author deba
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:06:45 +0000
changeset 822 88226d9fe821
parent 810 e9fbc747ca47
child 824 157115b5814a
permissions -rw-r--r--
The MapFactories have been removed from the code because
if we use macros then they increases only the complexity.

The pair iterators of the maps are separeted from the maps.

Some macros and comments has been changed.
     1 // -*- c++ -*- //
     2 #ifndef HUGO_KRUSKAL_H
     3 #define HUGO_KRUSKAL_H
     5 #include <algorithm>
     6 #include <hugo/unionfind.h>
     8 /**
     9 @defgroup spantree Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Algorithms
    10 @ingroup galgs
    11 \brief This group containes the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
    12 tree in a graph
    14 This group containes the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
    15 tree in a graph
    16 */
    18 ///\ingroup spantree
    19 ///\file
    20 ///\brief Kruskal's algorithm to compute a minimum cost tree
    21 ///
    22 ///Kruskal's algorithm to compute a minimum cost tree.
    24 namespace hugo {
    26   /// \addtogroup spantree
    27   /// @{
    29   /// Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost tree of a graph.
    31   /// This function runs Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost tree.
    32   /// \param G The graph the algorithm runs on. The algorithm considers the
    33   /// graph to be undirected, the direction of the edges are not used.
    34   ///
    35   /// \param in This object is used to describe the edge costs. It must
    36   /// be an STL compatible 'Forward Container'
    37   /// with <tt>std::pair<Graph::Edge,X></tt> as its <tt>value_type</tt>,
    38   /// where X is the type of the costs. It must contain every edge in
    39   /// cost-ascending order.
    40   ///\par
    41   /// For the sake of simplicity, there is a helper class KruskalMapInput,
    42   /// which converts a
    43   /// simple edge map to an input of this form. Alternatively, you can use
    44   /// the function \ref kruskalEdgeMap to compute the minimum cost tree if
    45   /// the edge costs are given by an edge map.
    46   ///
    47   /// \retval out This must be a writable \c bool edge map.
    48   /// After running the algorithm
    49   /// this will contain the found minimum cost spanning tree: the value of an
    50   /// edge will be set to \c true if it belongs to the tree, otherwise it will
    51   /// be set to \c false. The value of each edge will be set exactly once.
    52   ///
    53   /// \return The cost of the found tree.
    55   template <typename Graph, typename InputEdgeOrder, typename OutBoolMap>
    56   typename InputEdgeOrder::value_type::second_type
    57   kruskal(Graph const& G, InputEdgeOrder const& in, 
    58 		 OutBoolMap& out)
    59   {
    60     typedef typename InputEdgeOrder::value_type::second_type EdgeCost;
    61     typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> NodeIntMap;
    62     typedef typename Graph::Node Node;
    64     NodeIntMap comp(G, -1);
    65     UnionFind<Node,NodeIntMap> uf(comp); 
    67     EdgeCost tot_cost = 0;
    68     for (typename InputEdgeOrder::const_iterator p = in.begin(); 
    69 	 p!=in.end(); ++p ) {
    70       if ( uf.join(G.head((*p).first),
    71 		   G.tail((*p).first)) ) {
    72 	out.set((*p).first, true);
    73 	tot_cost += (*p).second;
    74       }
    75       else {
    76 	out.set((*p).first, false);
    77       }
    78     }
    79     return tot_cost;
    80   }
    82   /* A work-around for running Kruskal with const-reference bool maps... */
    84   ///\bug What is this? Or why doesn't it work?
    85   ///
    86   template<typename Map>
    87   class NonConstMapWr {
    88     const Map &m;
    89   public:
    90     typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType;
    92     NonConstMapWr(const Map &_m) : m(_m) {}
    94     template<typename KeyType>
    95     void set(KeyType const& k, ValueType const &v) const { m.set(k,v); }
    96   };
    98   template <typename Graph, typename InputEdgeOrder, typename OutBoolMap>
    99   inline
   100   typename InputEdgeOrder::ValueType
   101   kruskal(Graph const& G, InputEdgeOrder const& edges, 
   102 	  OutBoolMap const& out_map)
   103   {
   104     NonConstMapWr<OutBoolMap> map_wr(out_map);
   105     return kruskal(G, edges, map_wr);
   106   }  
   108   /* ** ** Input-objects ** ** */
   110   /// Kruskal input source.
   112   /// Kruskal input source.
   113   ///
   114   /// In most cases you possibly want to use the \ref kruskalEdgeMap() instead.
   115   ///
   116   /// \sa makeKruskalMapInput()
   117   ///
   118   ///\param Graph The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   119   ///\param Map An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   120   ///\par
   121   ///The cost type can be any type satisfying
   122   ///the STL 'LessThan comparable'
   123   ///concept if it also has an operator+() implemented. (It is necessary for
   124   ///computing the total cost of the tree).
   125   ///
   126   template<typename Graph, typename Map>
   127   class KruskalMapInput
   128     : public std::vector< std::pair<typename Graph::Edge,
   129 				    typename Map::ValueType> > {
   131   public:
   132     typedef std::vector< std::pair<typename Graph::Edge,
   133 				   typename Map::ValueType> > Parent;
   134     typedef typename Parent::value_type value_type;
   136   private:
   137     class comparePair {
   138     public:
   139       bool operator()(const value_type& a,
   140 		      const value_type& b) {
   141 	return a.second < b.second;
   142       }
   143     };
   145   public:
   147     void sort() {
   148       std::sort(this->begin(), this->end(), comparePair());
   149     }
   151     KruskalMapInput(Graph const& G, Map const& m) {
   152       typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   154       this->clear();
   155       for(EdgeIt e(G);e!=INVALID;++e) push_back(make_pair(e, m[e]));
   156       sort();
   157     }
   158   };
   160   /// Creates a KruskalMapInput object for \ref kruskal()
   162   /// It makes is easier to use 
   163   /// \ref KruskalMapInput by making it unnecessary 
   164   /// to explicitly give the type of the parameters.
   165   ///
   166   /// In most cases you possibly
   167   /// want to use the function kruskalEdgeMap() instead.
   168   ///
   169   ///\param G The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   170   ///\param m An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   171   ///\par
   172   ///The cost type can be any type satisfying the
   173   ///STL 'LessThan Comparable'
   174   ///concept if it also has an operator+() implemented. (It is necessary for
   175   ///computing the total cost of the tree).
   176   ///
   177   ///\return An appropriate input source for \ref kruskal().
   178   ///
   179   template<typename Graph, typename Map>
   180   inline
   181   KruskalMapInput<Graph,Map> makeKruskalMapInput(const Graph &G,const Map &m)
   182   {
   183     return KruskalMapInput<Graph,Map>(G,m);
   184   }
   187   /* ** ** Output-objects: simple writable bool maps** ** */
   189   /// A writable bool-map that makes a sequence of "true" keys
   191   /// A writable bool-map that creates a sequence out of keys that receives
   192   /// the value "true".
   193   /// \warning Not a regular property map, as it doesn't know its KeyType
   194   /// \bug Missing documentation.
   195   /// \todo This class may be of wider usage, therefore it could move to
   196   /// <tt>maps.h</tt>
   197   template<typename Iterator>
   198   class SequenceOutput {
   199     mutable Iterator it;
   201   public:
   202     typedef bool ValueType;
   204     SequenceOutput(Iterator const &_it) : it(_it) {}
   206     template<typename KeyType>
   207     void set(KeyType const& k, bool v) const { if(v) {*it=k; ++it;} }
   208   };
   210   template<typename Iterator>
   211   inline
   212   SequenceOutput<Iterator>
   213   makeSequenceOutput(Iterator it) {
   214     return SequenceOutput<Iterator>(it);
   215   }
   217   /* ** ** Wrapper funtions ** ** */
   220   /// \brief Wrapper function to kruskal().
   221   /// Input is from an edge map, output is a plain bool map.
   222   ///
   223   /// Wrapper function to kruskal().
   224   /// Input is from an edge map, output is a plain bool map.
   225   ///
   226   ///\param G The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   227   ///\param in An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   228   ///\par
   229   ///The cost type can be any type satisfying the
   230   ///STL 'LessThan Comparable'
   231   ///concept if it also has an operator+() implemented. (It is necessary for
   232   ///computing the total cost of the tree).
   233   ///
   234   /// \retval out This must be a writable \c bool edge map.
   235   /// After running the algorithm
   236   /// this will contain the found minimum cost spanning tree: the value of an
   237   /// edge will be set to \c true if it belongs to the tree, otherwise it will
   238   /// be set to \c false. The value of each edge will be set exactly once.
   239   ///
   240   /// \return The cost of the found tree.
   243   template <typename Graph, typename EdgeCostMap, typename RetEdgeBoolMap>
   244   inline
   245   typename EdgeCostMap::ValueType
   246   kruskalEdgeMap(Graph const& G,
   247 		 EdgeCostMap const& in,
   248 		 RetEdgeBoolMap &out) {
   249     return kruskal(G,
   250 		   KruskalMapInput<Graph,EdgeCostMap>(G,in),
   251 		   out);
   252   }
   254   /// \brief Wrapper function to kruskal().
   255   /// Input is from an edge map, output is an STL Sequence.
   256   ///
   257   /// Wrapper function to kruskal().
   258   /// Input is from an edge map, output is an STL Sequence.
   259   ///
   260   ///\param G The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   261   ///\param in An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   262   ///\par
   263   ///The cost type can be any type satisfying the
   264   ///STL 'LessThan Comparable'
   265   ///concept if it also has an operator+() implemented. (It is necessary for
   266   ///computing the total cost of the tree).
   267   ///
   268   /// \retval out This must be an iteraror of an STL Container with
   269   /// <tt>Graph::Edge</tt> as its <tt>value_type</tt>.
   270   /// The algorithm copies the elements of the found tree into this sequence.
   271   /// For example, if we know that the spanning tree of the graph \c G has
   272   /// say 53 edges then
   273   /// we can put its edges into a vector \c tree with a code like this.
   274   /// \code
   275   /// std::vector<Edge> tree(53);
   276   /// kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(G,cost,tree.begin());
   277   /// \endcode
   278   /// Or if we don't know in advance the size of the tree, we can write this.
   279   /// \code
   280   /// std::vector<Edge> tree;
   281   /// kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(G,cost,std::back_inserter(tree));
   282   /// \endcode
   283   ///
   284   /// \return The cost of the found tree.
   285   ///
   286   /// \bug its name does not follow the coding style.
   287   template <typename Graph, typename EdgeCostMap, typename RetIterator>
   288   inline
   289   typename EdgeCostMap::ValueType
   290   kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(const Graph& G,
   291 			     const EdgeCostMap& in,
   292 			     RetIterator out)
   293   {
   294     SequenceOutput<RetIterator> _out(out);
   295     return kruskal(G,
   296 		   KruskalMapInput<Graph, EdgeCostMap>(G, in),
   297 		   _out);
   298   }
   300   /// @}
   302 } //namespace hugo
   304 #endif //HUGO_KRUSKAL_H