author deba
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:06:45 +0000 (2004-09-08)
changeset 822 88226d9fe821
parent 774 4297098d9677
child 921 818510fa3d99
permissions -rw-r--r--
The MapFactories have been removed from the code because
if we use macros then they increases only the complexity.

The pair iterators of the maps are separeted from the maps.

Some macros and comments has been changed.
     1 // -*- c++ -*-
     2 #ifndef HUGO_BFS_DFS_H
     3 #define HUGO_BFS_DFS_H
     5 /// \ingroup galgs
     6 /// \file
     7 /// \brief Bfs and dfs iterators.
     8 ///
     9 /// This file contains bfs and dfs iterator classes.
    10 ///
    11 // /// \author Marton Makai
    13 #include <queue>
    14 #include <stack>
    15 #include <utility>
    17 #include <hugo/invalid.h>
    19 namespace hugo {
    21   /// Bfs searches for the nodes wich are not marked in 
    22   /// \c reached_map
    23   /// Reached have to be a read-write bool node-map.
    24   /// \ingroup galgs
    25   template <typename Graph, /*typename OutEdgeIt,*/ 
    26 	    typename ReachedMap/*=typename Graph::NodeMap<bool>*/ >
    27   class BfsIterator {
    28   protected:
    29     typedef typename Graph::Node Node;
    30     typedef typename Graph::Edge Edge;
    31     typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
    32     const Graph* graph;
    33     std::queue<Node> bfs_queue;
    34     ReachedMap& reached;
    35     bool b_node_newly_reached;
    36     Edge actual_edge;
    37     bool own_reached_map;
    38   public:
    39     /// In that constructor \c _reached have to be a reference 
    40     /// for a bool bode-map. The algorithm will search for the 
    41     /// initially \c false nodes 
    42     /// in a bfs order.
    43     BfsIterator(const Graph& _graph, ReachedMap& _reached) : 
    44       graph(&_graph), reached(_reached), 
    45       own_reached_map(false) { }
    46     /// The same as above, but the map storing the reached nodes 
    47     /// is constructed dynamically to everywhere false.
    48     /// \deprecated
    49     BfsIterator(const Graph& _graph) : 
    50       graph(&_graph), reached(*(new ReachedMap(*graph /*, false*/))), 
    51       own_reached_map(true) { }
    52     /// The map storing the reached nodes have to be destroyed if 
    53     /// it was constructed dynamically
    54     ~BfsIterator() { if (own_reached_map) delete &reached; }
    55     /// This method markes \c s reached.
    56     /// If the queue is empty, then \c s is pushed in the bfs queue 
    57     /// and the first out-edge is processed.
    58     /// If the queue is not empty, then \c s is simply pushed.
    59     BfsIterator<Graph, /*OutEdgeIt,*/ ReachedMap>& pushAndSetReached(Node s) { 
    60       reached.set(s, true);
    61       if (bfs_queue.empty()) {
    62 	bfs_queue.push(s);
    63 	actual_edge=OutEdgeIt(*graph, s);
    64 	//graph->first(actual_edge, s);
    65 	if (actual_edge!=INVALID) { 
    66 	  Node w=graph->head(actual_edge);
    67 	  if (!reached[w]) {
    68 	    bfs_queue.push(w);
    69 	    reached.set(w, true);
    70 	    b_node_newly_reached=true;
    71 	  } else {
    72 	    b_node_newly_reached=false;
    73 	  }
    74 	} 
    75       } else {
    76 	bfs_queue.push(s);
    77       }
    78       return *this;
    79     }
    80     /// As \c BfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap> works as an edge-iterator, 
    81     /// its \c operator++() iterates on the edges in a bfs order.
    82     BfsIterator<Graph, /*OutEdgeIt,*/ ReachedMap>& 
    83     operator++() { 
    84       if (actual_edge!=INVALID) { 
    85 	actual_edge=++OutEdgeIt(*graph, actual_edge);
    86 	//++actual_edge;
    87 	if (actual_edge!=INVALID) {
    88 	  Node w=graph->head(actual_edge);
    89 	  if (!reached[w]) {
    90 	    bfs_queue.push(w);
    91 	    reached.set(w, true);
    92 	    b_node_newly_reached=true;
    93 	  } else {
    94 	    b_node_newly_reached=false;
    95 	  }
    96 	}
    97       } else {
    98 	bfs_queue.pop(); 
    99 	if (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
   100 	  actual_edge=OutEdgeIt(*graph, bfs_queue.front());
   101 	  //graph->first(actual_edge, bfs_queue.front());
   102 	  if (actual_edge!=INVALID) {
   103 	    Node w=graph->head(actual_edge);
   104 	    if (!reached[w]) {
   105 	      bfs_queue.push(w);
   106 	      reached.set(w, true);
   107 	      b_node_newly_reached=true;
   108 	    } else {
   109 	      b_node_newly_reached=false;
   110 	    }
   111 	  }
   112 	}
   113       }
   114       return *this;
   115     }
   116     /// Returns true iff the algorithm is finished.
   117     bool finished() const { return bfs_queue.empty(); }
   118     /// The conversion operator makes for converting the bfs-iterator 
   119     /// to an \c out-edge-iterator.
   120     ///\bug Edge have to be in HUGO 0.2
   121     operator Edge() const { return actual_edge; }
   122     /// Returns if b-node has been reached just now.
   123     bool isBNodeNewlyReached() const { return b_node_newly_reached; }
   124     /// Returns if a-node is examined.
   125     bool isANodeExamined() const { return actual_edge==INVALID; }
   126     /// Returns a-node of the actual edge, so does if the edge is invalid.
   127     Node tail() const { return bfs_queue.front(); }
   128     /// \pre The actual edge have to be valid.
   129     Node head() const { return graph->head(actual_edge); }
   130     /// Guess what?
   131     /// \deprecated 
   132     const ReachedMap& getReachedMap() const { return reached; }
   133     /// Guess what?
   134     /// \deprecated
   135     const std::queue<Node>& getBfsQueue() const { return bfs_queue; }
   136   };
   138   /// Bfs searches for the nodes wich are not marked in 
   139   /// \c reached_map
   140   /// Reached have to work as a read-write bool Node-map, 
   141   /// Pred is a write edge node-map and
   142   /// Dist is a read-write node-map of integral value, have to be. 
   143   /// \ingroup galgs
   144   template <typename Graph, 
   145 	    typename ReachedMap=typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool>, 
   146 	    typename PredMap
   147 	    =typename Graph::template NodeMap<typename Graph::Edge>, 
   148 	    typename DistMap=typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> > 
   149   class Bfs : public BfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap> {
   150     typedef BfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap> Parent;
   151   protected:
   152     typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
   153     PredMap& pred;
   154     DistMap& dist;
   155   public:
   156     /// The algorithm will search in a bfs order for 
   157     /// the nodes which are \c false initially. 
   158     /// The constructor makes no initial changes on the maps.
   159     Bfs<Graph, ReachedMap, PredMap, DistMap>(const Graph& _graph, ReachedMap& _reached, PredMap& _pred, DistMap& _dist) : 
   160       BfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap>(_graph, _reached), 
   161       pred(_pred), dist(_dist) { }
   162     /// \c s is marked to be reached and pushed in the bfs queue.
   163     /// If the queue is empty, then the first out-edge is processed.
   164     /// If \c s was not marked previously, then 
   165     /// in addition its pred is set to be \c INVALID, and dist to \c 0. 
   166     /// if \c s was marked previuosly, then it is simply pushed.
   167     Bfs<Graph, ReachedMap, PredMap, DistMap>& push(Node s) { 
   168       if (this->reached[s]) {
   169 	Parent::pushAndSetReached(s);
   170       } else {
   171 	Parent::pushAndSetReached(s);
   172 	pred.set(s, INVALID);
   173 	dist.set(s, 0);
   174       }
   175       return *this;
   176     }
   177     /// A bfs is processed from \c s.
   178     Bfs<Graph, ReachedMap, PredMap, DistMap>& run(Node s) {
   179       push(s);
   180       while (!this->finished()) this->operator++();
   181       return *this;
   182     }
   183     /// Beside the bfs iteration, \c pred and \dist are saved in a 
   184     /// newly reached node. 
   185     Bfs<Graph, ReachedMap, PredMap, DistMap>& operator++() {
   186       Parent::operator++();
   187       if (this->graph->valid(this->actual_edge) && this->b_node_newly_reached) 
   188       {
   189 	pred.set(this->head(), this->actual_edge);
   190 	dist.set(this->head(), dist[this->tail()]);
   191       }
   192       return *this;
   193     }
   194     /// Guess what?
   195     /// \deprecated 
   196     const PredMap& getPredMap() const { return pred; }
   197     /// Guess what?
   198     /// \deprecated
   199     const DistMap& getDistMap() const { return dist; }
   200   };
   202   /// Dfs searches for the nodes wich are not marked in 
   203   /// \c reached_map
   204   /// Reached have to be a read-write bool Node-map.
   205   /// \ingroup galgs
   206   template <typename Graph, /*typename OutEdgeIt,*/ 
   207 	    typename ReachedMap/*=typename Graph::NodeMap<bool>*/ >
   208   class DfsIterator {
   209   protected:
   210     typedef typename Graph::Node Node;
   211     typedef typename Graph::Edge Edge;
   212     typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
   213     const Graph* graph;
   214     std::stack<OutEdgeIt> dfs_stack;
   215     bool b_node_newly_reached;
   216     Edge actual_edge;
   217     Node actual_node;
   218     ReachedMap& reached;
   219     bool own_reached_map;
   220   public:
   221     /// In that constructor \c _reached have to be a reference 
   222     /// for a bool node-map. The algorithm will search in a dfs order for 
   223     /// the nodes which are \c false initially
   224     DfsIterator(const Graph& _graph, ReachedMap& _reached) : 
   225       graph(&_graph), reached(_reached), 
   226       own_reached_map(false) { }
   227     /// The same as above, but the map of reached nodes is 
   228     /// constructed dynamically 
   229     /// to everywhere false.
   230     DfsIterator(const Graph& _graph) : 
   231       graph(&_graph), reached(*(new ReachedMap(*graph /*, false*/))), 
   232       own_reached_map(true) { }
   233     ~DfsIterator() { if (own_reached_map) delete &reached; }
   234     /// This method markes s reached and first out-edge is processed.
   235     DfsIterator<Graph, /*OutEdgeIt,*/ ReachedMap>& pushAndSetReached(Node s) { 
   236       actual_node=s;
   237       reached.set(s, true);
   238       OutEdgeIt e(*graph, s);
   239       //graph->first(e, s);
   240       dfs_stack.push(e); 
   241       return *this;
   242     }
   243     /// As \c DfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap> works as an edge-iterator, 
   244     /// its \c operator++() iterates on the edges in a dfs order.
   245     DfsIterator<Graph, /*OutEdgeIt,*/ ReachedMap>& 
   246     operator++() { 
   248       if (actual_edge!=INVALID/*.valid()*/) { 
   249 	Node w=graph->head(actual_edge);
   250 	actual_node=w;
   251 	if (!reached[w]) {
   252 	  OutEdgeIt e(*graph, w);
   253 	  //graph->first(e, w);
   254 	  dfs_stack.push(e);
   255 	  reached.set(w, true);
   256 	  b_node_newly_reached=true;
   257 	} else {
   258 	  actual_node=graph->tail(actual_edge);
   260 	  b_node_newly_reached=false;
   261 	}
   262       } else {
   263 	//actual_node=G.aNode(;
   264 	dfs_stack.pop();
   265       }
   266       return *this;
   267     }
   268     /// Returns true iff the algorithm is finished.
   269     bool finished() const { return dfs_stack.empty(); }
   270     /// The conversion operator makes for converting the bfs-iterator 
   271     /// to an \c out-edge-iterator.
   272     ///\bug Edge have to be in HUGO 0.2
   273     operator Edge() const { return actual_edge; }
   274     /// Returns if b-node has been reached just now.
   275     bool isBNodeNewlyReached() const { return b_node_newly_reached; }
   276     /// Returns if a-node is examined.
   277     bool isANodeExamined() const { return actual_edge==INVALID; }
   278     /// Returns a-node of the actual edge, so does if the edge is invalid.
   279     Node tail() const { return actual_node; /*FIXME*/}
   280     /// Returns b-node of the actual edge. 
   281     /// \pre The actual edge have to be valid.
   282     Node head() const { return graph->head(actual_edge); }
   283     /// Guess what?
   284     /// \deprecated
   285     const ReachedMap& getReachedMap() const { return reached; }
   286     /// Guess what?
   287     /// \deprecated
   288     const std::stack<OutEdgeIt>& getDfsStack() const { return dfs_stack; }
   289   };
   291   /// Dfs searches for the nodes wich are not marked in 
   292   /// \c reached_map
   293   /// Reached is a read-write bool node-map, 
   294   /// Pred is a write node-map, have to be.
   295   /// \ingroup galgs
   296   template <typename Graph, 
   297 	    typename ReachedMap=typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool>, 
   298 	    typename PredMap
   299 	    =typename Graph::template NodeMap<typename Graph::Edge> > 
   300   class Dfs : public DfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap> {
   301     typedef DfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap> Parent;
   302   protected:
   303     typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
   304     PredMap& pred;
   305   public:
   306     /// The algorithm will search in a dfs order for 
   307     /// the nodes which are \c false initially. 
   308     /// The constructor makes no initial changes on the maps.
   309     Dfs<Graph, ReachedMap, PredMap>(const Graph& _graph, ReachedMap& _reached, PredMap& _pred) : DfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap>(_graph, _reached), pred(_pred) { }
   310     /// \c s is marked to be reached and pushed in the bfs queue.
   311     /// If the queue is empty, then the first out-edge is processed.
   312     /// If \c s was not marked previously, then 
   313     /// in addition its pred is set to be \c INVALID. 
   314     /// if \c s was marked previuosly, then it is simply pushed.
   315     Dfs<Graph, ReachedMap, PredMap>& push(Node s) { 
   316       if (this->reached[s]) {
   317 	Parent::pushAndSetReached(s);
   318       } else {
   319 	Parent::pushAndSetReached(s);
   320 	pred.set(s, INVALID);
   321       }
   322       return *this;
   323     }
   324     /// A bfs is processed from \c s.
   325     Dfs<Graph, ReachedMap, PredMap>& run(Node s) {
   326       push(s);
   327       while (!this->finished()) this->operator++();
   328       return *this;
   329     }
   330     /// Beside the dfs iteration, \c pred is saved in a 
   331     /// newly reached node. 
   332     Dfs<Graph, ReachedMap, PredMap>& operator++() {
   333       Parent::operator++();
   334       if (this->graph->valid(this->actual_edge) && this->b_node_newly_reached) 
   335       {
   336 	pred.set(this->head(), this->actual_edge);
   337       }
   338       return *this;
   339     }
   340     /// Guess what?
   341     /// \deprecated
   342     const PredMap& getPredMap() const { return pred; }
   343   };
   346 } // namespace hugo
   348 #endif //HUGO_BFS_DFS_H