author athos
Fri, 22 Jul 2005 09:41:20 +0000
changeset 1580 a9e4208cf4e3
parent 1578 1d3a1bcbc874
child 1584 cf4bc8d477f4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Some changes to kruskal stuff.
     1 /**
     3 \page quicktour Quick Tour to LEMON
     5 Let us first answer the question <b>"What do I want to use LEMON for?"</b>. 
     6 LEMON is a C++ library, so you can use it if you want to write C++ 
     7 programs. What kind of tasks does the library LEMON help to solve? 
     8 It helps to write programs that solve optimization problems that arise
     9 frequently when <b>designing and testing certain networks</b>, for example
    10 in telecommunication, computer networks, and other areas that I cannot
    11 think of now. A very natural way of modelling these networks is by means
    12 of a <b> graph</b> (we will always mean a directed graph by that and say
    13 <b> undirected graph </b> otherwise). 
    14 So if you want to write a program that works with 
    15 graphs then you might find it useful to use our library LEMON. LEMON 
    16 defines various graph concepts depending on what you want to do with the 
    17 graph: a very good description can be found in the page
    18 about \ref graphs "graphs".
    20 You will also want to assign data to the edges or nodes of the graph, for
    21 example a length or capacity function defined on the edges. You can do this in
    22 LEMON using so called \b maps. You can define a map on the nodes or on the edges of the graph and the value of the map (the range of the function) can be practically almost of any type. Read more about maps \ref maps-page "here".
    24 In this quick tour we want to show you some facilities LEMON library can provide through examples (simple demo programs). The examples will only show part of the functionality, but links will always be given to reach complete details. 
    25 You will find links next to the code fragments that help to download full demo programs: save them on your computer and compile them according to the description in the page about \ref getstart "How to start using LEMON". 
    27 Have fun!
    29 <ul> <li> The first thing to discuss is the way one can create data structures
    30 like graphs and maps in a program using LEMON. 
    31 //There are more graph types
    32 //implemented in LEMON and you can implement your own graph type just as well:
    33 //read more about this in the already mentioned page on \ref graphs "graphs".
    35 First we show how to add nodes and edges to a graph manually. We will also
    36 define a map on the edges of the graph. After this we show the way one can
    37 read a graph (and perhaps maps on it) from a stream (e.g. a file). Of course
    38 we also have routines that write a graph (and perhaps maps) to a stream
    39 (file): this will also be shown. LEMON supports the DIMACS file formats to
    40 read network optimization problems, but more importantly we also have our own
    41 file format that gives a more flexible way to store data related to network
    42 optimization.
    44 <ol> <li>The following code shows how to build a graph from scratch
    45 and iterate on its nodes and edges.  This example also shows how to
    46 give a map on the edges of the graph.  The type Listgraph is one of
    47 the LEMON graph types: the typedefs in the beginning are for
    48 convenience and we will assume them later as well.
    50 \include
    52 See the whole program in file \ref in the \c demo subdir of
    53 LEMON package.
    55     If you want to read more on the LEMON graph structures and
    56 concepts, read the page about \ref graphs "graphs".
    59 <li>LEMON has an own file format for storing graphs, maps on edges/nodes and some other things. Instead of any explanation let us give a
    60 short example file in this format: read the detailed description of the LEMON
    61 graph file format and input-output routines here: \ref graph-io-page.
    63 So here is a file describing a graph of 6 nodes (0 to 5), two nodemaps
    64 (called \c coordinates_x and \c coordinates_y), several edges, an edge map
    65 called \c capacity and two designated nodes (called \c source and \c target).
    67 \verbatim
    68 @nodeset
    69 id      coordinates_x   coordinates_y
    70 5       796.398 208.035
    71 4       573.002 63.002
    72 3       568.549 401.748
    73 2       277.889 68.476
    74 1       288.248 397.327
    75 0       102.239 257.532
    76 @edgeset
    77                 id      capacity
    78 4       5       6       8
    79 3       5       5       8
    80 2       4       4       5
    81 1       4       3       8
    82 1       3       2       5
    83 0       2       1       10
    84 0       1       0       10
    85 #This is a comment here
    86 @nodes
    87 source 0
    88 target 5
    89 @edges 
    90 @attributes 
    91 author "Attila BERNATH"
    92 @end
    93 \endverbatim
    95 Finally let us give a simple example that reads a graph from a file and writes
    96 it to the standard output.
    98 \include
   100 See the whole program in file \ref
   102 <li> The following code shows how to read a graph from a stream
   103 (e.g. a file) in the DIMACS file format (find the documentation of the
   104 DIMACS file formats on the web).
   106 \code
   107 Graph g;
   108 std::ifstream f("graph.dim");
   109 readDimacs(f, g);
   110 \endcode
   112 One can also store network (graph+capacity on the edges) instances and
   113 other things (minimum cost flow instances etc.) in DIMACS format and
   114 read these in LEMON: to see the details read the documentation of the
   115 \ref dimacs.h "Dimacs file format reader". 
   117 </ol>
   118 <li> If you want to solve some transportation problems in a network then 
   119 you will want to find shortest paths between nodes of a graph. This is 
   120 usually solved using Dijkstra's algorithm. A utility
   121 that solves this is  the \ref lemon::Dijkstra "LEMON Dijkstra class".
   122 The following code is a simple program using the 
   123 \ref lemon::Dijkstra "LEMON Dijkstra class": it calculates the shortest path between node \c s and \c t in a graph \c g.
   124 We omit the part reading the graph  \c g and the length map \c len.
   126 \dontinclude
   127 \skip ListGraph
   128 \until Graph g
   129 ...
   130 \skip Dijkstra algorithm
   131 \until std::cout <<
   133 See the whole program in \ref
   135 Some explanation: after instantiating a member of the Dijkstra class
   136 we run the Dijkstra algorithm from node \c s. After this we read some
   137 of the results.  You can do much more with the Dijkstra class, for
   138 example you can run it step by step and gain full control of the
   139 execution. For a detailed description, see the documentation of the
   140 \ref lemon::Dijkstra "LEMON Dijkstra class".
   143 <li> If you want to design a network and want to minimize the total
   144 length of wires then you might be looking for a <b>minimum spanning
   145 tree</b> in an undirected graph. This can be found using the Kruskal
   146 algorithm: the function \ref lemon::kruskal "LEMON Kruskal " does
   147 this job for you.  After we had a graph \c g and a cost map \c
   148 edge_cost_map , the following code fragment shows an example how to get weight of the minmum spanning tree (in this first example the costs are uniform; this is of course not the case in real life applications):
   150 \dontinclude
   151 \skip std::cout 
   152 \until kruskal
   154 In the variable \c tree_map the function gives back an edge bool map, which contains the edges of the found tree.
   156 If the costs are non-uniform, for example  the cost is given by \c
   157 edge_cost_map_2 , or the edges of the tree  have to be given in a
   158 vector, then we can give to the kruskal a vector \c tree_edge_vec , instead of
   159 an edge bool map:
   161 \skip edge_cost_map_2 
   162 \until edge_cost_map_2, std::back_inserter
   164 And finally the next fragment shows how to use the functions \c makeKruskalMapInput and \c makeKruskalSequenceOutPut:
   166 \skip makeKruskalSequenceOutput
   167 \until tree_edge_vec
   169 See the whole program in \ref
   173 <li>Many problems in network optimization can be formalized by means
   174 of a linear programming problem (LP problem, for short). In our
   175 library we decided not to write an LP solver, since such packages are
   176 available in the commercial world just as well as in the open source
   177 world, and it is also a difficult task to compete these. Instead we
   178 decided to develop an interface that makes it easier to use these
   179 solvers together with LEMON. The advantage of this approach is
   180 twofold. Firstly our C++ interface is more comfortable than the
   181 solvers' native interface. Secondly, changing the underlying solver in
   182 a certain software using LEMON's LP interface needs zero effort. So,
   183 for example, one may try his idea using a free solver, demonstrate its
   184 usability for a customer and if it works well, but the performance
   185 should be improved, then one may decide to purchase and use a better
   186 commercial solver.
   188 So far we have an
   189 interface for the commercial LP solver software \b CPLEX (developed by ILOG)
   190 and for the open source solver \b GLPK (a shorthand for Gnu Linear Programming
   191 Toolkit).
   193 We will show two examples, the first one shows how simple it is to formalize
   194 and solve an LP problem in LEMON, while the second one shows how LEMON
   195 facilitates solving network optimization problems using LP solvers.
   197 <ol>
   198 <li>The following code shows how to solve an LP problem using the LEMON lp
   199 interface. The code together with the comments is self-explanatory.
   201 \dontinclude
   202 \skip A default solver is taken
   203 \until End of LEMON style code
   205 See the whole code in \ref
   207 <li>The second example shows how easy it is to formalize a max-flow
   208 problem as an LP problem using the LEMON LP interface: we are looking
   209 for a real valued function defined on the edges of the digraph
   210 satisfying the nonnegativity-, the capacity constraints and the
   211 flow-conservation constraints and giving the largest flow value
   212 between to designated nodes.
   214 In the following code we suppose that we already have the graph \c g,
   215 the capacity map \c cap, the source node \c s and the target node \c t
   216 in the memory. We will also omit the typedefs.
   218 \dontinclude
   219 \skip Define a map on the edges for the variables of the LP problem
   220 \until lp.max();
   221 \skip Solve with the underlying solver
   222 \until lp.solve();
   225 The complete program can be found in file \ref After compiling run it in the form:
   227 <tt>./lp_maxflow_demo < sample.lgf</tt>
   229 where sample.lgf is a file in the lemon format containing a maxflow instance (designated "source", "target" nodes and "capacity" map on the edges).
   233 </ol>
   234 </ul>
   236 */