author alpar
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:29:15 +0000
changeset 70 851ca9a60e90
parent 64 72bd463289a9
child 75 87623302a68f
permissions -rw-r--r--
     1 #ifndef EDMONDS_KARP_HH
     2 #define EDMONDS_KARP_HH
     4 #include <algorithm>
     6 #include <bfs_iterator.hh>
     8 namespace marci {
    10   template<typename Graph, typename T, typename FlowMap, typename CapacityMap>
    11   class ResGraph {
    12     typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    13     typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
    14     typedef typename Graph::SymEdgeIt OldSymEdgeIt;
    15     const Graph& G;
    16     FlowMap& flow;
    17     const CapacityMap& capacity;
    18   public:
    19     ResGraph(const Graph& _G, FlowMap& _flow, 
    20 	     const CapacityMap& _capacity) : 
    21       G(_G), flow(_flow), capacity(_capacity) { }
    23     class EdgeIt; 
    24     class OutEdgeIt; 
    25     friend class EdgeIt; 
    26     friend class OutEdgeIt; 
    28     class EdgeIt {
    29       friend class ResGraph<Graph, T, FlowMap, CapacityMap>;
    30     protected:
    31       const ResGraph<Graph, T, FlowMap, CapacityMap>* resG;
    32       OldSymEdgeIt sym;
    33     public:
    34       EdgeIt() { } 
    35       //EdgeIt(const EdgeIt& e) : resG(e.resG), sym(e.sym) { }
    36       T free() const { 
    37 	if (resG->G.aNode(sym)==resG->G.tail(sym)) { 
    38 	  return (resG->capacity.get(sym)-resG->flow.get(sym)); 
    39 	} else { 
    40 	  return (resG->flow.get(sym)); 
    41 	}
    42       }
    43       bool valid() const { return sym.valid(); }
    44       void augment(T a) const {
    45 	if (resG->G.aNode(sym)==resG->G.tail(sym)) { 
    46 	  resG->flow.set(sym, resG->flow.get(sym)+a);
    47 	} else { 
    48 	  resG->flow.set(sym, resG->flow.get(sym)-a);
    49 	}
    50       }
    51     };
    53     class OutEdgeIt : public EdgeIt {
    54       friend class ResGraph<Graph, T, FlowMap, CapacityMap>;
    55     public:
    56       OutEdgeIt() { }
    57       //OutEdgeIt(const OutEdgeIt& e) { resG=e.resG; sym=e.sym; }
    58     private:
    59       OutEdgeIt(const ResGraph<Graph, T, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& _resG, NodeIt v) { 
    60       	resG=&_resG;
    61 	sym=resG->G.template first<OldSymEdgeIt>(v);
    62 	while( sym.valid() && !(free()>0) ) { ++sym; }
    63       }
    64     public:
    65       OutEdgeIt& operator++() { 
    66 	++sym; 
    67 	while( sym.valid() && !(free()>0) ) { ++sym; }
    68 	return *this; 
    69       }
    70     };
    72     void getFirst(OutEdgeIt& e, NodeIt v) const { 
    73       e=OutEdgeIt(*this, v); 
    74     }
    75     void getFirst(EachNodeIt& v) const { G.getFirst(v); }
    77     template< typename It >
    78     It first() const { 
    79       It e;
    80       getFirst(e);
    81       return e; 
    82     }
    84     template< typename It >
    85     It first(NodeIt v) const { 
    86       It e;
    87       getFirst(e, v);
    88       return e; 
    89     }
    91     NodeIt tail(EdgeIt e) const { return G.aNode(e.sym); }
    92     NodeIt head(EdgeIt e) const { return G.bNode(e.sym); }
    94     NodeIt aNode(OutEdgeIt e) const { return G.aNode(e.sym); }
    95     NodeIt bNode(OutEdgeIt e) const { return G.bNode(e.sym); }
    97     int id(NodeIt v) const { return; }
    99     template <typename S>
   100     class NodeMap {
   101       typename Graph::NodeMap<S> node_map; 
   102     public:
   103       NodeMap(const ResGraph<Graph, T, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& _G) : node_map(_G.G) { }
   104       NodeMap(const ResGraph<Graph, T, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& _G, S a) : node_map(_G.G, a) { }
   105       void set(NodeIt nit, S a) { node_map.set(nit, a); }
   106       S get(NodeIt nit) const { return node_map.get(nit); }
   107     };
   109   };
   111   template <typename Graph, typename T, typename FlowMap, typename CapacityMap>
   112   class MaxFlow {
   113     typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   114     typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   115     typedef typename Graph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
   116     typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
   117     typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
   118     const Graph& G;
   119     NodeIt s;
   120     NodeIt t;
   121     FlowMap& flow;
   122     const CapacityMap& capacity;
   123     typedef ResGraph<Graph, T, FlowMap, CapacityMap > AugGraph;
   124     typedef typename AugGraph::OutEdgeIt AugOutEdgeIt;
   125     typedef typename AugGraph::EdgeIt AugEdgeIt;
   126   public:
   127     MaxFlow(const Graph& _G, NodeIt _s, NodeIt _t, FlowMap& _flow, const CapacityMap& _capacity) : G(_G), s(_s), t(_t), flow(_flow), capacity(_capacity) { }
   128     bool augment() {
   129       AugGraph res_graph(G, flow, capacity);
   130       bool _augment=false;
   132       typedef typename AugGraph::NodeMap<bool> ReachedMap;
   133       BfsIterator2< AugGraph, AugOutEdgeIt, ReachedMap > res_bfs(res_graph);
   134       res_bfs.pushAndSetReached(s);
   136       typename AugGraph::NodeMap<AugEdgeIt> pred(res_graph); 
   137       //filled with invalid iterators
   139       typename AugGraph::NodeMap<int> free(res_graph);
   141       //searching for augmenting path
   142       while ( !res_bfs.finished() ) { 
   143 	AugOutEdgeIt e=AugOutEdgeIt(res_bfs);
   144 	if (e.valid() && res_bfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) {
   145 	  NodeIt v=res_graph.tail(e);
   146 	  NodeIt w=res_graph.head(e);
   147 	  pred.set(w, e);
   148 	  if (pred.get(v).valid()) {
   149 	    free.set(w, std::min(free.get(v),;
   150 	  } else {
   151 	    free.set(w,; 
   152 	  }
   153 	  if (res_graph.head(e)==t) { _augment=true; break; }
   154 	}
   156 	++res_bfs;
   157       } //end of searching augmenting path
   159       if (_augment) {
   160 	NodeIt n=t;
   161 	T augment_value=free.get(t);
   162 	while (pred.get(n).valid()) { 
   163 	  AugEdgeIt e=pred.get(n);
   164 	  e.augment(augment_value); 
   165 	  n=res_graph.tail(e);
   166 	}
   167       }
   169       return _augment;
   170     }
   171     void run() {
   172       while (augment()) { } 
   173     }
   174     T flowValue() { 
   175       T a=0;
   176       for(OutEdgeIt i=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(s); i.valid(); ++i) {
   177 	a+=flow.get(i);
   178       }
   179       return a;
   180     }
   181   };
   183 } // namespace marci
   185 #endif //EDMONDS_KARP_HH