horrible happened: an exception which isn't "
173 << "std::exception" << endl;
178 cout << (passed ? "All tests passed." : "Some of the tests failed!!!")
181 return passed ? 0 : 1;