author deba
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:06:45 +0000
changeset 822 88226d9fe821
child 830 89dfa3bece81
permissions -rw-r--r--
The MapFactories have been removed from the code because
if we use macros then they increases only the complexity.

The pair iterators of the maps are separeted from the maps.

Some macros and comments has been changed.
     1 // -*- c++ -*-
     2 #ifndef ARRAY_MAP_H
     3 #define ARRAY_MAP_H
     5 #include <memory>
     7 #include <hugo/map_iterator.h>
     9 ///\ingroup graphmaps
    10 ///\file
    11 ///\brief Graph maps that construates and destruates
    12 ///their elements dynamically.
    14 namespace hugo {
    17   /// \addtogroup graphmaps
    18   /// @{
    20   /** The ArrayMap template class is graph map structure what
    21    *  automatically updates the map when a key is added to or erased from
    22    *  the map. This map factory uses the allocators to implement 
    23    *  the container functionality.
    24    *
    25    *  The template parameter is the MapRegistry that the maps
    26    *  will belong to and the ValueType.
    27    */
    29   template <typename MapRegistry, typename Value> 
    30   class ArrayMap : public MapRegistry::MapBase {
    32   public:
    34     /// The graph type of the maps. 
    35     typedef typename MapRegistry::Graph Graph;
    36     /// The key type of the maps.
    37     typedef typename MapRegistry::KeyType KeyType;
    38     /// The iterator to iterate on the keys.
    39     typedef typename MapRegistry::KeyIt KeyIt;
    41     /// The MapBase of the Map which imlements the core regisitry function.
    42     typedef typename MapRegistry::MapBase MapBase;
    45   public:
    47     /// The value type of the map.
    48     typedef Value ValueType;
    49     /// The reference type of the map;
    50     typedef Value& ReferenceType;
    51     /// The pointer type of the map;
    52     typedef Value* PointerType;
    54     /// The const value type of the map.
    55     typedef const Value ConstValueType;
    56     /// The const reference type of the map;
    57     typedef const Value& ConstReferenceType;
    58     /// The pointer type of the map;
    59     typedef const Value* ConstPointerType;
    62     typedef std::allocator<Value> Allocator;
    65     /** Default constructor for the map.
    66      */
    67     ArrayMap() : values(0), capacity(0) {}
    69     /** Graph and Registry initialized map constructor.
    70      */
    71     ArrayMap(const Graph& g, MapRegistry& r) : MapBase(g, r) {
    72       allocate_memory();
    73       for (KeyIt it(*MapBase::getGraph()); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    74 	int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(it);
    75 	allocator.construct(&(values[id]), Value());
    76       }								
    77     }
    79     /** Constructor to use default value to initialize the map. 
    80      */
    81     ArrayMap(const Graph& g, MapRegistry& r, const Value& v) 
    82       : MapBase(g, r) {
    83       allocate_memory();
    84       for (KeyIt it(*MapBase::getGraph()); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    85 	int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(it);
    86 	allocator.construct(&(values[id]), v);
    87       }								
    88     }
    90     /** Constructor to copy a map of the same map type.
    91      */
    92     ArrayMap(const ArrayMap& copy) : MapBase(*copy.graph, *copy.registry) {
    93       capacity = copy.capacity;
    94       if (capacity == 0) return;
    95       values = allocator.allocate(capacity);
    96       for (KeyIt it(*MapBase::getGraph()); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    97 	int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(it);
    98 	allocator.construct(&(values[id]), copy.values[id]);
    99       }
   100     }
   102     /** Constructor to copy a map of an other map type.
   103      */
   104     template <typename CMap> ArrayMap(const CMap& copy) 
   105       : MapBase(copy), capacity(0), values(0) {
   106       if (MapBase::getGraph()) {
   107 	allocate_memory();
   108 	for (KeyIt it(*MapBase::getGraph()); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   109 	  set(it, copy[it]);
   110 	}
   111       }
   112     }
   114     /** Assign operator to copy a map of the same map type.
   115      */
   116     ArrayMap& operator=(const ArrayMap& copy) {
   117       if (&copy == this) return *this;
   118       if (capacity != 0) {
   119 	MapBase::destroy();
   120 	allocator.deallocate(values, capacity);
   121       }
   122       capacity = copy.capacity;
   123       if (capacity == 0) return *this;
   124       values = allocator.allocate(capacity);
   125       for (KeyIt it(*MapBase::getGraph()); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   126 	int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(it);
   127 	allocator.construct(&(values[id]), copy.values[id]);
   128       }
   129       return *this;
   130     }
   132     /** Assign operator to copy a map an other map type.
   133      */
   134     template <typename CMap> ArrayMap& operator=(const CMap& copy) {
   135       if (MapBase::getGraph()) {
   136 	MapBase::destroy();
   137       } 
   138       MapBase::operator=(copy);
   139       if (MapBase::getGraph()) {
   140 	allocate_memory();
   141 	for (KeyIt it(*MapBase::getGraph()); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   142 	  set(it, copy[it]);
   143 	}
   144       }
   145       return *this;
   146     }
   148     /** The destructor of the map.
   149      */
   150     virtual ~ArrayMap() {
   151       if (capacity != 0) {
   152 	MapBase::destroy();
   153 	allocator.deallocate(values, capacity);
   154       }
   155     }
   158     /**
   159      * The subscript operator. The map can be subscripted by the
   160      * actual keys of the graph. 
   161      */
   162     ReferenceType operator[](const KeyType& key) {
   163       int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(key);
   164       return values[id];
   165     } 
   167     /**
   168      * The const subscript operator. The map can be subscripted by the
   169      * actual keys of the graph. 
   170      */
   171     ConstReferenceType operator[](const KeyType& key) const {
   172       int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(key);
   173       return values[id];
   174     }
   176     /** Setter function of the map. Equivalent with map[key] = val.
   177      *  This is a compatibility feature with the not dereferable maps.
   178      */
   179     void set(const KeyType& key, const ValueType& val) {
   180       int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(key);
   181       values[id] = val;
   182     }
   184     /** Add a new key to the map. It called by the map registry.
   185      */
   186     void add(const KeyType& key) {
   187       int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(key);
   188       if (id >= capacity) {
   189 	int new_capacity = (capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
   190 	while (new_capacity <= id) {
   191 	  new_capacity <<= 1;
   192 	}
   193 	Value* new_values = allocator.allocate(new_capacity);;
   194 	for (KeyIt it(*MapBase::getGraph()); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   195 	  int jd = MapBase::getGraph()->id(it);
   196 	  if (id != jd) {
   197 	    allocator.construct(&(new_values[jd]), values[jd]);
   198 	    allocator.destroy(&(values[jd]));
   199 	  }
   200 	}
   201 	if (capacity != 0) allocator.deallocate(values, capacity);
   202 	values = new_values;
   203 	capacity = new_capacity;
   204       }
   205       allocator.construct(&(values[id]), Value());
   206     }
   208     /** Erase a key from the map. It called by the map registry.
   209      */
   210     void erase(const KeyType& key) {
   211       int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(key);
   212       allocator.destroy(&(values[id]));
   213     }
   215     /** Clear the data structure.
   216      */
   217     void clear() {	
   218       if (capacity != 0) {
   219 	MapBase::destroy();
   220 	allocator.deallocate(values, capacity);
   221 	capacity = 0;
   222       }
   223     }
   225     /// The stl compatible pair iterator of the map.
   226     typedef MapIterator<ArrayMap> Iterator;
   227     /// The stl compatible const pair iterator of the map.
   228     typedef MapConstIterator<ArrayMap> ConstIterator;
   230     /** Returns the begin iterator of the map.
   231      */
   232     Iterator begin() {
   233       return Iterator(*this, KeyIt(*MapBase::getGraph()));
   234     }
   236     /** Returns the end iterator of the map.
   237      */
   238     Iterator end() {
   239       return Iterator(*this, INVALID);
   240     }
   242     /** Returns the begin ConstIterator of the map.
   243      */
   244     ConstIterator begin() const {
   245       return ConstIterator(*this, KeyIt(*MapBase::getGraph()));
   246     }
   248     /** Returns the end const_iterator of the map.
   249      */
   250     ConstIterator end() const {
   251       return ConstIterator(*this, INVALID);
   252     }
   254   private:
   256     void allocate_memory() {
   257       int max_id = -1;
   258       for (KeyIt it(*MapBase::getGraph()); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   259 	int id = MapBase::getGraph()->id(it);
   260 	if (id > max_id) {
   261 	  max_id = id;
   262 	}			
   263       }
   264       if (max_id == -1) {
   265 	capacity = 0;
   266 	values = 0;
   267 	return;
   268       }
   269       capacity = 1;
   270       while (capacity <= max_id) {
   271 	capacity <<= 1;
   272       }
   273       values = allocator.allocate(capacity);	
   274     }      
   276     int capacity;
   277     Value* values;
   278     Allocator allocator;
   279   };		
   281 /// @}
   283 }
   285 #endif