author deba
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:06:45 +0000 (2004-09-08)
changeset 822 88226d9fe821
parent 646 bd7a69231cf8
child 921 818510fa3d99
permissions -rw-r--r--
The MapFactories have been removed from the code because
if we use macros then they increases only the complexity.

The pair iterators of the maps are separeted from the maps.

Some macros and comments has been changed.
     1 // -*- c++ -*-
     5 #include <LEDA/graph.h>
     6 #include <LEDA/node_array.h>
     7 #include <LEDA/edge_array.h>
     8 #include <LEDA/node_map.h>
     9 #include <LEDA/edge_map.h>
    10 //#include <LEDA/graph_alg.h>
    11 //#include <LEDA/dimacs.h>
    13 //#if defined(LEDA_NAMESPACE)
    14 //using namespace leda;
    15 //#endif
    17 #include <hugo/invalid.h>
    19 namespace hugo {
    21   /// \brief A graph wrapper structure for wrapping LEDA graphs in HUGO.
    22   ///
    23   /// This graph wrapper class wraps LEDA graphs and LEDA parametrized graphs
    24   /// to satisfy HUGO graph concepts.
    25   /// Then the generic HUGOlib algorithms and wrappers can be used 
    26   /// with LEDA graphs. 
    27   /// \ingroup gwrapper
    28   template<typename Graph>
    29   class LedaGraphWrapper
    30   {
    31   protected:
    32     Graph* l_graph;
    33     LedaGraphWrapper() : l_graph(0) { }
    34     void setGraph(Graph& _l_graph) { l_graph=&_l_graph; }
    35   public:
    37     /// Constructor for wrapping LEDA graphs.
    38     LedaGraphWrapper(Graph& _l_graph) : l_graph(&_l_graph) { }
    39     /// Copy constructor
    40     LedaGraphWrapper(const LedaGraphWrapper &g) : l_graph(g.l_graph) { }
    42     template <typename T> class NodeMap;
    43     template <typename T> class EdgeMap;
    44     template <typename T> class NodeMapWrapper;
    45     template <typename T> class EdgeMapWrapper;
    47     class Node;
    48     class NodeIt;
    49     class Edge;
    50     class EdgeIt;
    51     class OutEdgeIt;
    52     class InEdgeIt;
    54     /// Trivial node-iterator
    55     class Node {
    56       friend class LedaGraphWrapper<Graph>;
    57       //friend class Edge;
    58       friend class EdgeIt;
    59       friend class InEdgeIt;
    60       friend class OutEdgeIt;
    61     protected:
    62       template <typename T> friend class NodeMap;
    63       leda_node l_n;
    64     public: //FIXME
    65       Node(leda_node _l_n) : l_n(_l_n) { } 
    66     public:
    67       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
    68       /// to an undefined value.
    69       Node() { }   //FIXME
    70       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid
    71       Node(Invalid) : l_n(0) { }
    72       //Node(const Node &) {} 
    73       bool operator==(Node n) const { return l_n==n.l_n; } //FIXME
    74       bool operator!=(Node n) const { return l_n!=n.l_n; } //FIXME
    75       operator leda_node () { return l_n; }
    76     };
    78     /// This iterator goes through each node.
    79     class NodeIt : public Node {
    80     public:
    81       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
    82       /// to an undefined value.
    83       NodeIt() { } //FIXME
    84       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid
    85       NodeIt(Invalid i) : Node(i) { }
    86       /// Sets the iterator to the first node of \c G.
    87       NodeIt(const LedaGraphWrapper &G) : Node(G.l_graph->first_node()) { }
    88       //NodeIt(const NodeIt &) {} //FIXME
    89     };
    91     /// Trivial edge-iterator.
    92     class Edge {
    93       friend class LedaGraphWrapper;
    94     protected:
    95       template <typename T> friend class EdgeMap;
    96       leda_edge l_e;
    97     public: //FIXME
    98       Edge(leda_edge _l_e) : l_e(_l_e) { } 
    99     public:
   100       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
   101       /// to an undefined value.
   102       Edge() { }   //FIXME
   103       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid
   104       Edge(Invalid) : l_e(0) { }
   105       //Edge(const Edge &) {} 
   106       bool operator==(Edge e) const { return l_e==e.l_e; } //FIXME
   107       bool operator!=(Edge e) const { return l_e!=e.l_e; } //FIXME 
   108       operator leda_edge () { return l_e; }
   109     };
   111     /// This iterator goes trought the outgoing edges of a certain node.
   112     class OutEdgeIt : public Edge {
   113     public:
   114       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
   115       /// to an undefined value.
   116       OutEdgeIt() { }
   117       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid
   118       OutEdgeIt(Invalid i) : Edge(i) { }
   119       /// This constructor sets the iterator to first outgoing edge.
   121       /// This constructor set the iterator to the first outgoing edge of
   122       /// node
   123       ///@param n the node
   124       ///@param G the graph
   125       OutEdgeIt(const LedaGraphWrapper & G, Node n) : Edge(G.l_graph->first_adj_edge(n.l_n)) { }
   126     };
   128     /// This iterator goes trought the incoming edges of a certain node.
   129     class InEdgeIt : public Edge {
   130     public:
   131       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
   132       /// to an undefined value.
   133       InEdgeIt() { }
   134       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid
   135       InEdgeIt(Invalid i) : Edge(i) { }
   136       InEdgeIt(const LedaGraphWrapper & G, Node n) : Edge(G.l_graph->first_in_edge(n.l_n)) { }
   137     };
   139     //  class SymEdgeIt : public Edge {};
   141     /// This iterator goes trought the edges of the graph.
   142     class EdgeIt : public Edge {
   143     public:
   144       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
   145       /// to an undefined value.
   146       EdgeIt() { }
   147       /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid
   148       EdgeIt(Invalid i) : Edge(i) { }
   149       EdgeIt(const LedaGraphWrapper & G) : Edge(G.l_graph->first_edge()) { }
   150     };
   152     /// First node of the graph.
   153     ///
   154     /// \post \c i and the return value will be the first node.
   155     ///
   156     NodeIt &first(NodeIt &i) const { i=NodeIt(*this); return i; }
   158     /// The first outgoing edge.
   159     InEdgeIt &first(InEdgeIt &i, Node n) const { 
   160       i=InEdgeIt(*this, n); 
   161       return i;
   162     }
   163     /// The first incoming edge.
   164     OutEdgeIt &first(OutEdgeIt &i, Node n) const { 
   165       i=OutEdgeIt(*this, n); 
   166       return i;
   167     }
   168     //  SymEdgeIt &first(SymEdgeIt &, Node) const { return i;}
   169     /// The first edge of the graph.
   170     EdgeIt &first(EdgeIt &i) const {      
   171       i=EdgeIt(*this); 
   172       return i; }
   174 //     Node getNext(Node) const {}
   175 //     InEdgeIt getNext(InEdgeIt) const {}
   176 //     OutEdgeIt getNext(OutEdgeIt) const {}
   177 //     //SymEdgeIt getNext(SymEdgeIt) const {}
   178 //     EdgeIt getNext(EdgeIt) const {}
   180     /// Go to the next node.
   181     NodeIt &next(NodeIt &i) const { 
   182       i.l_n=l_graph->succ_node(i.l_n); 
   183       return i; 
   184     }
   185     /// Go to the next incoming edge.
   186     InEdgeIt &next(InEdgeIt &i) const { 
   187       i.l_e=l_graph->in_succ(i.l_e); 
   188       return i;
   189     }
   190     /// Go to the next outgoing edge.
   191     OutEdgeIt &next(OutEdgeIt &i) const { 
   192       i.l_e=l_graph->adj_succ(i.l_e); 
   193       return i;
   194     }
   195     //SymEdgeIt &next(SymEdgeIt &) const {}
   196     /// Go to the next edge.
   197     EdgeIt &next(EdgeIt &i) const {      
   198       i.l_e=l_graph->succ_edge(i.l_e); 
   199       return i; 
   200     }
   202 //     template< typename It >
   203 //     It first() const { 
   204 //       It e;
   205 //       first(e);
   206 //       return e; 
   207 //     }
   209 //     template< typename It >
   210 //     It first(Node v) const { 
   211 //       It e;
   212 //       first(e, v);
   213 //       return e; 
   214 //     }
   216     ///Gives back the head node of an edge.
   217     Node head(Edge e) const { 
   218       return Node(l_graph->target(e.l_e)); 
   219     }
   220     ///Gives back the tail node of an edge.
   221     Node tail(Edge e) const { 
   222       return Node(l_graph->source(e.l_e)); 
   223     }
   225     Node aNode(InEdgeIt e) const { return head(e); }
   226     Node aNode(OutEdgeIt e) const { return tail(e); }
   227     //   Node aNode(SymEdgeIt) const {}
   229     Node bNode(InEdgeIt e) const { return tail(e); }
   230     Node bNode(OutEdgeIt e) const { return head(e); }
   231     //   Node bNode(SymEdgeIt) const {}
   233     /// Checks if a node iterator is valid
   234     bool valid(Node n) const { return n.l_n; }
   235     /// Checks if an edge iterator is valid
   236     bool valid(Edge e) const { return e.l_e; }
   238     ///Gives back the \e id of a node.
   239     int id(Node n) const { return n.l_n->id(); }
   240     ///Gives back the \e id of an edge.
   241     int id(Edge e) const { return e.l_e->id(); }
   243     //void setInvalid(Node &) const {};
   244     //void setInvalid(Edge &) const {};
   246     Node addNode() const { return Node(l_graph->new_node()); }
   247     Edge addEdge(Node tail, Node head) const { 
   248       return Edge(l_graph->new_edge(tail.l_n, head.l_n));
   249     }
   251     void erase(Node n) const { l_graph->del_node(n.l_n); }
   252     void erase(Edge e) const { l_graph->del_edge(e.l_e); }
   254     void clear() const { l_graph->clear(); }
   256     int nodeNum() const { return l_graph->number_of_nodes(); }
   257     int edgeNum() const { return l_graph->number_of_edges(); }
   259     /// Read/write map from the nodes to type \c T.
   260     template<typename T> class NodeMap
   261     {
   262       leda_node_map<T> leda_stuff;
   263     public:
   264       typedef T ValueType;
   265       typedef Node KeyType;
   267       NodeMap(const LedaGraphWrapper &G) : leda_stuff(*(G.l_graph)) {}
   268       NodeMap(const LedaGraphWrapper &G, T t) : leda_stuff(*(G.l_graph), t) {}
   270       void set(Node i, T t) { leda_stuff[i.l_n]=t; }
   271       T get(Node i) const { return leda_stuff[i.l_n]; }  //FIXME: Is it necessary
   272       T &operator[](Node i) { return leda_stuff[i.l_n]; }
   273       const T &operator[](Node i) const { return leda_stuff[i.l_n]; }
   275       void update() { /*leda_stuff.init(leda_stuff.get_graph());*/ }
   276       //void update(T a) { leda_stuff.init(leda_stuff.get_graph()/**(G.l_graph)*/, a); }   //FIXME: Is it necessary
   277     };
   279     /// Read/write map from the edges to type \c T.
   280     template<typename T> class EdgeMap
   281     {
   282       leda_edge_map<T> leda_stuff;
   283     public:
   284       typedef T ValueType;
   285       typedef Edge KeyType;
   287       EdgeMap(const LedaGraphWrapper &G) : leda_stuff(*(G.l_graph)) {}
   288       EdgeMap(const LedaGraphWrapper &G, T t) : leda_stuff(*(G.l_graph), t) {}
   290       void set(Edge i, T t) { leda_stuff[i.l_e]=t; }
   291       T get(Edge i) const { return leda_stuff[i.l_e]; }  //FIXME: Is it necessary
   292       T &operator[](Edge i) { return leda_stuff[i.l_e]; }
   293       const T &operator[](Edge i) const { return leda_stuff[i.l_e]; }
   295       void update() { /*leda_stuff.init(leda_stuff.get_graph());*/ }
   296       //void update(T a) { leda_stuff.init(leda_stuff.get_graph()/**(G.l_graph)*/, a); }   //FIXME: Is it necessary
   297     };
   300     /// This class is to wrap existing 
   301     /// LEDA node-maps to HUGO ones.
   302     template<typename T> class NodeMapWrapper
   303     {
   304       leda_node_array<T>* leda_stuff;
   305     public:
   306       typedef T ValueType;
   307       typedef Node KeyType;
   309       NodeMapWrapper(leda_node_array<T>& _leda_stuff) : 
   310 	leda_stuff(&_leda_stuff) { }
   311       //NodeMap(leda_node_map& &G, T t) : leda_stuff(*(G.l_graph), t) {}
   313       void set(Node i, T t) { (*leda_stuff)[i.l_n]=t; }
   314       //T get(Node i) const { return (*leda_stuff)[i.l_n]; }  //FIXME: Is it necessary
   315       T &operator[](Node i) { return (*leda_stuff)[i.l_n]; }
   316       const T &operator[](Node i) const { return (*leda_stuff)[i.l_n]; }
   318       void update() { /*leda_stuff.init(leda_stuff.get_graph());*/ }
   319       //void update(T a) { leda_stuff.init(leda_stuff.get_graph()/**(G.l_graph)*/, a); }   //FIXME: Is it necessary
   320     };
   322     /// This class is to wrap existing 
   323     /// LEDA edge-maps to HUGO ones.
   324     template<typename T> class EdgeMapWrapper
   325     {
   326       leda_edge_array<T>* leda_stuff;
   327     public:
   328       typedef T ValueType;
   329       typedef Edge KeyType;
   331       EdgeMapWrapper(leda_edge_array<T>& _leda_stuff) : 
   332 	leda_stuff(_leda_stuff) { }
   333       //EdgeMap(const LedaGraphWrapper &G, T t) : leda_stuff(*(G.l_graph), t) {}
   335       void set(Edge i, T t) { (*leda_stuff)[i.l_e]=t; }
   336       //T get(Edge i) const { return (*leda_stuff)[i.l_e]; }  //FIXME: Is it necessary
   337       T &operator[](Edge i) { return (*leda_stuff)[i.l_e]; }
   338       const T &operator[](Edge i) const { return (*leda_stuff)[i.l_e]; }
   340       void update() { /*leda_stuff.init(leda_stuff.get_graph());*/ }
   341       //void update(T a) { leda_stuff.init(leda_stuff.get_graph()/**(G.l_graph)*/, a); }   //FIXME: Is it necessary
   342     };
   344     /// This class is used for access node-data of 
   345     /// LEDA parametrized graphs.
   346     template<typename T> 
   347     class NodeDataMap : public NodeMapWrapper<T>
   348     {
   349     public:
   350       NodeDataMap(LedaGraphWrapper<Graph>& LGW) : 
   351 	NodeMapWrapper<T>(*(LGW._g_graph).node_data()) { }
   352     };
   354     /// This class is used for access edge-data of 
   355     /// LEDA parametrized graphs.
   356     template<typename T> 
   357     class EdgeDataMap : public EdgeMapWrapper<T>
   358     {
   359     public:
   360       EdgeDataMap(LedaGraphWrapper<Graph>& LGW) : 
   361 	EdgeMapWrapper<T>(*(LGW._g_graph).edge_data()) { }
   362     };
   364   };
   367   /// \brief LEDA graph template.
   368   ///
   369   /// This graph stucture uses LEDA graphs for physical storage.
   370   /// \ingroup graphs
   371   template<typename Graph>
   372   class LedaGraph : public LedaGraphWrapper<Graph> {
   373     typedef LedaGraphWrapper<Graph> Parent;
   374   protected:
   375     Graph gr;
   376   public:
   377     LedaGraph() { 
   378       Parent::setGraph(gr); 
   379     }
   380   };
   382 } //namespace hugo
   384 #endif // HUGO_LEDA_GRAPH_WRAPPER_H