author hegyi
Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:03:20 +0000
changeset 1823 cb082cdf3667
parent 1724 b20777184ba8
child 1834 0a14e1ae45a1
permissions -rw-r--r--
NewMapWin has become Dialog instead of Window. Therefore it is created dynamically, when there is need for it, instead of keeping one instance in memory. This solution is slower, but more correct than before.
     1 /* -*- C++ -*-
     2  * lemon/linear_heap.h - Part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
     3  *
     4  * Copyright (C) 2005 Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     5  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
     8  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
     9  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    10  *
    11  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    12  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    13  * purpose.
    14  *
    15  */
    17 #ifndef LEMON_LINEAR_HEAP_H
    18 #define LEMON_LINEAR_HEAP_H
    20 ///\ingroup auxdat
    21 ///\file
    22 ///\brief Binary Heap implementation.
    24 #include <vector>
    25 #include <utility>
    26 #include <functional>
    28 namespace lemon {
    30   /// \addtogroup auxdat
    31   /// @{
    33   /// \brief A Linear Heap implementation.
    34   ///
    35   /// This class implements the \e linear \e heap data structure. A \e heap
    36   /// is a data structure for storing items with specified values called \e
    37   /// priorities in such a way that finding the item with minimum priority is
    38   /// efficient. The linear heap is very simple implementation, it can store
    39   /// only integer priorities and it stores for each priority in the [0..C]
    40   /// range a list of items. So it should be used only when the priorities
    41   /// are small. It is not intended to use as dijkstra heap.
    42   ///
    43   /// \param _Item Type of the items to be stored.  
    44   /// \param _ItemIntMap A read and writable Item int map, used internally
    45   /// to handle the cross references.
    46   /// \param minimize If the given parameter is true then the heap gives back
    47   /// the lowest priority. 
    48   template <typename _Item, typename _ItemIntMap, bool minimize = true >
    49   class LinearHeap {
    51   public:
    52     typedef _Item Item;
    53     typedef int Prio;
    54     typedef std::pair<Item, Prio> Pair;
    55     typedef _ItemIntMap ItemIntMap;
    57     /// \brief Type to represent the items states.
    58     ///
    59     /// Each Item element have a state associated to it. It may be "in heap",
    60     /// "pre heap" or "post heap". The latter two are indifferent from the
    61     /// heap's point of view, but may be useful to the user.
    62     ///
    63     /// The ItemIntMap \e should be initialized in such way that it maps
    64     /// PRE_HEAP (-1) to any element to be put in the heap...
    65     enum state_enum {
    66       IN_HEAP = 0,
    67       PRE_HEAP = -1,
    68       POST_HEAP = -2
    69     };
    71   public:
    72     /// \brief The constructor.
    73     ///
    74     /// The constructor.
    75     /// \param _index should be given to the constructor, since it is used
    76     /// internally to handle the cross references. The value of the map
    77     /// should be PRE_HEAP (-1) for each element.
    78     explicit LinearHeap(ItemIntMap &_index) : index(_index), minimal(0) {}
    80     /// The number of items stored in the heap.
    81     ///
    82     /// \brief Returns the number of items stored in the heap.
    83     int size() const { return data.size(); }
    85     /// \brief Checks if the heap stores no items.
    86     ///
    87     /// Returns \c true if and only if the heap stores no items.
    88     bool empty() const { return data.empty(); }
    90     /// \brief Make empty this heap.
    91     /// 
    92     /// Make empty this heap.
    93     void clear() { 
    94       for (int i = 0; i < (int)data.size(); ++i) {
    95 	index[data[i].item] = -2;
    96       }
    97       data.clear(); first.clear(); minimal = 0;
    98     }
   100   private:
   102     void relocate_last(int idx) {
   103       if (idx + 1 < (int)data.size()) {
   104 	data[idx] = data.back();
   105 	if (data[idx].prev != -1) {
   106 	  data[data[idx].prev].next = idx;
   107 	} else {
   108 	  first[data[idx].value] = idx;
   109 	}
   110 	if (data[idx].next != -1) {
   111 	  data[data[idx].next].prev = idx;
   112 	}
   113 	index[data[idx].item] = idx;
   114       }
   115       data.pop_back();
   116     }
   118     void unlace(int idx) {
   119       if (data[idx].prev != -1) {
   120 	data[data[idx].prev].next = data[idx].next;
   121       } else {
   122 	first[data[idx].value] = data[idx].next;
   123       }
   124       if (data[idx].next != -1) {
   125 	data[data[idx].next].prev = data[idx].prev;
   126       }
   127     }
   129     void lace(int idx) {
   130       if ((int)first.size() <= data[idx].value) {
   131 	first.resize(data[idx].value + 1, -1);
   132       }
   133       data[idx].next = first[data[idx].value];
   134       if (data[idx].next != -1) {
   135 	data[data[idx].next].prev = idx;
   136       }
   137       first[data[idx].value] = idx;
   138       data[idx].prev = -1;
   139     }
   141   public:
   142     /// \brief Insert a pair of item and priority into the heap.
   143     ///
   144     /// Adds \c p.first to the heap with priority \c p.second.
   145     /// \param p The pair to insert.
   146     void push(const Pair& p) {
   147       push(p.first, p.second);
   148     }
   150     /// \brief Insert an item into the heap with the given priority.
   151     ///    
   152     /// Adds \c i to the heap with priority \c p. 
   153     /// \param i The item to insert.
   154     /// \param p The priority of the item.
   155     void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) { 
   156       int idx = data.size();
   157       index[i] = idx;
   158       data.push_back(LinearItem(i, p));
   159       lace(idx);
   160       if (p < minimal) {
   161 	minimal = p;
   162       }
   163     }
   165     /// \brief Returns the item with minimum priority.
   166     ///
   167     /// This method returns the item with minimum priority.
   168     /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.  
   169     Item top() const {
   170       while (first[minimal] == -1) {
   171 	++minimal;
   172       }
   173       return data[first[minimal]].item;
   174     }
   176     /// \brief Returns the minimum priority.
   177     ///
   178     /// It returns the minimum priority.
   179     /// \pre The heap must be nonempty.
   180     Prio prio() const {
   181       while (first[minimal] == -1) {
   182 	++minimal;
   183       }
   184       return minimal;
   185     }
   187     /// \brief Deletes the item with minimum priority.
   188     ///
   189     /// This method deletes the item with minimum priority from the heap.  
   190     /// \pre The heap must be non-empty.  
   191     void pop() {
   192       while (first[minimal] == -1) {
   193 	++minimal;
   194       }
   195       int idx = first[minimal];
   196       index[data[idx].item] = -2;
   197       unlace(idx);
   198       relocate_last(idx);
   199     }
   201     /// \brief Deletes \c i from the heap.
   202     ///
   203     /// This method deletes item \c i from the heap, if \c i was
   204     /// already stored in the heap.
   205     /// \param i The item to erase. 
   206     void erase(const Item &i) {
   207       int idx = index[i];
   208       index[data[idx].item] = -2;
   209       unlace(idx);
   210       relocate_last(idx);
   211     }
   214     /// \brief Returns the priority of \c i.
   215     ///
   216     /// This function returns the priority of item \c i.  
   217     /// \pre \c i must be in the heap.
   218     /// \param i The item.
   219     Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {
   220       int idx = index[i];
   221       return data[idx].value;
   222     }
   224     /// \brief \c i gets to the heap with priority \c p independently 
   225     /// if \c i was already there.
   226     ///
   227     /// This method calls \ref push(\c i, \c p) if \c i is not stored
   228     /// in the heap and sets the priority of \c i to \c p otherwise.
   229     /// \param i The item.
   230     /// \param p The priority.
   231     void set(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
   232       int idx = index[i];
   233       if (idx < 0) {
   234 	push(i,p);
   235       } else if (p > data[idx].value) {
   236 	increase(i, p);
   237       } else {
   238 	decrease(i, p);
   239       }
   240     }
   242     /// \brief Decreases the priority of \c i to \c p.
   244     /// This method decreases the priority of item \c i to \c p.
   245     /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \c
   246     /// p relative to \c Compare.
   247     /// \param i The item.
   248     /// \param p The priority.
   249     void decrease(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
   250       int idx = index[i];
   251       unlace(idx);
   252       data[idx].value = p;
   253       if (p < minimal) {
   254 	minimal = p;
   255       }
   256       lace(idx);
   257     }
   259     /// \brief Increases the priority of \c i to \c p.
   260     ///
   261     /// This method sets the priority of item \c i to \c p. 
   262     /// \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \c
   263     /// p relative to \c Compare.
   264     /// \param i The item.
   265     /// \param p The priority.
   266     void increase(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
   267       int idx = index[i];
   268       unlace(idx);
   269       data[idx].value = p;
   270       lace(idx);
   271     }
   273     /// \brief Returns if \c item is in, has already been in, or has 
   274     /// never been in the heap.
   275     ///
   276     /// This method returns PRE_HEAP if \c item has never been in the
   277     /// heap, IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment, and POST_HEAP
   278     /// otherwise. In the latter case it is possible that \c item will
   279     /// get back to the heap again.
   280     /// \param i The item.
   281     state_enum state(const Item &i) const {
   282       int idx = index[i];
   283       if (idx >= 0) idx = 0;
   284       return state_enum(idx);
   285     }
   287   private:
   289     struct LinearItem {
   290       LinearItem(const Item& _item, int _value) 
   291 	: item(_item), value(_value) {}
   293       Item item;
   294       int value;
   296       int prev, next;
   297     };
   299     ItemIntMap& index;
   300     std::vector<int> first;
   301     std::vector<LinearItem> data;
   302     mutable int minimal;
   304   }; // class LinearHeap
   307   template <typename _Item, typename _ItemIntMap>
   308   class LinearHeap<_Item, _ItemIntMap, false> {
   310   public:
   311     typedef _Item Item;
   312     typedef int Prio;
   313     typedef std::pair<Item, Prio> Pair;
   314     typedef _ItemIntMap ItemIntMap;
   316     enum state_enum {
   317       IN_HEAP = 0,
   318       PRE_HEAP = -1,
   319       POST_HEAP = -2
   320     };
   322   public:
   324     explicit LinearHeap(ItemIntMap &_index) : index(_index), maximal(-1) {}
   326     int size() const { return data.size(); }
   327     bool empty() const { return data.empty(); }
   329     void clear() { 
   330       for (int i = 0; i < (int)data.size(); ++i) {
   331 	index[data[i].item] = -2;
   332       }
   333       data.clear(); first.clear(); maximal = -1; 
   334     }
   336   private:
   338     void relocate_last(int idx) {
   339       if (idx + 1 != (int)data.size()) {
   340 	data[idx] = data.back();
   341 	if (data[idx].prev != -1) {
   342 	  data[data[idx].prev].next = idx;
   343 	} else {
   344 	  first[data[idx].value] = idx;
   345 	}
   346 	if (data[idx].next != -1) {
   347 	  data[data[idx].next].prev = idx;
   348 	}
   349 	index[data[idx].item] = idx;
   350       }
   351       data.pop_back();
   352     }
   354     void unlace(int idx) {
   355       if (data[idx].prev != -1) {
   356 	data[data[idx].prev].next = data[idx].next;
   357       } else {
   358 	first[data[idx].value] = data[idx].next;
   359       }
   360       if (data[idx].next != -1) {
   361 	data[data[idx].next].prev = data[idx].prev;
   362       }
   363     }
   365     void lace(int idx) {
   366       if ((int)first.size() <= data[idx].value) {
   367 	first.resize(data[idx].value + 1, -1);
   368       }
   369       data[idx].next = first[data[idx].value];
   370       if (data[idx].next != -1) {
   371 	data[data[idx].next].prev = idx;
   372       }
   373       first[data[idx].value] = idx;
   374       data[idx].prev = -1;
   375     }
   377   public:
   379     void push(const Pair& p) {
   380       push(p.first, p.second);
   381     }
   383     void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) { 
   384       int idx = data.size();
   385       index[i] = idx;
   386       data.push_back(LinearItem(i, p));
   387       lace(idx);
   388       if (data[idx].value > maximal) {
   389 	maximal = data[idx].value;
   390       }
   391     }
   393     Item top() const {
   394       while (first[maximal] == -1) {
   395 	--maximal;
   396       }
   397       return data[first[maximal]].item;
   398     }
   400     Prio prio() const {
   401       while (first[maximal] == -1) {
   402 	--maximal;
   403       }
   404       return maximal;
   405     }
   407     void pop() {
   408       while (first[maximal] == -1) {
   409 	--maximal;
   410       }
   411       int idx = first[maximal];
   412       index[data[idx].item] = -2;
   413       unlace(idx);
   414       relocate_last(idx);
   415     }
   417     void erase(const Item &i) {
   418       int idx = index[i];
   419       index[data[idx].item] = -2;
   420       unlace(idx);
   421       relocate_last(idx);
   422     }
   424     Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {
   425       int idx = index[i];
   426       return data[idx].value;
   427     }
   429     void set(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
   430       int idx = index[i];
   431       if (idx < 0) {
   432 	push(i,p);
   433       } else if (p > data[idx].value) {
   434 	decrease(i, p);
   435       } else {
   436 	increase(i, p);
   437       }
   438     }
   440     void decrease(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
   441       int idx = index[i];
   442       unlace(idx);
   443       data[idx].value = p;
   444       if (p > maximal) {
   445 	maximal = p;
   446       }
   447       lace(idx);
   448     }
   450     void increase(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
   451       int idx = index[i];
   452       unlace(idx);
   453       data[idx].value = p;
   454       lace(idx);
   455     }
   457     state_enum state(const Item &i) const {
   458       int idx = index[i];
   459       if (idx >= 0) idx = 0;
   460       return state_enum(idx);
   461     }
   463   private:
   465     struct LinearItem {
   466       LinearItem(const Item& _item, int _value) 
   467 	: item(_item), value(_value) {}
   469       Item item;
   470       int value;
   472       int prev, next;
   473     };
   475     ItemIntMap& index;
   476     std::vector<int> first;
   477     std::vector<LinearItem> data;
   478     mutable int maximal;
   480   }; // class LinearHeap
   482 }
   484 #endif