author deba
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:06:45 +0000 (2004-09-08)
changeset 822 88226d9fe821
parent 640 d426dca0aaf7
child 921 818510fa3d99
permissions -rw-r--r--
The MapFactories have been removed from the code because
if we use macros then they increases only the complexity.

The pair iterators of the maps are separeted from the maps.

Some macros and comments has been changed.
     1 // -*- c++ -*-
     2 #ifndef HUGO_BFS_DFS_MISC_H
     3 #define HUGO_BFS_DFS_MISC_H
     5 /// \ingroup galgs
     6 /// \file
     7 /// \brief Miscellaneous algorithms using bfs and dfs.
     8 ///
     9 /// This file contains several algorithms using bfs and dfs.
    10 ///
    11 // ///\author Marton Makai
    13 #include <bfs_dfs.h>
    14 #include <for_each_macros.h>
    16 namespace hugo {
    18   /// This function eats a read-write \c BoolMap& bool_map, 
    19   /// which have to work well up 
    20   /// to its \c set and \c operator[]() method. Thus we have to deal 
    21   /// very carefully with an uninitialized \c IterableBoolMap.
    22   /// \ingroup galgs
    23   template<typename Graph, typename BoolMap> 
    24   bool isBipartite(const Graph& g, BoolMap& bool_map) {
    25     typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool> ReachedMap;
    26     ReachedMap reached(g/*, false*/);
    27     BfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap> bfs(g, reached);
    28     FOR_EACH_LOC(typename Graph::NodeIt, n, g) {
    29       if (!reached[n]) {
    30 	bfs.pushAndSetReached(n);
    31 	bool_map.set(n, false);
    32 	while (!bfs.finished()) {
    33 	  if (bfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) {
    34 	    bool_map.set(bfs.bNode())=!bfs.aNode();
    35 	  } else {
    36 	    if (bool_map[bfs.bNode()]==bool_map[bfs.aNode()]) {
    37 	      return false;
    38 	    }
    39 	  }
    40 	  ++bfs;
    41 	}
    42       }
    43     }
    45     return true;
    46   }
    48   /// experimental topsort, 
    49   /// I think the final version will work as an iterator
    50   /// if the graph is not a acyclic, the na pre-topological order is obtained 
    51   /// (see Schrijver's book).
    52   /// PredMap have to be a writtable node-map.
    53   /// If the graph is directed and not acyclic, 
    54   /// then going back from the returned node via the pred information, a 
    55   /// cycle is obtained.
    56   /// \ingroup galgs
    57   template<typename Graph, typename PredMap> 
    58   typename Graph::Node 
    59   topSort(const Graph& g, std::list<typename Graph::Node>& l, 
    60 	       PredMap& pred) {
    61     l.clear();
    62     typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool> ReachedMap;
    63     typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool> ExaminedMap;    
    64     ReachedMap reached(g/*, false*/);
    65     ExaminedMap examined(g/*, false*/);
    66     DfsIterator<Graph, ReachedMap> dfs(g, reached);
    67     FOR_EACH_LOC(typename Graph::NodeIt, n, g) {
    68       if (!reached[n]) {
    69 	dfs.pushAndSetReached(n);
    70 	pred.set(n, INVALID);
    71 	while (!dfs.finished()) {
    72 	  ++dfs;
    73 	  if (dfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) {
    74 	    ///\bug hugo 0.2-ben Edge kell
    75 	    pred.set(dfs.aNode(), typename Graph::OutEdgeIt(dfs));
    76 	  } else {
    77 	    ///\bug ugyanaz
    78 	    if (g.valid(typename Graph::OutEdgeIt(dfs)) && 
    79 		!examined[dfs.bNode()]) {
    80 	      ///\bug hugo 0.2-ben Edge kell
    81 	      pred.set(dfs.bNode(), typename Graph::OutEdgeIt(dfs));
    82 	      return dfs.aNode();
    83 	    }
    84 	  }
    85 	  if (dfs.isANodeExamined()) {
    86 	    l.push_back(dfs.aNode());
    87 	    examined.set(dfs.aNode(), true);
    88 	  }
    89 	}
    90       }
    91     }
    92     return INVALID;
    93   }
    95 } //namespace hugo
    97 #endif //HUGO_BFS_DFS_MISC_H