author deba
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:06:45 +0000 (2004-09-08)
changeset 822 88226d9fe821
parent 651 a56e043aeab1
child 826 056fbb112b30
permissions -rw-r--r--
The MapFactories have been removed from the code because
if we use macros then they increases only the complexity.

The pair iterators of the maps are separeted from the maps.

Some macros and comments has been changed.
     1 // -*- c++ -*-
     2 #ifndef HUGO_GRAPH_H
     3 #define HUGO_GRAPH_H
     5 ///\file
     6 ///\brief Declaration of GraphConcept.
     8 #include <hugo/invalid.h>
    10 namespace hugo {
    12   /// @defgroup empty_graph The GraphConcept class
    13   /// @{
    15   /// An empty graph class.
    17   /// This class provides all the common features of a graph structure,
    18   /// however completely without implementations and real data structures
    19   /// behind the interface.
    20   /// All graph algorithms should compile with this class, but it will not
    21   /// run properly, of course.
    22   ///
    23   /// It can be used for checking the interface compatibility,
    24   /// or it can serve as a skeleton of a new graph structure.
    25   /// 
    26   /// Also, you will find here the full documentation of a certain graph
    27   /// feature, the documentation of a real graph imlementation
    28   /// like @ref ListGraph or
    29   /// @ref SmartGraph will just refer to this structure.
    30   class GraphConcept
    31   {
    32   public:
    33     /// Defalult constructor.
    34     GraphConcept() { }
    36     /// \brief Copy consructor.
    37     /// 
    38     /// \todo It is not clear, what we expect from a copy constructor.
    39     /// E.g. How to assign the nodes/edges to each other? What about maps?
    40     GraphConcept(const GraphConcept&) { }
    42     /// \brief The base type of the node iterators.
    43     ///
    44     /// This is the base type of each node iterators,
    45     /// thus each kind of node iterator will convert to this.
    46     /// Sometimes it is said to be a trivial iterator.
    47     class Node {
    48     public:
    49       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
    50       /// to an undefined value.
    51       Node() { }   //FIXME
    53       // /// Copy constructor.
    54       // Node(const Node&) { }
    56       /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
    57       /// 
    58       /// This constructor initializes the iterator to be invalid.
    59       /// \sa Invalid for more details.
    60       Node(const Invalid&) { }
    62       /// Two iterators are equal if and only if they point to the
    63       /// same object or both are invalid.
    64       bool operator==(Node n) const { return true; }
    66       /// \sa \ref operator==(Node n)
    67       ///
    68       bool operator!=(Node n) const { return true; }
    70       bool operator<(Node n) const { return true; }
    71     };
    73     /// The base type of the edge iterators.
    74     class Edge {
    75     public:
    76       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
    77       /// to an undefined value.
    78       Edge() { }   //FIXME
    80       // /// Copy constructor.
    81       // Edge(const Edge&) { }
    83       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid
    84       Edge(const Invalid&) { }
    85       /// Two iterators are equal if and only if they point to the
    86       /// same object or both are invalid.
    87       bool operator==(Edge n) const { return true; }
    88       bool operator!=(Edge n) const { return true; }
    89       bool operator<(Edge n) const { return true; }
    90     };
    92     //  class SymEdgeIt : public Edge {};
    95     //  SymEdgeIt &first(SymEdgeIt &, Node) const { return i;}
    97 //     Node getNext(Node) const {}
    98 //     InEdgeIt getNext(InEdgeIt) const {}
    99 //     OutEdgeIt getNext(OutEdgeIt) const {}
   100 //     //SymEdgeIt getNext(SymEdgeIt) const {}
   101 //     EdgeIt getNext(EdgeIt) const {}
   103     //SymEdgeIt &next(SymEdgeIt &) const {}
   106     /// Gives back the head node of an edge.
   107     Node head(const Edge&) const { return INVALID; }
   108     /// Gives back the tail node of an edge.
   109     Node tail(const Edge&) const { return INVALID; }
   111     //   Node aNode(SymEdgeIt) const {}
   112     //   Node bNode(SymEdgeIt) const {}
   114     /// \brief Checks if a node iterator is valid
   115     /// 
   116     /// \todo Maybe, it would be better if iterator converted to
   117     /// bool directly, as Jacint prefers.
   118     bool valid(const Node&) const { return true; }
   119     /// \brief Checks if an edge iterator is valid
   120     /// 
   121     /// \todo Maybe, it would be better if iterator converted to
   122     /// bool directly, as Jacint prefers.
   123     bool valid(const Edge&) const { return true; }
   125     /// \brief Gives back the \e id of a node.
   126     /// 
   127     /// \warning Not all graph structures provide this feature.
   128     ///
   129     int id(const Node&) const { return 0; }
   130     /// \brief Gives back the \e id of an edge.
   131     ///
   132     /// \warning Not all graph structures provide this feature.
   133     ///
   134     int id(const Edge&) const { return 0; }
   136     //void setInvalid(Node &) const {};
   137     //void setInvalid(Edge &) const {};
   139     /// \brief Add a new node to the graph.
   140     ///
   141     /// \return the new node.
   142     Node addNode() { return INVALID; }
   143     /// \brief Add a new edge to the graph.
   144     ///
   145     /// Add a new edge to the graph with tail node \c tail
   146     /// and head node \c head.
   147     /// \return the new edge.
   148     Edge addEdge(const Node& tail, const Node& head) { return INVALID; }
   150     /// \brief Resets the graph.
   151     /// 
   152     /// This function deletes all edges and nodes of the graph.
   153     /// It also frees the memory allocated to store them.
   154     /// \todo What happens with the maps?
   155     void clear() { }
   157     /// Read/write/reference map of the nodes to type \c T.
   159     /// Read/write/reference map of the nodes to type \c T.
   160     /// \sa MemoryMapConcept
   161     /// \todo We may need copy constructor
   162     /// \todo We may need conversion from other nodetype
   163     /// \todo We may need operator=
   164     /// \warning Making maps that can handle bool type (NodeMap<bool>)
   165     /// needs extra attention!
   167     template<class T> class NodeMap
   168     {
   169     public:
   170       typedef T ValueType;
   171       typedef Node KeyType;
   173       NodeMap(const GraphConcept& g) { }
   174       NodeMap(const GraphConcept& g, T t) { }
   176       template<typename TT> NodeMap(const NodeMap<TT>& m) { }
   178       /// Sets the value of a node.
   180       /// Sets the value associated with node \c i to the value \c t.
   181       ///
   182       void set(Node i, T t) {}
   183       /// Gets the value of a node.
   184       T get(Node i) const {return *(T*)0;}  //FIXME: Is it necessary
   185       T &operator[](Node i) {return *(T*)0;}
   186       const T &operator[](Node i) const {return *(T*)0;}
   188       /// Updates the map if the graph has been changed
   190       /// \todo Do we need this?
   191       ///
   192       void update() { }
   193       //void update(T a) { }   //FIXME: Is it necessary
   194     };
   196     ///Read/write/reference map of the edges to type \c T.
   198     /// Read/write/reference map of the edges to type \c T.
   199     /// It behaves exactly in the same way as \ref NodeMap.
   200     /// \sa NodeMap
   201     /// \sa MemoryMapConcept
   202     /// \todo We may need copy constructor
   203     /// \todo We may need conversion from other edgetype
   204     /// \todo We may need operator=
   205     template<class T> class EdgeMap
   206     {
   207     public:
   208       typedef T ValueType;
   209       typedef Edge KeyType;
   211       EdgeMap(const GraphConcept& g) {}
   212       EdgeMap(const GraphConcept& g, T t) {}
   214       void set(Edge i, T t) {}
   215       T get(Edge i) const {return *(T*)0;}
   216       T &operator[](Edge i) {return *(T*)0;}
   218       void update() { }
   219       //void update(T a) { }   //FIXME: Is it necessary
   220     };
   221   };
   224   /// \brief Node-iterable graph concept.
   225   ///
   226   /// A graph class which provides functions to 
   227   /// iterate on its nodes.
   228   class NodeIterableGraphConcept : virtual public GraphConcept
   229   {
   230   public:
   232     /// \brief This iterator goes trough the nodes of the graph.
   233     ///
   234     /// This iterator goes trough the \e nodes of the graph.
   235     /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can count the number
   236     /// of nodes in graph \c g of type \c Graph as follows.
   237     /// \code
   238     /// int count=0;
   239     /// for(Graph::NodeIt n(g); g.valid(n); ++count;
   240     /// \endcode
   241     class NodeIt : public Node {
   242     public:
   243       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator.
   244       /// to an undefined value.
   245       NodeIt() { }
   246       // /// Copy constructor
   247       //NodeIt(const NodeIt& n) { }
   248       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
   249       NodeIt(const Invalid&) { }
   250       /// \brief This constructor sets the iterator to first node.
   251       ///
   252       /// This constructor set the iterator to the first 
   253       /// node of the graph \c g.
   254       ///
   255       ///@param g the graph
   256       NodeIt(const GraphConcept& g) { }
   257     };
   259     /// The first node.
   260     NodeIt &first(NodeIt &i) const { return i; }
   262     /// Go to the next node.
   263     NodeIt &next(NodeIt &i) const { return i; }
   264   };
   267   /// \brief Edge-iterable graph concept.
   268   ///
   269   /// A graph class which provides functions to 
   270   /// iterate on its edges.
   271   class EdgeIterableGraphConcept : virtual public GraphConcept
   272   {
   273   public:
   275     /// \brief This iterator goes trough the edges of the graph.
   276     ///
   277     /// This iterator goes trough the \e edges of the graph.
   278     /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can count the number
   279     /// of edges in graph \c g of type \c Graph as follows.
   280     /// \code
   281     /// int count=0;
   282     /// for(Graph::EdgeIt e(g); g.valid(e); ++count;
   283     /// \endcode
   284     class EdgeIt : public Edge {
   285     public:
   286       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator.
   287       /// to an undefined value.
   288       EdgeIt() { }
   289       // /// Copy constructor
   290       // EdgeIt(const EdgeIt&) { }
   291       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
   292       EdgeIt(const Invalid&) { }
   293       /// \brief This constructor sets the iterator to first edge.
   294       ///
   295       /// This constructor set the iterator to the first 
   296       /// edge of the graph \c g.
   297       ///
   298       ///@param g the graph
   299       EdgeIt(const GraphConcept& g) { }
   300     };
   302     /// The first edge.
   303     EdgeIt &first(EdgeIt &i) const { return i; }
   305     /// Go to the next edge.
   306     EdgeIt &next(EdgeIt &i) const { return i; }
   307   };
   310   /// \brief Out-edge-iterable graph concept.
   311   ///
   312   /// A graph class which provides functions to 
   313   /// iterate on out-edges of any node.
   314   class OutEdgeIterableGraphConcept : virtual public GraphConcept
   315   {
   316   public:
   318     /// \brief This iterator goes trough the outgoing edges of a node.
   319     ///
   320     /// This iterator goes trough the \e outgoing edges of a certain node
   321     /// of a graph.
   322     /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can count the number
   323     /// of outgoing edges of a node \c n
   324     /// in graph \c g of type \c Graph as follows.
   325     /// \code
   326     /// int count=0;
   327     /// for(Graph::OutEdgeIt e(g, n); g.valid(e); ++count;
   328     /// \endcode
   329     class OutEdgeIt : public Edge {
   330     public:
   331       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator.
   332       /// to an undefined value.
   333       OutEdgeIt() { }
   334       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
   335       OutEdgeIt(const Invalid&) { }
   336       /// \brief This constructor sets the iterator to first outgoing edge.
   337       ///
   338       /// This constructor set the iterator to the first outgoing edge of
   339       /// node
   340       ///@param n the node
   341       ///@param g the graph
   342       OutEdgeIt(const GraphConcept& g, const Node& n) { }
   343     };
   345     /// The first outgoing edge.
   346     OutEdgeIt &first(OutEdgeIt &i, const Node& n) const { return i; }
   348     /// Go to the next outgoing edge.
   349     OutEdgeIt &next(OutEdgeIt &i) const { return i; }
   351     Node aNode(const OutEdgeIt&) const { return Node(); }
   352     Node bNode(const OutEdgeIt&) const { return Node(); }
   353   };
   356   /// \brief In-edge-iterable graph concept.
   357   ///
   358   /// A Graph class which provides a function to 
   359   /// iterate on in-edges of any node.
   360   class InEdgeIterableGraphConcept : virtual public GraphConcept
   361   {
   362   public:
   364     /// \brief This iterator goes trough the incoming edges of a node.
   365     /// 
   366     /// This iterator goes trough the \e incoming edges of a certain node
   367     /// of a graph.
   368     /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can count the number
   369     /// of incoming edges of a node \c n
   370     /// in graph \c g of type \c Graph as follows.
   371     /// \code
   372     /// int count=0;
   373     /// for(Graph::InEdgeIt e(g, n); g.valid(e); ++count;
   374     /// \endcode
   375     class InEdgeIt : public Edge {
   376     public:
   377       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
   378       /// to an undefined value.
   379       InEdgeIt() { }
   380       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid
   381       InEdgeIt(const Invalid&) { }
   382       /// \brief This constructor sets the iterator to first incomig edge.
   383       /// 
   384       /// This constructor set the iterator to the first incomig edge of
   385       /// node
   386       ///@param n the node
   387       ///@param g the graph
   388       InEdgeIt(const GraphConcept& g, const Node& n) { }
   389     };
   391     /// The first incoming edge.
   392     InEdgeIt &first(InEdgeIt &i, const Node& n) const { return i; }
   394     /// Go to the next incoming edge.
   395     InEdgeIt &next(InEdgeIt &i) const { return i; }
   397     Node aNode(const InEdgeIt&) const { return Node(); }
   398     Node bNode(const InEdgeIt&) const { return Node(); }
   399   };
   402   /// \brief Node-eraseable graph concept.
   403   ///
   404   /// A graph class which provides a function to 
   405   /// delete any of its nodes.
   406   class NodeEraseableGraphConcept : virtual public GraphConcept
   407   {
   408   public:
   409     /// Deletes a node.
   410     void erase(const Node& n) { }
   411   };
   414   /// \brief Edge-eraseable graph concept.
   415   /// 
   416   /// A graph class which provides a function to delete any 
   417   /// of its edges.
   418   class EdgeEraseableGraphConcept : virtual public GraphConcept
   419   {
   420   public:
   421     /// Deletes a node.
   422     void erase(const Edge& n) { }
   423   };
   426   /// \brief An empty graph class which provides a function to 
   427   /// get the number of its nodes.
   428   /// 
   429   /// This graph class provides a function for getting the number of its 
   430   /// nodes. 
   431   /// Clearly, for physical graph structures it can be expected to have such a 
   432   /// function. For wrappers or graphs which are given in an implicit way, 
   433   /// the implementation can be circumstantial, that is why this composes a 
   434   /// separate concept.
   435   class NodeCountingGraphConcept : virtual public GraphConcept
   436   {
   437   public:
   438     /// Returns the number of nodes.
   439     int nodeNum() const { return 0; }
   440   };
   443   /// \brief An empty graph class which provides a function to 
   444   /// get the number of its edges.
   445   /// 
   446   /// This graph class provides a function for getting the number of its 
   447   /// edges. 
   448   /// Clearly, for physical graph structures it can be expected to have such a 
   449   /// function. For wrappers or graphs which are given in an implicit way, 
   450   /// the implementation can be circumstantial, that is why this composes a 
   451   /// separate concept.
   452   class EdgeCountingGraphConcept : virtual public GraphConcept
   453   {
   454   public:
   455     /// Returns the number of edges.
   456     int edgeNum() const { return 0; }
   457   };
   459   class FullFeatureGraphConcept : virtual public NodeIterableGraphConcept,
   460 				  virtual public EdgeIterableGraphConcept, 
   461 				  virtual public OutEdgeIterableGraphConcept, 
   462 				  virtual public InEdgeIterableGraphConcept, 
   463 				  virtual public NodeCountingGraphConcept {
   464   public:
   465     FullFeatureGraphConcept() { }
   466     using EdgeIterableGraphConcept::next;
   467     using NodeIterableGraphConcept::next;
   468     using OutEdgeIterableGraphConcept::next;    
   469     using InEdgeIterableGraphConcept::next;
   470   };
   472   /// @}
   474 } //namespace hugo
   478 // class EmptyBipGraph : public Graph Concept
   479 // {
   480 //   class ANode {};
   481 //   class BNode {};
   483 //   ANode &next(ANode &) {}
   484 //   BNode &next(BNode &) {}
   486 //   ANode &getFirst(ANode &) const {}
   487 //   BNode &getFirst(BNode &) const {}
   489 //   enum NodeClass { A = 0, B = 1 };
   490 //   NodeClass getClass(Node n) {}
   492 // }
   494 #endif // HUGO_GRAPH_H