author hegyi
Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:03:20 +0000
changeset 1823 cb082cdf3667
parent 1686 a5b8e0fde2be
child 1837 8dd6160ff699
permissions -rw-r--r--
NewMapWin has become Dialog instead of Window. Therefore it is created dynamically, when there is need for it, instead of keeping one instance in memory. This solution is slower, but more correct than before.
     1 #include "mapstorage.h"
     2 #include <gtkmm.h>
     3 #include <cmath>
     5 #include <cmath>
     7 MapStorage::MapStorage() : modified(false), file_name("")
     8 {
     9   nodemap_storage["coordinates_x"] = new Graph::NodeMap<double>(graph);
    10   coords.setXMap(*nodemap_storage["coordinates_x"]);
    11   nodemap_storage["coordinates_y"] = new Graph::NodeMap<double>(graph);
    12   coords.setYMap(*nodemap_storage["coordinates_y"]);
    14   nodemap_storage["id"] = new Graph::NodeMap<double>(graph);
    15   edgemap_storage["id"] = new Graph::EdgeMap<double>(graph);
    17   nodemap_default["id"] = 1.0;
    18   edgemap_default["id"] = 1.0;
    19 }
    21 MapStorage::~MapStorage()
    22 {
    23   for (std::map<std::string, Graph::NodeMap<double>*>::const_iterator it =
    24       nodemap_storage.begin(); it != nodemap_storage.end(); ++it)
    25   {
    26     delete it->second;
    27   }
    28   for (std::map<std::string, Graph::EdgeMap<double>*>::const_iterator it =
    29       edgemap_storage.begin(); it != edgemap_storage.end(); ++it)
    30   {
    31     delete it->second;
    32   }
    33 }
    35 int MapStorage::addNodeMap(const std::string & name, Graph::NodeMap<double> *nodemap, double default_value = 0.0)
    36 {
    37   if( nodemap_storage.find(name) == nodemap_storage.end() )
    38     {
    39       nodemap_storage[name]=nodemap;
    40       // set the maps default value
    41       nodemap_default[name] = default_value;
    42       return 0;
    43     }
    44   return 1;
    45 }
    47 int MapStorage::addEdgeMap(const std::string & name, Graph::EdgeMap<double> *edgemap, double default_value = 0.0)
    48 {
    49   if( edgemap_storage.find(name) == edgemap_storage.end() )
    50     {
    51       edgemap_storage[name]=edgemap;
    52       // set the maps default value
    53       edgemap_default[name] = default_value;
    54       return 0;
    55     }
    56   return 1;
    57 }
    59 double MapStorage::maxOfNodeMap(const std::string & name)
    60 {
    61   double max=0;
    62   for (NodeIt j(graph); j!=INVALID; ++j)
    63   {
    64     if( (*nodemap_storage[name])[j]>max )
    65     {
    66       max=(*nodemap_storage[name])[j];
    67     }
    68   }
    69   return max;
    70 }
    72 double MapStorage::maxOfEdgeMap(const std::string & name)
    73 {
    74   double max=0;
    75   for (EdgeIt j(graph); j!=INVALID; ++j)
    76   {
    77     if( (*edgemap_storage[name])[j]>max )
    78     {
    79       max=(*edgemap_storage[name])[j];
    80     }
    81   }
    82   return max;
    83 }
    85 double MapStorage::minOfNodeMap(const std::string & name)
    86 {
    87   NodeIt j(graph);
    88   double min;
    89   if(j!=INVALID)
    90     {
    91       min=(*nodemap_storage[name])[j];
    92     }
    93   else
    94     {
    95       min=0;
    96     }
    97   for (; j!=INVALID; ++j)
    98   {
    99     if( (*nodemap_storage[name])[j]<min )
   100     {
   101       min=(*nodemap_storage[name])[j];
   102     }
   103   }
   104   return min;
   105 }
   107 double MapStorage::minOfEdgeMap(const std::string & name)
   108 {
   109   EdgeIt j(graph);
   110   double min;
   111   if(j!=INVALID)
   112     {
   113       min=(*edgemap_storage[name])[j];
   114     }
   115   else
   116     {
   117       min=0;
   118     }
   119   for (EdgeIt j(graph); j!=INVALID; ++j)
   120   {
   121     if( (*edgemap_storage[name])[j]<min )
   122     {
   123       min=(*edgemap_storage[name])[j];
   124     }
   125   }
   126   return min;
   127 }
   129 int MapStorage::readFromFile(const std::string &filename)
   130 {
   131   bool read_x = false;
   132   bool read_y = false;
   133   bool read_edge_id = false;
   135   try {
   136     LemonReader lreader(filename);
   137     ContentReader content(lreader);
   140     const std::vector<std::string>& nodeMapNames = content.nodeSetMaps(0);
   141     const std::vector<std::string>& edgeMapNames = content.edgeSetMaps(0);
   143     GraphReader<Graph> greader(filename, graph);
   144     for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = nodeMapNames.begin();
   145         it != nodeMapNames.end(); ++it)
   146     {
   147       if (*it == "coordinates_x")
   148       {
   149         read_x = true;
   150         //std::cout << "read X nodemap" << std::endl;
   151       }
   152       else if (*it == "coordinates_y")
   153       {
   154         read_y = true;
   155         //std::cout << "read Y nodemap" << std::endl;
   156       }
   157       else if (*it == "id")
   158       {
   159         //std::cout << "read id nodemap" << std::endl;
   160       }
   161       else
   162       {
   163         nodemap_storage[*it] = new Graph::NodeMap<double>(graph);
   164         //std::cout << "read " << *it << " nodemap" << std::endl;
   165       }
   166       greader.readNodeMap(*it, *nodemap_storage[*it]);
   167     }
   168     for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = edgeMapNames.begin();
   169         it != edgeMapNames.end(); ++it)
   170     {
   171       if (*it == "id")
   172       {
   173         //std::cout << "read id edgemap" << std::endl;
   174       }
   175       else
   176       {
   177         edgemap_storage[*it] = new Graph::EdgeMap<double>(graph);
   178         //std::cout << "read " << *it << " edgemap" << std::endl;
   179       }
   180       greader.readEdgeMap(*it, *edgemap_storage[*it]);
   181     }
   183   } catch (DataFormatError& error) {
   184     Gtk::MessageDialog mdialog(error.what());
   186     clear();
   187     return 1;
   188   }
   190   if (!read_edge_id)
   191   {
   192     edgemap_storage["id"] = new Graph::EdgeMap<double>(graph);
   193     int i = 1;
   194     for (EdgeIt e(graph); e != INVALID; ++e)
   195     {
   196       (*edgemap_storage["id"])[e] = i++;
   197     }
   198   }
   200   if (!read_x || !read_y)
   201   {
   202     int node_num = 0;
   203     for (NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n)
   204     {
   205       node_num++;
   206     }
   207     const double pi = 3.142;
   208     double step = 2 * pi / (double) node_num;
   209     int i = 0;
   210     for (NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n)
   211     {
   212       nodemap_storage["coordinates_x"]->set(n, 250.0 * std::cos(i * step));
   213       nodemap_storage["coordinates_y"]->set(n, 250.0 * std::sin(i * step));
   214       i++;
   215     }
   216   }
   218   // fill in the default values for the maps
   219   for (std::map<std::string, Graph::NodeMap<double>*>::const_iterator it =
   220       nodemap_storage.begin(); it != nodemap_storage.end(); ++it)
   221   {
   222     if ((it->first != "id") &&
   223         (it->first != "coordiantes_x") &&
   224         (it->first != "coordinates_y"))
   225     {
   226       nodemap_default[it->first] = 0.0;
   227     }
   228     else if (it->first == "id")
   229     {
   230       NodeIt n(graph);
   231       double max = (*nodemap_storage["id"])[n];
   232       for (; n != INVALID; ++n)
   233       {
   234         if ((*nodemap_storage["id"])[n] > max)
   235           max = (*nodemap_storage["id"])[n];
   236       }
   237       nodemap_default["id"] = max + 1.0;
   238     }
   239   }
   240   for (std::map<std::string, Graph::EdgeMap<double>*>::const_iterator it =
   241       edgemap_storage.begin(); it != edgemap_storage.end(); ++it)
   242   {
   243     if (it->first != "id")
   244     {
   245       edgemap_default[it->first] = 0.0;
   246     }
   247     else
   248     {
   249       double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
   250       for (EdgeIt e(graph); e != INVALID; ++e)
   251       {
   252         if ((*edgemap_storage["id"])[e] > max)
   253           max = (*edgemap_storage["id"])[e];
   254       }
   255       if (max > std::numeric_limits<double>::min())
   256         edgemap_default["id"] = max + 1.0;
   257       else
   258         edgemap_default["id"] = 1.0;
   259     }
   260   }
   262   return 0;
   263 }
   265 void MapStorage::writeToFile(const std::string &filename)
   266 {
   267   GraphWriter<Graph> gwriter(filename, graph);
   269   for (std::map<std::string, Graph::NodeMap<double>*>::const_iterator it =
   270       nodemap_storage.begin(); it != nodemap_storage.end(); ++it)
   271   {
   272     gwriter.writeNodeMap(it->first, *(it->second));
   273     //std::cout << "wrote " << it->first << " nodemap" << std::endl;
   274   }
   275   for (std::map<std::string, Graph::EdgeMap<double>*>::const_iterator it =
   276       edgemap_storage.begin(); it != edgemap_storage.end(); ++it)
   277   {
   278     gwriter.writeEdgeMap(it->first, *(it->second));
   279     //std::cout << "wrote " << it->first << " edgemap" << std::endl;
   280   }
   282 }
   284 void MapStorage::clear()
   285 {
   286   for (std::map<std::string, Graph::NodeMap<double>*>::iterator it =
   287       nodemap_storage.begin(); it != nodemap_storage.end(); ++it)
   288   {
   289     if ((it->first != "coordinates_x") &&
   290         (it->first != "coordinates_y") &&
   291         (it->first != "id"))
   292     {
   293       delete it->second;
   294       nodemap_storage.erase(it);
   295     }
   296   }
   297   for (std::map<std::string, Graph::EdgeMap<double>*>::iterator it =
   298       edgemap_storage.begin(); it != edgemap_storage.end(); ++it)
   299   {
   300     if (it->first != "id")
   301     {
   302       delete it->second;
   303       edgemap_storage.erase(it);
   304     }
   305   }
   306   for (std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it =
   307       nodemap_default.begin(); it != nodemap_default.end(); ++it)
   308   {
   309     if (it->first != "id")
   310       nodemap_default.erase(it);
   311   }
   312   for (std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it =
   313       edgemap_default.begin(); it != edgemap_default.end(); ++it)
   314   {
   315     if (it->first != "id")
   316       edgemap_default.erase(it);
   317   }
   318   graph.clear();
   319   file_name = "";
   320   modified = false;
   321 }