Bugfix in Dyn{Node|Edge}Maps.
1 <!-- Az osztaly definialasahoz a docbook altal adott classsynopsys
2 element nem tunik jonak, ugyhogy egyelore ime egy sima synopsys
3 blokk, majd meg alakul... -->
13 virtual longlong metodus(double alfa, char* s);
18 <!-- Igy nezne ez ki docbook markup-pal: (a komplexitasan kivul az a
19 baj vele, hogy bugosra fordul:
21 <classsynopsis language="C++">
23 <classname>Osztaly neve</classname>
27 <modifier>public</modifier>
34 <parameter><type>int</type>i</parameter>
35 <initializer>5</initializer>
37 </constructorsynopsis>
40 <modifier>virtual</modifier>
42 <methodname>a_metodus</methodname>
44 <parameter><type>double</type>alfa</parameter>
47 <parameter><type>char*</type>s</parameter>
54 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
59 sgml-namecase-general:nil
60 sgml-general-insert-case:lower
61 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil
62 sgml-always-quote-attributes:t
65 sgml-parent-document:("graph-classes.xml" "sect1" "classsynopsis")
67 sgml-local-catalogs:nil
68 sgml-local-ecat-files:nil