author hegyi
Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:03:20 +0000
changeset 1823 cb082cdf3667
parent 1811 597ce92fae73
child 1824 3a15b39a7c78
permissions -rw-r--r--
NewMapWin has become Dialog instead of Window. Therefore it is created dynamically, when there is need for it, instead of keeping one instance in memory. This solution is slower, but more correct than before.
     1 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)
     3 pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
     4 pkgconfig_DATA = lemon.pc
     6 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libemon.la
     8 libemon_la_SOURCES = \
     9 	lp_base.cc \
    10 	lp_skeleton.cc
    11 libemon_la_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
    12 libemon_la_LDFLAGS = $(GLPK_LIBS) $(CPLEX_LIBS)
    14 if HAVE_GLPK
    15 libemon_la_SOURCES += lp_glpk.cc
    16 endif
    18 if HAVE_CPLEX
    19 libemon_la_SOURCES += lp_cplex.cc
    20 endif
    22 nobase_pkginclude_HEADERS = \
    23 	belmann_ford.h \
    24 	bezier.h \
    25 	bfs.h \
    26 	dfs.h \
    27 	bin_heap.h \
    28 	config.h \
    29 	dijkstra.h \
    30 	dimacs.h \
    31 	error.h \
    32 	fib_heap.h \
    33 	floyd_warshall.h \
    34 	full_graph.h \
    35 	grid_graph.h \
    36 	graph_adaptor.h \
    37 	graph_utils.h \
    38 	graph_to_eps.h \
    39 	hypercube_graph.h \
    40 	invalid.h \
    41 	iterable_maps.h \
    42 	johnson.h \
    43 	kruskal.h \
    44 	linear_heap.h \
    45 	list_graph.h \
    46 	lp.h \
    47 	lp_base.h \
    48 	lp_cplex.h \
    49 	lp_glpk.h \
    50 	lp_skeleton.h \
    51 	maps.h \
    52 	matrix_maps.h \
    53 	max_matching.h \
    54 	min_cost_flow.h \
    55 	suurballe.h \
    56 	preflow.h \
    57 	path.h \
    58 	radix_heap.h \
    59 	smart_graph.h \
    60 	time_measure.h \
    61 	topology.h \
    62 	traits.h \
    63 	unionfind.h \
    64 	xy.h \
    65 	concept_check.h \
    66 	utility.h \
    67 	lemon_reader.h \
    68 	lemon_writer.h \
    69 	graph_reader.h \
    70 	graph_writer.h \
    71 	bits/alteration_notifier.h \
    72 	bits/array_map.h \
    73 	bits/default_map.h \
    74 	bits/extended_pair.h \
    75 	bits/vector_map.h \
    76 	bits/iterable_graph_extender.h \
    77 	bits/extendable_graph_extender.h \
    78 	bits/clearable_graph_extender.h \
    79 	bits/erasable_graph_extender.h \
    80 	bits/graph_extender.h \
    81 	bits/map_extender.h \
    82 	bits/static_map.h \
    83 	bits/item_reader.h \
    84 	bits/item_writer.h \
    85 	concept/graph.h \
    86 	concept/graph_component.h \
    87 	concept/undir_graph.h \
    88 	concept/matrix_maps.h \
    89 	concept/maps.h \
    90 	concept/heap.h \
    91 	concept/path.h