author hegyi
Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:03:20 +0000
changeset 1823 cb082cdf3667
parent 1778 4ba7965386fb
child 1875 98698b69a902
permissions -rw-r--r--
NewMapWin has become Dialog instead of Window. Therefore it is created dynamically, when there is need for it, instead of keeping one instance in memory. This solution is slower, but more correct than before.
     1 /* -*- C++ -*-
     2  * lemon/maps.h - Part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
     3  *
     4  * Copyright (C) 2005 Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     5  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
     8  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
     9  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    10  *
    11  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    12  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    13  * purpose.
    14  *
    15  */
    17 #ifndef LEMON_MAPS_H
    18 #define LEMON_MAPS_H
    20 #include <iterator>
    22 #include <lemon/utility.h>
    23 #include <lemon/traits.h>
    25 ///\file
    26 ///\ingroup maps
    27 ///\brief Miscellaneous property maps
    28 ///
    29 ///\todo This file has the same name as the concept file in concept/,
    30 /// and this is not easily detectable in docs...
    32 #include <map>
    34 namespace lemon {
    36   /// \addtogroup maps
    37   /// @{
    39   /// Base class of maps.
    41   /// Base class of maps.
    42   /// It provides the necessary <tt>typedef</tt>s required by the map concept.
    43   template<typename K, typename T>
    44   class MapBase {
    45   public:
    46     ///\e
    47     typedef K Key;
    48     ///\e
    49     typedef T Value;
    50   };
    52   /// Null map. (a.k.a. DoNothingMap)
    54   /// If you have to provide a map only for its type definitions,
    55   /// or if you have to provide a writable map, but
    56   /// data written to it will sent to <tt>/dev/null</tt>...
    57   template<typename K, typename T>
    58   class NullMap : public MapBase<K, T> {
    59   public:
    60     typedef MapBase<K, T> Parent;
    61     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
    62     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
    64     /// Gives back a default constructed element.
    65     T operator[](const K&) const { return T(); }
    66     /// Absorbs the value.
    67     void set(const K&, const T&) {}
    68   };
    70   template <typename K, typename V> 
    71   NullMap<K, V> nullMap() {
    72     return NullMap<K, V>();
    73   }
    76   /// Constant map.
    78   /// This is a readable map which assigns a specified value to each key.
    79   /// In other aspects it is equivalent to the \ref NullMap.
    80   /// \todo set could be used to set the value.
    81   template<typename K, typename T>
    82   class ConstMap : public MapBase<K, T> {
    83   private:
    84     T v;
    85   public:
    87     typedef MapBase<K, T> Parent;
    88     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
    89     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
    91     /// Default constructor
    93     /// The value of the map will be uninitialized. 
    94     /// (More exactly it will be default constructed.)
    95     ConstMap() {}
    96     ///\e
    98     /// \param _v The initial value of the map.
    99     ///
   100     ConstMap(const T &_v) : v(_v) {}
   102     T operator[](const K&) const { return v; }
   103     void set(const K&, const T&) {}
   105     template<typename T1>
   106     struct rebind {
   107       typedef ConstMap<K, T1> other;
   108     };
   110     template<typename T1>
   111     ConstMap(const ConstMap<K, T1> &, const T &_v) : v(_v) {}
   112   };
   114   ///Returns a \ref ConstMap class
   116   ///This function just returns a \ref ConstMap class.
   117   ///\relates ConstMap
   118   template<typename K, typename V> 
   119   inline ConstMap<K, V> constMap(const V &v) {
   120     return ConstMap<K, V>(v);
   121   }
   124   //\todo to document later
   125   template<typename T, T v>
   126   struct Const { };
   128   //\todo to document later
   129   template<typename K, typename V, V v>
   130   class ConstMap<K, Const<V, v> > : public MapBase<K, V> {
   131   public:
   132     typedef MapBase<K, V> Parent;
   133     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   134     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   136     ConstMap() { }
   137     V operator[](const K&) const { return v; }
   138     void set(const K&, const V&) { }
   139   };
   141   ///Returns a \ref ConstMap class
   143   ///This function just returns a \ref ConstMap class.
   144   ///\relates ConstMap
   145   template<typename K, typename V, V v> 
   146   inline ConstMap<K, Const<V, v> > constMap() {
   147     return ConstMap<K, Const<V, v> >();
   148   }
   150   /// \c std::map wrapper
   152   /// This is essentially a wrapper for \c std::map. With addition that
   153   /// you can specify a default value different from \c Value() .
   154   ///
   155   /// \todo Provide allocator parameter...
   156   template <typename K, typename T, typename Compare = std::less<K> >
   157   class StdMap : public std::map<K, T, Compare> {
   158     typedef std::map<K, T, Compare> parent;
   159     T v;
   160     typedef typename parent::value_type PairType;
   162   public:
   163     ///\e
   164     typedef K Key;
   165     ///\e
   166     typedef T Value;
   167     ///\e
   168     typedef T& Reference;
   169     ///\e
   170     typedef const T& ConstReference;
   173     StdMap() : v() {}
   174     /// Constructor with specified default value
   175     StdMap(const T& _v) : v(_v) {}
   177     /// \brief Constructs the map from an appropriate std::map.
   178     ///
   179     /// \warning Inefficient: copies the content of \c m !
   180     StdMap(const parent &m) : parent(m) {}
   181     /// \brief Constructs the map from an appropriate std::map, and explicitly
   182     /// specifies a default value.
   183     ///
   184     /// \warning Inefficient: copies the content of \c m !
   185     StdMap(const parent &m, const T& _v) : parent(m), v(_v) {}
   187     template<typename T1, typename Comp1>
   188     StdMap(const StdMap<Key, T1,Comp1> &m, const T &_v) { 
   189       //FIXME; 
   190     }
   192     Reference operator[](const Key &k) {
   193       return insert(PairType(k,v)).first -> second;
   194     }
   196     ConstReference operator[](const Key &k) const {
   197       typename parent::iterator i = lower_bound(k);
   198       if (i == parent::end() || parent::key_comp()(k, (*i).first))
   199 	return v;
   200       return (*i).second;
   201     }
   202     void set(const Key &k, const T &t) {
   203       parent::operator[](k) = t;
   204     }
   206     /// Changes the default value of the map.
   207     /// \return Returns the previous default value.
   208     ///
   209     /// \warning The value of some keys (which has already been queried, but
   210     /// the value has been unchanged from the default) may change!
   211     T setDefault(const T &_v) { T old=v; v=_v; return old; }
   213     template<typename T1>
   214     struct rebind {
   215       typedef StdMap<Key, T1,Compare> other;
   216     };
   217   };
   219   /// @}
   221   /// \addtogroup map_adaptors
   222   /// @{
   224   /// \brief Identity mapping.
   225   ///
   226   /// This mapping gives back the given key as value without any
   227   /// modification. 
   228   template <typename T>
   229   class IdentityMap : public MapBase<T, T> {
   230   public:
   231     typedef MapBase<T, T> Parent;
   232     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   233     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   235     const T& operator[](const T& t) const {
   236       return t;
   237     }
   238   };
   240   ///Returns an \ref IdentityMap class
   242   ///This function just returns an \ref IdentityMap class.
   243   ///\relates IdentityMap
   244   template<typename T>
   245   inline IdentityMap<T> identityMap() {
   246     return IdentityMap<T>();
   247   }
   250   ///Convert the \c Value of a map to another type.
   252   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map"
   253   ///converts the \c Value of a maps to type \c T.
   254   ///Its \c Key is inherited from \c M.
   255   template <typename M, typename T> 
   256   class ConvertMap : public MapBase<typename M::Key, T> {
   257     const M& m;
   258   public:
   259     typedef MapBase<typename M::Key, T> Parent;
   260     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   261     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   263     ///Constructor
   265     ///Constructor
   266     ///\param _m is the underlying map
   267     ConvertMap(const M &_m) : m(_m) {};
   269     /// \brief The subscript operator.
   270     ///
   271     /// The subscript operator.
   272     /// \param k The key
   273     /// \return The target of the edge 
   274     Value operator[](const Key& k) const {return m[k];}
   275   };
   277   ///Returns an \ref ConvertMap class
   279   ///This function just returns an \ref ConvertMap class.
   280   ///\relates ConvertMap
   281   ///\todo The order of the template parameters are changed.
   282   template<typename T, typename M>
   283   inline ConvertMap<M, T> convertMap(const M &m) {
   284     return ConvertMap<M, T>(m);
   285   }
   287   ///Sum of two maps
   289   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the sum of the two
   290   ///given maps. Its \c Key and \c Value will be inherited from \c M1.
   291   ///The \c Key and \c Value of M2 must be convertible to those of \c M1.
   293   template<typename M1, typename M2> 
   294   class AddMap : public MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> {
   295     const M1& m1;
   296     const M2& m2;
   298   public:
   299     typedef MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> Parent;
   300     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   301     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   303     ///Constructor
   304     AddMap(const M1 &_m1,const M2 &_m2) : m1(_m1), m2(_m2) {};
   305     Value operator[](Key k) const {return m1[k]+m2[k];}
   306   };
   308   ///Returns an \ref AddMap class
   310   ///This function just returns an \ref AddMap class.
   311   ///\todo How to call these type of functions?
   312   ///
   313   ///\relates AddMap
   314   ///\todo Wrong scope in Doxygen when \c \\relates is used
   315   template<typename M1, typename M2> 
   316   inline AddMap<M1, M2> addMap(const M1 &m1,const M2 &m2) {
   317     return AddMap<M1, M2>(m1,m2);
   318   }
   320   ///Shift a map with a constant.
   322   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the sum of the
   323   ///given map and a constant value.
   324   ///Its \c Key and \c Value is inherited from \c M.
   325   ///
   326   ///Actually,
   327   ///\code
   328   ///  ShiftMap<X> sh(x,v);
   329   ///\endcode
   330   ///is equivalent with
   331   ///\code
   332   ///  ConstMap<X::Key, X::Value> c_tmp(v);
   333   ///  AddMap<X, ConstMap<X::Key, X::Value> > sh(x,v);
   334   ///\endcode
   335   template<typename M, typename C = typename M::Value> 
   336   class ShiftMap : public MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> {
   337     const M& m;
   338     C v;
   339   public:
   340     typedef MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> Parent;
   341     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   342     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   344     ///Constructor
   346     ///Constructor
   347     ///\param _m is the undelying map
   348     ///\param _v is the shift value
   349     ShiftMap(const M &_m, const C &_v ) : m(_m), v(_v) {};
   350     Value operator[](Key k) const {return m[k] + v;}
   351   };
   353   ///Returns an \ref ShiftMap class
   355   ///This function just returns an \ref ShiftMap class.
   356   ///\relates ShiftMap
   357   ///\todo A better name is required.
   358   template<typename M, typename C> 
   359   inline ShiftMap<M, C> shiftMap(const M &m,const C &v) {
   360     return ShiftMap<M, C>(m,v);
   361   }
   363   ///Difference of two maps
   365   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the difference
   366   ///of the values of the two
   367   ///given maps. Its \c Key and \c Value will be inherited from \c M1.
   368   ///The \c Key and \c Value of \c M2 must be convertible to those of \c M1.
   370   template<typename M1, typename M2> 
   371   class SubMap : public MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> {
   372     const M1& m1;
   373     const M2& m2;
   374   public:
   375     typedef MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> Parent;
   376     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   377     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   379     ///Constructor
   380     SubMap(const M1 &_m1,const M2 &_m2) : m1(_m1), m2(_m2) {};
   381     Value operator[](Key k) const {return m1[k]-m2[k];}
   382   };
   384   ///Returns a \ref SubMap class
   386   ///This function just returns a \ref SubMap class.
   387   ///
   388   ///\relates SubMap
   389   template<typename M1, typename M2> 
   390   inline SubMap<M1, M2> subMap(const M1 &m1, const M2 &m2) {
   391     return SubMap<M1, M2>(m1, m2);
   392   }
   394   ///Product of two maps
   396   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the product of the
   397   ///values of the two
   398   ///given
   399   ///maps. Its \c Key and \c Value will be inherited from \c M1.
   400   ///The \c Key and \c Value of \c M2 must be convertible to those of \c M1.
   402   template<typename M1, typename M2> 
   403   class MulMap : public MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> {
   404     const M1& m1;
   405     const M2& m2;
   406   public:
   407     typedef MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> Parent;
   408     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   409     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   411     ///Constructor
   412     MulMap(const M1 &_m1,const M2 &_m2) : m1(_m1), m2(_m2) {};
   413     Value operator[](Key k) const {return m1[k]*m2[k];}
   414   };
   416   ///Returns a \ref MulMap class
   418   ///This function just returns a \ref MulMap class.
   419   ///\relates MulMap
   420   template<typename M1, typename M2> 
   421   inline MulMap<M1, M2> mulMap(const M1 &m1,const M2 &m2) {
   422     return MulMap<M1, M2>(m1,m2);
   423   }
   425   ///Scales a maps with a constant.
   427   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the value of the
   428   ///given map multiplied from the left side with a constant value.
   429   ///Its \c Key and \c Value is inherited from \c M.
   430   ///
   431   ///Actually,
   432   ///\code
   433   ///  ScaleMap<X> sc(x,v);
   434   ///\endcode
   435   ///is equivalent with
   436   ///\code
   437   ///  ConstMap<X::Key, X::Value> c_tmp(v);
   438   ///  MulMap<X, ConstMap<X::Key, X::Value> > sc(x,v);
   439   ///\endcode
   440   template<typename M, typename C = typename M::Value> 
   441   class ScaleMap : public MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> {
   442     const M& m;
   443     C v;
   444   public:
   445     typedef MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> Parent;
   446     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   447     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   449     ///Constructor
   451     ///Constructor
   452     ///\param _m is the undelying map
   453     ///\param _v is the scaling value
   454     ScaleMap(const M &_m, const C &_v ) : m(_m), v(_v) {};
   455     Value operator[](Key k) const {return v * m[k];}
   456   };
   458   ///Returns an \ref ScaleMap class
   460   ///This function just returns an \ref ScaleMap class.
   461   ///\relates ScaleMap
   462   ///\todo A better name is required.
   463   template<typename M, typename C> 
   464   inline ScaleMap<M, C> scaleMap(const M &m,const C &v) {
   465     return ScaleMap<M, C>(m,v);
   466   }
   468   ///Quotient of two maps
   470   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the quotient of the
   471   ///values of the two
   472   ///given maps. Its \c Key and \c Value will be inherited from \c M1.
   473   ///The \c Key and \c Value of \c M2 must be convertible to those of \c M1.
   475   template<typename M1, typename M2> 
   476   class DivMap : public MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> {
   477     const M1& m1;
   478     const M2& m2;
   479   public:
   480     typedef MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> Parent;
   481     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   482     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   484     ///Constructor
   485     DivMap(const M1 &_m1,const M2 &_m2) : m1(_m1), m2(_m2) {};
   486     Value operator[](Key k) const {return m1[k]/m2[k];}
   487   };
   489   ///Returns a \ref DivMap class
   491   ///This function just returns a \ref DivMap class.
   492   ///\relates DivMap
   493   template<typename M1, typename M2> 
   494   inline DivMap<M1, M2> divMap(const M1 &m1,const M2 &m2) {
   495     return DivMap<M1, M2>(m1,m2);
   496   }
   498   ///Composition of two maps
   500   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the composition of
   501   ///two
   502   ///given maps. That is to say, if \c m1 is of type \c M1 and \c m2 is
   503   ///of \c M2,
   504   ///then for
   505   ///\code
   506   ///  ComposeMap<M1, M2> cm(m1,m2);
   507   ///\endcode
   508   /// <tt>cm[x]</tt> will be equal to <tt>m1[m2[x]]</tt>
   509   ///
   510   ///Its \c Key is inherited from \c M2 and its \c Value is from
   511   ///\c M1.
   512   ///The \c M2::Value must be convertible to \c M1::Key.
   513   ///\todo Check the requirements.
   515   template <typename M1, typename M2> 
   516   class ComposeMap : public MapBase<typename M2::Key, typename M1::Value> {
   517     const M1& m1;
   518     const M2& m2;
   519   public:
   520     typedef MapBase<typename M2::Key, typename M1::Value> Parent;
   521     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   522     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   524     ///Constructor
   525     ComposeMap(const M1 &_m1,const M2 &_m2) : m1(_m1), m2(_m2) {};
   527     typename MapTraits<M1>::ConstReturnValue
   528     operator[](Key k) const {return m1[m2[k]];}
   529   };
   530   ///Returns a \ref ComposeMap class
   532   ///This function just returns a \ref ComposeMap class.
   533   ///
   534   ///\relates ComposeMap
   535   template <typename M1, typename M2> 
   536   inline ComposeMap<M1, M2> composeMap(const M1 &m1,const M2 &m2) {
   537     return ComposeMap<M1, M2>(m1,m2);
   538   }
   540   ///Combines of two maps using an STL (binary) functor.
   542   ///Combines of two maps using an STL (binary) functor.
   543   ///
   544   ///
   545   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" takes two maps and a
   546   ///binary functor and returns the composition of
   547   ///the two
   548   ///given maps unsing the functor. 
   549   ///That is to say, if \c m1 and \c m2 is of type \c M1 and \c M2
   550   ///and \c f is of \c F,
   551   ///then for
   552   ///\code
   553   ///  CombineMap<M1, M2,F,V> cm(m1,m2,f);
   554   ///\endcode
   555   /// <tt>cm[x]</tt> will be equal to <tt>f(m1[x],m2[x])</tt>
   556   ///
   557   ///Its \c Key is inherited from \c M1 and its \c Value is \c V.
   558   ///The \c M2::Value and \c M1::Value must be convertible to the corresponding
   559   ///input parameter of \c F and the return type of \c F must be convertible
   560   ///to \c V.
   561   ///\todo Check the requirements.
   563   template<typename M1, typename M2, typename F,
   564 	   typename V = typename F::result_type,
   565 	   typename NC = False> 
   566   class CombineMap : public MapBase<typename M1::Key, V> {
   567     const M1& m1;
   568     const M2& m2;
   569     F f;
   570   public:
   571     typedef MapBase<typename M1::Key, V> Parent;
   572     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   573     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   575     ///Constructor
   576     CombineMap(const M1 &_m1,const M2 &_m2,const F &_f)
   577       : m1(_m1), m2(_m2), f(_f) {};
   578     Value operator[](Key k) const {return f(m1[k],m2[k]);}
   579   };
   581   ///Returns a \ref CombineMap class
   583   ///This function just returns a \ref CombineMap class.
   584   ///
   585   ///Only the first template parameter (the value type) must be given.
   586   ///
   587   ///For example if \c m1 and \c m2 are both \c double valued maps, then 
   588   ///\code
   589   ///combineMap<double>(m1,m2,std::plus<double>)
   590   ///\endcode
   591   ///is equivalent with
   592   ///\code
   593   ///addMap(m1,m2)
   594   ///\endcode
   595   ///
   596   ///\relates CombineMap
   597   template<typename M1, typename M2, typename F, typename V> 
   598   inline CombineMap<M1, M2, F, V> 
   599   combineMap(const M1& m1,const M2& m2, const F& f) {
   600     return CombineMap<M1, M2, F, V>(m1,m2,f);
   601   }
   603   template<typename M1, typename M2, typename F> 
   604   inline CombineMap<M1, M2, F, typename F::result_type> 
   605   combineMap(const M1& m1, const M2& m2, const F& f) {
   606     return combineMap<M1, M2, F, typename F::result_type>(m1,m2,f);
   607   }
   609   template<typename M1, typename M2, typename K1, typename K2, typename V> 
   610   inline CombineMap<M1, M2, V (*)(K1, K2), V> 
   611   combineMap(const M1 &m1, const M2 &m2, V (*f)(K1, K2)) {
   612     return combineMap<M1, M2, V (*)(K1, K2), V>(m1,m2,f);
   613   }
   615   ///Negative value of a map
   617   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the negative
   618   ///value of the
   619   ///value returned by the
   620   ///given map. Its \c Key and \c Value will be inherited from \c M.
   621   ///The unary \c - operator must be defined for \c Value, of course.
   623   template<typename M> 
   624   class NegMap : public MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> {
   625     const M& m;
   626   public:
   627     typedef MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> Parent;
   628     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   629     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   631     ///Constructor
   632     NegMap(const M &_m) : m(_m) {};
   633     Value operator[](Key k) const {return -m[k];}
   634   };
   636   ///Returns a \ref NegMap class
   638   ///This function just returns a \ref NegMap class.
   639   ///\relates NegMap
   640   template <typename M> 
   641   inline NegMap<M> negMap(const M &m) {
   642     return NegMap<M>(m);
   643   }
   646   ///Absolute value of a map
   648   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the absolute value
   649   ///of the
   650   ///value returned by the
   651   ///given map. Its \c Key and \c Value will be inherited
   652   ///from <tt>M</tt>. <tt>Value</tt>
   653   ///must be comparable to <tt>0</tt> and the unary <tt>-</tt>
   654   ///operator must be defined for it, of course.
   655   ///
   656   ///\bug We need a unified way to handle the situation below:
   657   ///\code
   658   ///  struct _UnConvertible {};
   659   ///  template<class A> inline A t_abs(A a) {return _UnConvertible();}
   660   ///  template<> inline int t_abs<>(int n) {return abs(n);}
   661   ///  template<> inline long int t_abs<>(long int n) {return labs(n);}
   662   ///  template<> inline long long int t_abs<>(long long int n) {return ::llabs(n);}
   663   ///  template<> inline float t_abs<>(float n) {return fabsf(n);}
   664   ///  template<> inline double t_abs<>(double n) {return fabs(n);}
   665   ///  template<> inline long double t_abs<>(long double n) {return fabsl(n);}
   666   ///\endcode
   669   template<typename M> 
   670   class AbsMap : public MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> {
   671     const M& m;
   672   public:
   673     typedef MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> Parent;
   674     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   675     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   677     ///Constructor
   678     AbsMap(const M &_m) : m(_m) {};
   679     Value operator[](Key k) const {
   680       Value tmp = m[k]; 
   681       return tmp >= 0 ? tmp : -tmp;
   682     }
   684   };
   686   ///Returns a \ref AbsMap class
   688   ///This function just returns a \ref AbsMap class.
   689   ///\relates AbsMap
   690   template<typename M> 
   691   inline AbsMap<M> absMap(const M &m) {
   692     return AbsMap<M>(m);
   693   }
   695   ///Converts an STL style functor to a map
   697   ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the value
   698   ///of a
   699   ///given map.
   700   ///
   701   ///Template parameters \c K and \c V will become its
   702   ///\c Key and \c Value. They must be given explicitely
   703   ///because a functor does not provide such typedefs.
   704   ///
   705   ///Parameter \c F is the type of the used functor.
   708   template<typename F, 
   709 	   typename K = typename F::argument_type, 
   710 	   typename V = typename F::result_type,
   711 	   typename NC = False> 
   712   class FunctorMap : public MapBase<K, V> {
   713     F f;
   714   public:
   715     typedef MapBase<K, V> Parent;
   716     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   717     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   719     ///Constructor
   720     FunctorMap(const F &_f) : f(_f) {}
   722     Value operator[](Key k) const { return f(k);}
   723   };
   725   ///Returns a \ref FunctorMap class
   727   ///This function just returns a \ref FunctorMap class.
   728   ///
   729   ///The third template parameter isn't necessary to be given.
   730   ///\relates FunctorMap
   731   template<typename K, typename V, typename F> inline 
   732   FunctorMap<F, K, V> functorMap(const F &f) {
   733     return FunctorMap<F, K, V>(f);
   734   }
   736   template <typename F> inline 
   737   FunctorMap<F, typename F::argument_type, typename F::result_type> 
   738   functorMap(const F &f) {
   739     return FunctorMap<F, typename F::argument_type, 
   740       typename F::result_type>(f);
   741   }
   743   template <typename K, typename V> inline 
   744   FunctorMap<V (*)(K), K, V> functorMap(V (*f)(K)) {
   745     return FunctorMap<V (*)(K), K, V>(f);
   746   }
   749   ///Converts a map to an STL style (unary) functor
   751   ///This class Converts a map to an STL style (unary) functor.
   752   ///that is it provides an <tt>operator()</tt> to read its values.
   753   ///
   754   ///For the sake of convenience it also works as
   755   ///a ususal \ref concept::ReadMap "readable map",
   756   ///i.e. <tt>operator[]</tt> and the \c Key and \c Value typedefs also exist.
   758   template <typename M> 
   759   class MapFunctor : public MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> {
   760     const M& m;
   761   public:
   762     typedef MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> Parent;
   763     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   764     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   766     ///\e
   767     typedef typename M::Key argument_type;
   768     ///\e
   769     typedef typename M::Value result_type;
   771     ///Constructor
   772     MapFunctor(const M &_m) : m(_m) {};
   773     ///Returns a value of the map
   774     Value operator()(Key k) const {return m[k];}
   775     ///\e
   776     Value operator[](Key k) const {return m[k];}
   777   };
   779   ///Returns a \ref MapFunctor class
   781   ///This function just returns a \ref MapFunctor class.
   782   ///\relates MapFunctor
   783   template<typename M> 
   784   inline MapFunctor<M> mapFunctor(const M &m) {
   785     return MapFunctor<M>(m);
   786   }
   789   ///Applies all map setting operations to two maps
   791   ///This map has two \ref concept::WriteMap "writable map"
   792   ///parameters and each write request will be passed to both of them.
   793   ///If \c M1 is also \ref concept::ReadMap "readable",
   794   ///then the read operations will return the
   795   ///corresponding values of \c M1.
   796   ///
   797   ///The \c Key and \c Value will be inherited from \c M1.
   798   ///The \c Key and \c Value of M2 must be convertible from those of \c M1.
   800   template<typename  M1, typename M2> 
   801   class ForkMap : public MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> {
   802     const M1& m1;
   803     const M2& m2;
   804   public:
   805     typedef MapBase<typename M1::Key, typename M1::Value> Parent;
   806     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   807     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   809     ///Constructor
   810     ForkMap(const M1 &_m1,const M2 &_m2) : m1(_m1), m2(_m2) {};
   811     Value operator[](Key k) const {return m1[k];}
   812     //    void set(Key k, const Value &v) {m1.set(k,v); m2.set(k,v);}
   813   };
   815   ///Returns an \ref ForkMap class
   817   ///This function just returns an \ref ForkMap class.
   818   ///\todo How to call these type of functions?
   819   ///
   820   ///\relates ForkMap
   821   ///\todo Wrong scope in Doxygen when \c \\relates is used
   822   template <typename M1, typename M2> 
   823   inline ForkMap<M1, M2> forkMap(const M1 &m1,const M2 &m2) {
   824     return ForkMap<M1, M2>(m1,m2);
   825   }
   829   /* ************* BOOL MAPS ******************* */
   831   ///Logical 'not' of a map
   833   ///This bool \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the 
   834   ///logical negation of
   835   ///value returned by the
   836   ///given map. Its \c Key and will be inherited from \c M,
   837   ///its Value is <tt>bool</tt>.
   839   template <typename M> 
   840   class NotMap : public MapBase<typename M::Key, bool> {
   841     const M& m;
   842   public:
   843     typedef MapBase<typename M::Key, bool> Parent;
   844     typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
   845     typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
   847     /// Constructor
   848     NotMap(const M &_m) : m(_m) {};
   849     Value operator[](Key k) const {return !m[k];}
   850   };
   852   ///Returns a \ref NotMap class
   854   ///This function just returns a \ref NotMap class.
   855   ///\relates NotMap
   856   template <typename M> 
   857   inline NotMap<M> notMap(const M &m) {
   858     return NotMap<M>(m);
   859   }
   861   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements.
   862   ///
   863   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements. It will
   864   /// copies all the true setted keys to the given iterator.
   865   ///
   866   /// \note The container of the iterator should contain for each element.
   867   template <typename _Iterator>
   868   class StoreBoolMap {
   869   public:
   870     typedef _Iterator Iterator;
   872     typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type Key;
   873     typedef bool Value;
   875     /// Constructor
   876     StoreBoolMap(Iterator it) : _begin(it), _end(it) {}
   878     /// Gives back the given first setted iterator.
   879     Iterator begin() const {
   880       return _begin;
   881     }
   883     /// Gives back the iterator after the last setted.
   884     Iterator end() const {
   885       return _end;
   886     }
   888     /// Setter function of the map
   889     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
   890       if (value) {
   891 	*_end++ = key;
   892       }
   893     }
   895   private:
   896     Iterator _begin, _end;
   897   };
   899   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in 
   900   /// a back insertable container.
   901   ///
   902   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in a back 
   903   /// insertable container. It will push back all the true setted keys into
   904   /// the container.
   905   template <typename Container>
   906   class BackInserterBoolMap {
   907   public:
   908     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
   909     typedef bool Value;
   911     /// Constructor
   912     BackInserterBoolMap(Container& _container) : container(_container) {}
   914     /// Setter function of the map
   915     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
   916       if (value) {
   917 	container.push_back(key);
   918       }
   919     }
   921   private:
   922     Container& container;    
   923   };
   925   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in 
   926   /// a front insertable container.
   927   ///
   928   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in a front 
   929   /// insertable container. It will push front all the true setted keys into
   930   /// the container.
   931   template <typename Container>
   932   class FrontInserterBoolMap {
   933   public:
   934     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
   935     typedef bool Value;
   937     /// Constructor
   938     FrontInserterBoolMap(Container& _container) : container(_container) {}
   940     /// Setter function of the map
   941     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
   942       if (value) {
   943 	container.push_front(key);
   944       }
   945     }
   947   private:
   948     Container& container;    
   949   };
   951   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in 
   952   /// an insertable container.
   953   ///
   954   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in an 
   955   /// insertable container. It will insert all the true setted keys into
   956   /// the container.
   957   template <typename Container>
   958   class InserterBoolMap {
   959   public:
   960     typedef typename Container::value_type Key;
   961     typedef bool Value;
   963     /// Constructor
   964     InserterBoolMap(Container& _container) : container(_container) {}
   966     /// Setter function of the map
   967     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
   968       if (value) {
   969 	container.insert(key);
   970       }
   971     }
   973   private:
   974     Container& container;    
   975   };
   977   /// \brief Fill the true setted elements with a given value.
   978   ///
   979   /// Writable bool map for fill the true setted elements with a given value.
   980   /// The value can be setted 
   981   /// the container.
   982   template <typename Map>
   983   class FillBoolMap {
   984   public:
   985     typedef typename Map::Key Key;
   986     typedef bool Value;
   988     /// Constructor
   989     FillBoolMap(Map& _map, const typename Map::Value& _fill) 
   990       : map(_map), fill(_fill) {}
   992     /// Constructor
   993     FillBoolMap(Map& _map) 
   994       : map(_map), fill() {}
   996     /// Gives back the current fill value
   997     typename Map::Value fillValue() const {
   998       return fill;
   999     } 
  1001     /// Sets the current fill value
  1002     void fillValue(const typename Map::Value& _fill) {
  1003       fill = _fill;
  1004     } 
  1006     /// Setter function of the map
  1007     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1008       if (value) {
  1009 	map.set(key, fill);
  1010       }
  1011     }
  1013   private:
  1014     Map& map;
  1015     typename Map::Value fill;
  1016   };
  1019   /// \brief Writable bool map which stores for each true assigned elements  
  1020   /// the setting order number.
  1021   ///
  1022   /// Writable bool map which stores for each true assigned elements  
  1023   /// the setting order number.
  1024   template <typename Map>
  1025   class SettingOrderBoolMap {
  1026   public:
  1027     typedef typename Map::Key Key;
  1028     typedef bool Value;
  1030     /// Constructor
  1031     SettingOrderBoolMap(Map& _map) 
  1032       : map(_map), counter(0) {}
  1034     /// Number of setted keys.
  1035     int num() const {
  1036       return counter;
  1037     }
  1039     /// Setter function of the map
  1040     void set(const Key& key, Value value) {
  1041       if (value) {
  1042 	map.set(key, counter++);
  1043       }
  1044     }
  1046   private:
  1047     Map& map;
  1048     int counter;
  1049   };
  1051   /// @}
  1052 }
  1054 #endif // LEMON_MAPS_H