author deba
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:06:45 +0000 (2004-09-08)
changeset 822 88226d9fe821
permissions -rw-r--r--
The MapFactories have been removed from the code because
if we use macros then they increases only the complexity.

The pair iterators of the maps are separeted from the maps.

Some macros and comments has been changed.
     1 #ifndef MARCI_BFS_HH
     2 #define MARCI_BFS_HH
     4 #include <queue>
     6 #include <marci_property_vector.hh>
     8 namespace hugo {
    10   template <typename graph_type>
    11   struct bfs {
    12     typedef typename graph_type::node_iterator node_iterator;
    13     typedef typename graph_type::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
    14     typedef typename graph_type::each_node_iterator each_node_iterator;
    15     typedef typename graph_type::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
    16     graph_type& G;
    17     node_iterator s;
    18     node_property_vector<graph_type, bool> reached;
    19     node_property_vector<graph_type, edge_iterator> pred;
    20     node_property_vector<graph_type, int> dist;
    21     std::queue<node_iterator> bfs_queue;
    22     bfs(graph_type& _G, node_iterator _s) : G(_G), s(_s), reached(_G), pred(_G), dist(_G) { 
    23       bfs_queue.push(s); 
    24       for(each_node_iterator i=G.first_node(); i.valid(); ++i) 
    25 	reached.put(i, false);
    26       reached.put(s, true);
    27       dist.put(s, 0); 
    28     }
    30     void run() {
    31       while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
    32 	node_iterator v=bfs_queue.front();
    33 	out_edge_iterator e=G.first_out_edge(v);
    34 	bfs_queue.pop();
    35 	for( ; e.valid(); ++e) {
    36 	  node_iterator w=G.head(e);
    37 	  std::cout << "scan node " << << " from node " << << std::endl;
    38 	  if (!reached.get(w)) {
    39 	    std::cout << << " is newly reached :-)" << std::endl;
    40 	    bfs_queue.push(w);
    41 	    dist.put(w, dist.get(v)+1);
    42 	    pred.put(w, e);
    43 	    reached.put(w, true);
    44 	  } else {
    45 	    std::cout << << " is already reached" << std::endl;
    46 	  }
    47 	}
    48       }
    49     }
    50   };
    52   template <typename graph_type> 
    53   struct bfs_visitor {
    54     typedef typename graph_type::node_iterator node_iterator;
    55     typedef typename graph_type::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
    56     typedef typename graph_type::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
    57     graph_type& G;
    58     bfs_visitor(graph_type& _G) : G(_G) { }
    59     void at_previously_reached(out_edge_iterator& e) { 
    60       //node_iterator v=G.tail(e);
    61       node_iterator w=G.head(e);
    62       std::cout << << " is already reached" << std::endl;
    63    }
    64     void at_newly_reached(out_edge_iterator& e) { 
    65       //node_iterator v=G.tail(e);
    66       node_iterator w=G.head(e);
    67       std::cout << << " is newly reached :-)" << std::endl;
    68     }
    69   };
    71   template <typename graph_type, typename reached_type, typename visitor_type>
    72   struct bfs_iterator {
    73     typedef typename graph_type::node_iterator node_iterator;
    74     typedef typename graph_type::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
    75     typedef typename graph_type::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
    76     graph_type& G;
    77     std::queue<out_edge_iterator>& bfs_queue;
    78     reached_type& reached;
    79     visitor_type& visitor;
    80     void process() {
    81       while ( !bfs_queue.empty() && !bfs_queue.front().valid() ) { bfs_queue.pop(); } 
    82       if (bfs_queue.empty()) return;
    83       out_edge_iterator e=bfs_queue.front();
    84       //node_iterator v=G.tail(e);
    85       node_iterator w=G.head(e);
    86       if (!reached.get(w)) {
    87 	visitor.at_newly_reached(e);
    88 	bfs_queue.push(G.first_out_edge(w));
    89 	reached.put(w, true);
    90       } else {
    91 	visitor.at_previously_reached(e);
    92       }
    93     }
    94     bfs_iterator(graph_type& _G, std::queue<out_edge_iterator>& _bfs_queue, reached_type& _reached, visitor_type& _visitor) : G(_G), bfs_queue(_bfs_queue), reached(_reached), visitor(_visitor) { 
    95       //while ( !bfs_queue.empty() && !bfs_queue.front().valid() ) { bfs_queue.pop(); } 
    96       valid();
    97     }
    98     bfs_iterator<graph_type, reached_type, visitor_type>& operator++() { 
    99       //while ( !bfs_queue.empty() && !bfs_queue.front().valid() ) { bfs_queue.pop(); } 
   100       //if (bfs_queue.empty()) return *this;
   101       if (!valid()) return *this;
   102       ++(bfs_queue.front());
   103       //while ( !bfs_queue.empty() && !bfs_queue.front().valid() ) { bfs_queue.pop(); } 
   104       valid();
   105       return *this;
   106     }
   107     //void next() { 
   108     //  while ( !bfs_queue.empty() && !bfs_queue.front().valid() ) { bfs_queue.pop(); } 
   109     //  if (bfs_queue.empty()) return;
   110     //  ++(bfs_queue.front());
   111     //  while ( !bfs_queue.empty() && !bfs_queue.front().valid() ) { bfs_queue.pop(); } 
   112     //}
   113     bool valid() { 
   114       while ( !bfs_queue.empty() && !bfs_queue.front().valid() ) { bfs_queue.pop(); } 
   115       if (bfs_queue.empty()) return false; else return true;
   116     }
   117     //bool finished() { 
   118     //  while ( !bfs_queue.empty() && !bfs_queue.front().valid() ) { bfs_queue.pop(); } 
   119     //  if (bfs_queue.empty()) return true; else return false;
   120     //}
   121     operator edge_iterator () { return bfs_queue.front(); }
   123   };
   125   template <typename graph_type, typename reached_type>
   126   struct bfs_iterator1 {
   127     typedef typename graph_type::node_iterator node_iterator;
   128     typedef typename graph_type::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
   129     typedef typename graph_type::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
   130     graph_type& G;
   131     std::queue<out_edge_iterator>& bfs_queue;
   132     reached_type& reached;
   133     bool _newly_reached;
   134     bfs_iterator1(graph_type& _G, std::queue<out_edge_iterator>& _bfs_queue, reached_type& _reached) : G(_G), bfs_queue(_bfs_queue), reached(_reached) { 
   135       valid();
   136       if (!bfs_queue.empty() && bfs_queue.front().valid()) { 
   137 	out_edge_iterator e=bfs_queue.front();
   138 	node_iterator w=G.head(e);
   139 	if (!reached.get(w)) {
   140 	  bfs_queue.push(G.first_out_edge(w));
   141 	  reached.put(w, true);
   142 	  _newly_reached=true;
   143 	} else {
   144 	  _newly_reached=false;
   145 	}
   146       }
   147     }
   148     bfs_iterator1<graph_type, reached_type>& operator++() { 
   149       if (!valid()) return *this;
   150       ++(bfs_queue.front());
   151       valid();
   152       if (!bfs_queue.empty() && bfs_queue.front().valid()) { 
   153 	out_edge_iterator e=bfs_queue.front();
   154 	node_iterator w=G.head(e);
   155 	if (!reached.get(w)) {
   156 	  bfs_queue.push(G.first_out_edge(w));
   157 	  reached.put(w, true);
   158 	  _newly_reached=true;
   159 	} else {
   160 	  _newly_reached=false;
   161 	}
   162       }
   163       return *this;
   164     }
   165     bool valid() { 
   166       while ( !bfs_queue.empty() && !bfs_queue.front().valid() ) { bfs_queue.pop(); } 
   167       if (bfs_queue.empty()) return false; else return true;
   168     }
   169     operator edge_iterator () { return bfs_queue.front(); }
   170     bool newly_reached() { return _newly_reached; }
   172   };
   174 } // namespace hugo
   176 #endif //MARCI_BFS_HH