author ladanyi
Wed, 21 Jun 2006 08:35:23 +0000
changeset 2103 a979fcdda073
parent 2086 3fc072264f77
child 2108 f2c532541730
permissions -rw-r--r--
Exclude the gui from the build.
     1 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)
     3 pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
     4 pkgconfig_DATA = lemon.pc
     6 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libemon.la
     8 libemon_la_SOURCES = \
     9 	lp_base.cc \
    10 	lp_skeleton.cc \
    11 	base.cc \
    12 	eps.cc \
    13 	bits/mingw32_rand.cc \
    14 	bits/mingw32_time.cc
    16 libemon_la_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
    17 libemon_la_LDFLAGS = $(GLPK_LIBS) $(CPLEX_LIBS)
    19 if HAVE_GLPK
    20 libemon_la_SOURCES += lp_glpk.cc
    21 endif
    23 if HAVE_CPLEX
    24 libemon_la_SOURCES += lp_cplex.cc
    25 endif
    27 nobase_pkginclude_HEADERS = \
    28 	bellman_ford.h \
    29 	bezier.h \
    30 	bfs.h \
    31 	bin_heap.h \
    32 	bipartite_matching.h \
    33 	bits/alteration_notifier.h \
    34 	bits/array_map.h \
    35 	bits/base_extender.h \
    36 	bits/default_map.h \
    37 	bits/edge_set_extender.h \
    38 	bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h \
    39 	bits/graph_extender.h \
    40 	bits/invalid.h \
    41 	bits/item_reader.h \
    42 	bits/item_writer.h \
    43 	bits/map_extender.h \
    44 	bits/mingw32_rand.h \
    45 	bits/mingw32_time.h \
    46 	bits/traits.h \
    47 	bits/utility.h \
    48 	bits/vector_map.h \
    49 	bpugraph_adaptor.h \
    50 	bucket_heap.h \
    51 	color.h \
    52 	concept_check.h \
    53 	concept/bpugraph.h \
    54 	concept/graph.h \
    55 	concept/graph_component.h \
    56 	concept/heap.h \
    57 	concept/maps.h \
    58 	concept/matrix_maps.h \
    59 	concept/path.h \
    60 	concept/ugraph.h \
    61 	config.h \
    62 	counter.h \
    63 	dag_shortest_path.h \
    64 	dfs.h \
    65 	dijkstra.h \
    66 	dimacs.h \
    67 	edge_set.h \
    68 	edmonds_karp.h \
    69 	eps.h \
    70 	error.h \
    71 	fib_heap.h \
    72 	floyd_warshall.h \
    73 	fredman_tarjan.h \
    74 	full_graph.h \
    75 	graph_adaptor.h \
    76 	graph_reader.h \
    77 	graph_to_eps.h \
    78 	graph_utils.h \
    79 	graph_writer.h \
    80 	grid_ugraph.h \
    81 	hypercube_graph.h \
    82 	iterable_maps.h \
    83 	johnson.h \
    84 	kruskal.h \
    85 	lemon_reader.h \
    86 	lemon_writer.h \
    87 	list_graph.h \
    88 	lp.h \
    89 	lp_base.h \
    90 	lp_cplex.h \
    91 	lp_glpk.h \
    92 	lp_skeleton.h \
    93 	map_iterator.h \
    94 	maps.h \
    95 	matrix_maps.h \
    96 	max_matching.h \
    97 	min_cost_arborescence.h \
    98 	min_cost_flow.h \
    99 	min_cut.h \
   100 	path.h \
   101 	polynomial.h \
   102 	preflow.h \
   103 	prim.h \
   104 	radix_heap.h \
   105 	radix_sort.h \
   106 	refptr.h \
   107 	simann.h \
   108 	smart_graph.h \
   109 	sub_graph.h \
   110 	suurballe.h \
   111 	tabu_search.h \
   112 	time_measure.h \
   113 	tolerance.h \
   114 	topology.h \
   115 	ugraph_adaptor.h \
   116 	unionfind.h \
   117 	xy.h