author deba
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:06:45 +0000
changeset 822 88226d9fe821
parent 696 48aa9ace1d7d
child 906 17f31d280385
permissions -rw-r--r--
The MapFactories have been removed from the code because
if we use macros then they increases only the complexity.

The pair iterators of the maps are separeted from the maps.

Some macros and comments has been changed.
     1 // -*- c++ -*-
     2 #ifndef HUGO_TIME_MEASURE_H
     3 #define HUGO_TIME_MEASURE_H
     5 ///\ingroup misc
     6 ///\file
     7 ///\brief Tools for measuring cpu usage
     9 #include <sys/time.h>
    10 #include <sys/times.h>
    11 #include <fstream>
    12 #include <iostream>
    13 #include <unistd.h>
    15 namespace hugo {
    17   /// \addtogroup misc
    18   /// @{
    20   /// A class to store (cpu)time instances.
    22   /// This class stores five time values.
    23   /// - a real time
    24   /// - a user cpu time
    25   /// - a system cpu time
    26   /// - a user cpu time of children
    27   /// - a system cpu time of children
    28   ///
    29   /// TimeStamp's can be added to or substracted from each other and
    30   /// they can be pushed to a stream.
    31   ///
    32   /// In most cases, perhaps \ref Timer class is what you want to use instead.
    33   ///
    34   ///\author Alpar Juttner
    36   class TimeStamp
    37   {
    38     tms ts;
    39     double real_time;
    41   public:
    43     tms &getTms() {return ts;}
    44     const tms &getTms() const {return ts;}
    45     ///Read the current time values of the process
    46     void stamp()
    47     {
    48       timeval tv;
    49       times(&ts);
    50       gettimeofday(&tv, 0);real_time=tv.tv_sec+double(tv.tv_usec)/1e6;
    51     }
    53     /// Constructor initializing with zero
    54     TimeStamp()
    55     { ts.tms_utime=ts.tms_stime=ts.tms_cutime=ts.tms_cstime=0; real_time=0;}
    56     ///Constructor initializing with the current time values of the process
    57     TimeStamp(void *) { stamp();}
    59     ///
    60     TimeStamp &operator+=(const TimeStamp &b)
    61     {
    62       ts.tms_utime+=b.ts.tms_utime;
    63       ts.tms_stime+=b.ts.tms_stime;
    64       ts.tms_cutime+=b.ts.tms_cutime;
    65       ts.tms_cstime+=b.ts.tms_cstime;
    66       real_time+=b.real_time;
    67       return *this;
    68     }
    69     ///
    70     TimeStamp operator+(const TimeStamp &b) const
    71     {
    72       TimeStamp t(*this);
    73       return t+=b;
    74     }
    75     ///
    76     TimeStamp &operator-=(const TimeStamp &b)
    77     {
    78       ts.tms_utime-=b.ts.tms_utime;
    79       ts.tms_stime-=b.ts.tms_stime;
    80       ts.tms_cutime-=b.ts.tms_cutime;
    81       ts.tms_cstime-=b.ts.tms_cstime;
    82       real_time-=b.real_time;
    83       return *this;
    84     }
    85     ///
    86     TimeStamp operator-(const TimeStamp &b) const
    87     {
    88       TimeStamp t(*this);
    89       return t-=b;
    90     }
    92     ///The time ellapsed since the last call of stamp()
    93     TimeStamp ellapsed() const
    94     {
    95       TimeStamp t(NULL);
    96       return t-*this;
    97     }
    99     friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const TimeStamp &t);
   101     ///Gives back the user time of the process
   102     double getUserTime() const
   103     {
   104       return double(ts.tms_utime)/sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
   105     }
   106     ///Gives back the system time of the process
   107     double getSystemTime() const
   108     {
   109       return double(ts.tms_stime)/sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
   110     }
   111     ///Gives back the user time of the process' children
   112     double getCUserTime() const
   113     {
   114       return double(ts.tms_cutime)/sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
   115     }
   116     ///Gives back the user time of the process' children
   117     double getCSystemTime() const
   118     {
   119       return double(ts.tms_cstime)/sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
   120     }
   121     ///Gives back the real time of the process
   122     double getRealTime() const {return real_time;}
   123   };
   125   ///Class measuring the cpu time and real time usage of the process
   127   ///Class measuring the cpu time and real time usage of the process.
   128   ///It is quite easy-to-use, here is a short example.
   129   ///\code
   130   ///#include<hugo/time_measure.h>
   131   ///#include<iostream>
   132   ///
   133   ///int main()
   134   ///{
   135   ///
   136   ///  ...
   137   ///
   138   ///  Timer T;
   139   ///  doSomething();
   140   ///  std::cout << T << '\n';
   141   ///  T.reset();
   142   ///  doSomethingElse();
   143   ///  std::cout << T << '\n';
   144   ///
   145   ///  ...
   146   ///
   147   ///}
   148   ///\endcode
   149   ///
   150   ///\todo This shouldn't be Unix (Linux) specific.
   151   ///
   152   ///\author Alpar Juttner
   153   class Timer
   154   {
   155     TimeStamp start_time;
   157     void _reset() {start_time.stamp();}
   159   public: 
   160     ///Constructor. It starts with zero time counters
   161     Timer() {_reset();}
   163     ///Computes the ellapsed time
   165     ///This conversion computes the ellapsed time
   166     ///since the construction of \c t or since
   167     ///the last \c t.reset().
   168     operator TimeStamp ()
   169     {
   170       TimeStamp t;
   171       t.stamp();
   172       return t-start_time;
   173     }
   175     ///Resets the time counters
   176     TimeStamp reset()
   177     {
   178       TimeStamp t(start_time);
   179       _reset();
   180       return start_time-t;
   181     }
   182   };
   184   ///Prints the time counters
   186   ///Prints the time counters in the following form:
   187   ///
   188   /// <tt>u: XX.XXs s: XX.XXs cu: XX.XXs cs: XX.XXs real: XX.XXs</tt>
   189   ///
   190   /// where the values are the
   191   /// \li \c u: user cpu time,
   192   /// \li \c s: system cpu time,
   193   /// \li \c cu: user cpu time of children,
   194   /// \li \c cs: system cpu time of children,
   195   /// \li \c real: real time.
   196   /// \relates TimeStamp
   197   inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const TimeStamp &t)
   198   {
   199     long cls = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
   200     os << "u: " << double(t.getTms().tms_utime)/cls <<
   201       "s, s: " << double(t.getTms().tms_stime)/cls <<
   202       "s, cu: " << double(t.getTms().tms_cutime)/cls <<
   203       "s, cs: " << double(t.getTms().tms_cstime)/cls <<
   204       "s, real: " << t.getRealTime() << "s";
   205     return os;
   206   }
   208   /// @}  
   210 } //namespace hugo
   212 #endif //HUGO_TIME_MEASURE_H