author klao
Fri, 03 Feb 2006 14:07:52 +0000
changeset 1951 cb7a6e0573bc
parent 1802 fdfa3aa18607
permissions -rw-r--r--
graph_adaptor.h: probably a doxygen bug: in tex formulas there should be
whitespace after the opening and before the closing \f$
     1 @nodeset 
     2 coordinates_x	coordinates_y	label	
     3 218.178	27.2723	19	
     4 157.79	-130.517	18	
     5 44.8044	15.5841	17	
     6 -465.576	-42.8564	16	
     7 -675.963	-3.89604	15	
     8 -574.666	-153.893	14	
     9 -490.901	120.777	13	
    10 -368.176	331.163	12	
    11 -266.879	114.933	11	
    12 -251.294	-335.059	10	
    13 -173.374	377.916	9	
    14 169.478	311.683	8	
    15 5.84406	175.322	7	
    16 342.851	111.037	6	
    17 670.118	-118.829	5	
    18 364.28	-222.074	4	
    19 -105.193	-261.035	3	
    20 -227.918	-40.9084	2	
    21 -389.604	-136.361	1	
    22 @edgeset 
    23 		label	
    24 17	19	23	
    25 19	18	24	
    26 18	17	25	
    27 3	17	21	
    28 14	16	18	
    29 13	16	17	
    30 16	15	19	
    31 15	14	20	
    32 11	13	15	
    33 13	12	16	
    34 12	11	14	
    35 1	10	1	
    36 11	9	13	
    37 7	9	12	
    38 6	8	10	
    39 8	7	11	
    40 7	6	9	
    41 4	6	6	
    42 6	5	7	
    43 19	4	22	
    44 5	4	8	
    45 3	4	5	
    46 10	3	2	
    47 3	2	3	
    48 2	1	4	
    49 @nodes 
    50 @edges 
    51 @attributes 
    52 @end