author hegyi
Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:03:20 +0000
changeset 1823 cb082cdf3667
parent 1631 e15162d8eca1
child 1875 98698b69a902
permissions -rw-r--r--
NewMapWin has become Dialog instead of Window. Therefore it is created dynamically, when there is need for it, instead of keeping one instance in memory. This solution is slower, but more correct than before.
     1 /* -*- C++ -*-
     2  * lemon/kruskal.h - Part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
     3  *
     4  * Copyright (C) 2005 Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     5  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
     8  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
     9  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    10  *
    11  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    12  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    13  * purpose.
    14  *
    15  */
    17 #ifndef LEMON_KRUSKAL_H
    18 #define LEMON_KRUSKAL_H
    20 #include <algorithm>
    21 #include <lemon/unionfind.h>
    22 #include<lemon/utility.h>
    24 /**
    25 @defgroup spantree Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Algorithms
    26 @ingroup galgs
    27 \brief This group containes the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
    28 tree in a graph
    30 This group containes the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
    31 tree in a graph
    32 */
    34 ///\ingroup spantree
    35 ///\file
    36 ///\brief Kruskal's algorithm to compute a minimum cost tree
    37 ///
    38 ///Kruskal's algorithm to compute a minimum cost tree.
    39 ///
    40 ///\todo The file still needs some clean-up.
    42 namespace lemon {
    44   /// \addtogroup spantree
    45   /// @{
    47   /// Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost tree of a graph.
    49   /// This function runs Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost tree.
    50   /// Due to hard C++ hacking, it accepts various input and output types.
    51   ///
    52   /// \param g The graph the algorithm runs on.
    53   /// It can be either \ref concept::StaticGraph "directed" or 
    54   /// \ref concept::UndirGraph "undirected".
    55   /// If the graph is directed, the algorithm consider it to be 
    56   /// undirected by disregarding the direction of the edges.
    57   ///
    58   /// \param in This object is used to describe the edge costs. It can be one
    59   /// of the following choices.
    60   /// - An STL compatible 'Forward Container'
    61   /// with <tt>std::pair<GR::Edge,X></tt> as its <tt>value_type</tt>,
    62   /// where \c X is the type of the costs. The pairs indicates the edges along
    63   /// with the assigned cost. <em>They must be in a
    64   /// cost-ascending order.</em>
    65   /// - Any readable Edge map. The values of the map indicate the edge costs.
    66   ///
    67   /// \retval out Here we also have a choise.
    68   /// - Is can be a writable \c bool edge map. 
    69   /// After running the algorithm
    70   /// this will contain the found minimum cost spanning tree: the value of an
    71   /// edge will be set to \c true if it belongs to the tree, otherwise it will
    72   /// be set to \c false. The value of each edge will be set exactly once.
    73   /// - It can also be an iteraror of an STL Container with
    74   /// <tt>GR::Edge</tt> as its <tt>value_type</tt>.
    75   /// The algorithm copies the elements of the found tree into this sequence.
    76   /// For example, if we know that the spanning tree of the graph \c g has
    77   /// say 53 edges, then
    78   /// we can put its edges into a STL vector \c tree with a code like this.
    79   /// \code
    80   /// std::vector<Edge> tree(53);
    81   /// kruskal(g,cost,tree.begin());
    82   /// \endcode
    83   /// Or if we don't know in advance the size of the tree, we can write this.
    84   /// \code
    85   /// std::vector<Edge> tree;
    86   /// kruskal(g,cost,std::back_inserter(tree));
    87   /// \endcode
    88   ///
    89   /// \return The cost of the found tree.
    90   ///
    91   /// \warning If kruskal is run on an
    92   /// \ref lemon::concept::UndirGraph "undirected graph", be sure that the
    93   /// map storing the tree is also undirected
    94   /// (e.g. UndirListGraph::UndirEdgeMap<bool>, otherwise the values of the
    95   /// half of the edges will not be set.
    96   ///
    97   /// \todo Discuss the case of undirected graphs: In this case the algorithm
    98   /// also require <tt>Edge</tt>s instead of <tt>UndirEdge</tt>s, as some
    99   /// people would expect. So, one should be careful not to add both of the
   100   /// <tt>Edge</tt>s belonging to a certain <tt>UndirEdge</tt>.
   101   /// (\ref kruskal() and \ref KruskalMapInput are kind enough to do so.)
   103 #ifdef DOXYGEN
   104   template <class GR, class IN, class OUT>
   105   typename IN::value_type::second_type
   106   kruskal(GR const& g, IN const& in, 
   107 	  OUT& out)
   108 #else
   109   template <class GR, class IN, class OUT>
   110   typename IN::value_type::second_type
   111   kruskal(GR const& g, IN const& in, 
   112 	  OUT& out,
   113 // 	  typename IN::value_type::first_type = typename GR::Edge()
   114 // 	  ,typename OUT::Key = OUT::Key()
   115 // 	  //,typename OUT::Key = typename GR::Edge()
   116 	  const typename IN::value_type::first_type * = 
   117 	  (const typename IN::value_type::first_type *)(0),
   118 	  const typename OUT::Key * = (const typename OUT::Key *)(0)
   119 	  )
   120 #endif
   121   {
   122     typedef typename IN::value_type::second_type EdgeCost;
   123     typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<int> NodeIntMap;
   124     typedef typename GR::Node Node;
   126     NodeIntMap comp(g, -1);
   127     UnionFind<Node,NodeIntMap> uf(comp); 
   129     EdgeCost tot_cost = 0;
   130     for (typename IN::const_iterator p = in.begin(); 
   131 	 p!=in.end(); ++p ) {
   132       if ( uf.join(g.target((*p).first),
   133 		   g.source((*p).first)) ) {
   134 	out.set((*p).first, true);
   135 	tot_cost += (*p).second;
   136       }
   137       else {
   138 	out.set((*p).first, false);
   139       }
   140     }
   141     return tot_cost;
   142   }
   145   /// @}
   148   /* A work-around for running Kruskal with const-reference bool maps... */
   150   /// Helper class for calling kruskal with "constant" output map.
   152   /// Helper class for calling kruskal with output maps constructed
   153   /// on-the-fly.
   154   ///
   155   /// A typical examle is the following call:
   156   /// <tt>kruskal(g, some_input, makeSequenceOutput(iterator))</tt>.
   157   /// Here, the third argument is a temporary object (which wraps around an
   158   /// iterator with a writable bool map interface), and thus by rules of C++
   159   /// is a \c const object. To enable call like this exist this class and
   160   /// the prototype of the \ref kruskal() function with <tt>const& OUT</tt>
   161   /// third argument.
   162   template<class Map>
   163   class NonConstMapWr {
   164     const Map &m;
   165   public:
   166     typedef typename Map::Key Key;
   167     typedef typename Map::Value Value;
   169     NonConstMapWr(const Map &_m) : m(_m) {}
   171     template<class Key>
   172     void set(Key const& k, Value const &v) const { m.set(k,v); }
   173   };
   175   template <class GR, class IN, class OUT>
   176   inline
   177   typename IN::value_type::second_type
   178   kruskal(GR const& g, IN const& edges, OUT const& out_map,
   179 // 	  typename IN::value_type::first_type = typename GR::Edge(),
   180 // 	  typename OUT::Key = GR::Edge()
   181 	  const typename IN::value_type::first_type * = 
   182 	  (const typename IN::value_type::first_type *)(0),
   183 	  const typename OUT::Key * = (const typename OUT::Key *)(0)
   184 	  )
   185   {
   186     NonConstMapWr<OUT> map_wr(out_map);
   187     return kruskal(g, edges, map_wr);
   188   }  
   190   /* ** ** Input-objects ** ** */
   192   /// Kruskal's input source.
   194   /// Kruskal's input source.
   195   ///
   196   /// In most cases you possibly want to use the \ref kruskal() instead.
   197   ///
   198   /// \sa makeKruskalMapInput()
   199   ///
   200   ///\param GR The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   201   ///\param Map An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   202   ///\par
   203   ///The cost type can be any type satisfying
   204   ///the STL 'LessThan comparable'
   205   ///concept if it also has an operator+() implemented. (It is necessary for
   206   ///computing the total cost of the tree).
   207   ///
   208   template<class GR, class Map>
   209   class KruskalMapInput
   210     : public std::vector< std::pair<typename GR::Edge,
   211 				    typename Map::Value> > {
   213   public:
   214     typedef std::vector< std::pair<typename GR::Edge,
   215 				   typename Map::Value> > Parent;
   216     typedef typename Parent::value_type value_type;
   218   private:
   219     class comparePair {
   220     public:
   221       bool operator()(const value_type& a,
   222 		      const value_type& b) {
   223 	return a.second < b.second;
   224       }
   225     };
   227     template<class _GR>
   228     typename enable_if<typename _GR::UndirTag,void>::type
   229     fillWithEdges(const _GR& g, const Map& m,dummy<0> = 0) 
   230     {
   231       for(typename GR::UndirEdgeIt e(g);e!=INVALID;++e) 
   232 	push_back(value_type(g.direct(e, true), m[e]));
   233     }
   235     template<class _GR>
   236     typename disable_if<typename _GR::UndirTag,void>::type
   237     fillWithEdges(const _GR& g, const Map& m,dummy<1> = 1) 
   238     {
   239       for(typename GR::EdgeIt e(g);e!=INVALID;++e) 
   240 	push_back(value_type(e, m[e]));
   241     }
   244   public:
   246     void sort() {
   247       std::sort(this->begin(), this->end(), comparePair());
   248     }
   250     KruskalMapInput(GR const& g, Map const& m) {
   251       fillWithEdges(g,m); 
   252       sort();
   253     }
   254   };
   256   /// Creates a KruskalMapInput object for \ref kruskal()
   258   /// It makes easier to use 
   259   /// \ref KruskalMapInput by making it unnecessary 
   260   /// to explicitly give the type of the parameters.
   261   ///
   262   /// In most cases you possibly
   263   /// want to use \ref kruskal() instead.
   264   ///
   265   ///\param g The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   266   ///\param m An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   267   ///\par
   268   ///The cost type can be any type satisfying the
   269   ///STL 'LessThan Comparable'
   270   ///concept if it also has an operator+() implemented. (It is necessary for
   271   ///computing the total cost of the tree).
   272   ///
   273   ///\return An appropriate input source for \ref kruskal().
   274   ///
   275   template<class GR, class Map>
   276   inline
   277   KruskalMapInput<GR,Map> makeKruskalMapInput(const GR &g,const Map &m)
   278   {
   279     return KruskalMapInput<GR,Map>(g,m);
   280   }
   284   /* ** ** Output-objects: simple writable bool maps ** ** */
   288   /// A writable bool-map that makes a sequence of "true" keys
   290   /// A writable bool-map that creates a sequence out of keys that receives
   291   /// the value "true".
   292   ///
   293   /// \sa makeKruskalSequenceOutput()
   294   ///
   295   /// Very often, when looking for a min cost spanning tree, we want as
   296   /// output a container containing the edges of the found tree. For this
   297   /// purpose exist this class that wraps around an STL iterator with a
   298   /// writable bool map interface. When a key gets value "true" this key
   299   /// is added to sequence pointed by the iterator.
   300   ///
   301   /// A typical usage:
   302   /// \code
   303   /// std::vector<Graph::Edge> v;
   304   /// kruskal(g, input, makeKruskalSequenceOutput(back_inserter(v)));
   305   /// \endcode
   306   /// 
   307   /// For the most common case, when the input is given by a simple edge
   308   /// map and the output is a sequence of the tree edges, a special
   309   /// wrapper function exists: \ref kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut().
   310   ///
   311   /// \warning Not a regular property map, as it doesn't know its Key
   313   template<class Iterator>
   314   class KruskalSequenceOutput {
   315     mutable Iterator it;
   317   public:
   318     typedef typename Iterator::value_type Key;
   319     typedef bool Value;
   321     KruskalSequenceOutput(Iterator const &_it) : it(_it) {}
   323     template<typename Key>
   324     void set(Key const& k, bool v) const { if(v) {*it=k; ++it;} }
   325   };
   327   template<class Iterator>
   328   inline
   329   KruskalSequenceOutput<Iterator>
   330   makeKruskalSequenceOutput(Iterator it) {
   331     return KruskalSequenceOutput<Iterator>(it);
   332   }
   336   /* ** ** Wrapper funtions ** ** */
   338 //   \brief Wrapper function to kruskal().
   339 //   Input is from an edge map, output is a plain bool map.
   340 //  
   341 //   Wrapper function to kruskal().
   342 //   Input is from an edge map, output is a plain bool map.
   343 //  
   344 //   \param g The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   345 //   \param in An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   346 //   \par
   347 //   The cost type can be any type satisfying the
   348 //   STL 'LessThan Comparable'
   349 //   concept if it also has an operator+() implemented. (It is necessary for
   350 //   computing the total cost of the tree).
   351 //  
   352 //   \retval out This must be a writable \c bool edge map.
   353 //   After running the algorithm
   354 //   this will contain the found minimum cost spanning tree: the value of an
   355 //   edge will be set to \c true if it belongs to the tree, otherwise it will
   356 //   be set to \c false. The value of each edge will be set exactly once.
   357 //  
   358 //   \return The cost of the found tree.
   360   template <class GR, class IN, class RET>
   361   inline
   362   typename IN::Value
   363   kruskal(GR const& g,
   364 	  IN const& in,
   365 	  RET &out,
   366 	  //	  typename IN::Key = typename GR::Edge(),
   367 	  //typename IN::Key = typename IN::Key (),
   368 	  //	  typename RET::Key = typename GR::Edge()
   369 	  const typename IN::Key *  = (const typename IN::Key *)(0),
   370 	  const typename RET::Key * = (const typename RET::Key *)(0)
   371 	  )
   372   {
   373     return kruskal(g,
   374 		   KruskalMapInput<GR,IN>(g,in),
   375 		   out);
   376   }
   378 //   \brief Wrapper function to kruskal().
   379 //   Input is from an edge map, output is an STL Sequence.
   380 //  
   381 //   Wrapper function to kruskal().
   382 //   Input is from an edge map, output is an STL Sequence.
   383 //  
   384 //   \param g The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   385 //   \param in An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   386 //   \par
   387 //   The cost type can be any type satisfying the
   388 //   STL 'LessThan Comparable'
   389 //   concept if it also has an operator+() implemented. (It is necessary for
   390 //   computing the total cost of the tree).
   391 //  
   392 //   \retval out This must be an iteraror of an STL Container with
   393 //   <tt>GR::Edge</tt> as its <tt>value_type</tt>.
   394 //   The algorithm copies the elements of the found tree into this sequence.
   395 //   For example, if we know that the spanning tree of the graph \c g has
   396 //   say 53 edges, then
   397 //   we can put its edges into a STL vector \c tree with a code like this.
   398 //   \code
   399 //   std::vector<Edge> tree(53);
   400 //   kruskal(g,cost,tree.begin());
   401 //   \endcode
   402 //   Or if we don't know in advance the size of the tree, we can write this.
   403 //   \code
   404 //   std::vector<Edge> tree;
   405 //   kruskal(g,cost,std::back_inserter(tree));
   406 //   \endcode
   407 //  
   408 //   \return The cost of the found tree.
   409 //  
   410 //   \bug its name does not follow the coding style.
   412   template <class GR, class IN, class RET>
   413   inline
   414   typename IN::Value
   415   kruskal(const GR& g,
   416 	  const IN& in,
   417 	  RET out,
   418 	  //,typename RET::value_type = typename GR::Edge()
   419 	  //,typename RET::value_type = typename RET::value_type()
   420 	  const typename RET::value_type * = 
   421 	  (const typename RET::value_type *)(0)
   422 	  )
   423   {
   424     KruskalSequenceOutput<RET> _out(out);
   425     return kruskal(g, KruskalMapInput<GR,IN>(g, in), _out);
   426   }
   428   /// @}
   430 } //namespace lemon
   432 #endif //LEMON_KRUSKAL_H