author deba
Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:25:30 +0000
changeset 1991 d7442141d9ef
parent 1932 c65711e5a26d
child 2035 e92071fadd3f
permissions -rw-r--r--
The graph adadptors can be alteration observed.
In most cases it uses the adapted graph alteration notifiers.
Only special case is now the UndirGraphAdaptor, where
we have to proxy the signals from the graph.

The SubBidirGraphAdaptor is removed, because it doest not
gives more feature than the EdgeSubGraphAdaptor<UndirGraphAdaptor<Graph>>.

The ResGraphAdaptor is based on this composition.
     1 /* -*- C++ -*-
     2  *
     3  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 2003-2006
     6  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     7  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     8  *
     9  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
    10  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
    11  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    12  *
    13  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    14  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    15  * purpose.
    16  *
    17  */
    19 #ifndef LEMON_SIMANN_H
    20 #define LEMON_SIMANN_H
    22 /// \ingroup experimental
    23 /// \file
    24 /// \brief Simulated annealing framework.
    25 ///
    26 /// \todo A test and some demo should be added
    27 /// \todo Doc should be improved
    28 /// \author Akos Ladanyi
    30 #include <cstdlib>
    31 #include <cmath>
    32 #include <limits>
    33 #include <lemon/time_measure.h>
    35 namespace lemon {
    37 /// \addtogroup experimental
    38 /// @{
    40   class SimAnnBase;
    42   /// \brief A base class for controllers.
    43   class ControllerBase {
    44   public:
    45     friend class SimAnnBase;
    46     /// \brief Pointer to the simulated annealing base class.
    47     SimAnnBase *simann;
    48     /// \brief Initializes the controller.
    49     virtual void init() {}
    50     /// \brief This is called by the simulated annealing class when a
    51     /// neighbouring state gets accepted.
    52     virtual void acceptEvent() {}
    53     /// \brief This is called by the simulated annealing class when the
    54     /// accepted neighbouring state's cost is less than the best found one's.
    55     virtual void improveEvent() {}
    56     /// \brief This is called by the simulated annealing class when a
    57     /// neighbouring state gets rejected.
    58     virtual void rejectEvent() {}
    59     /// \brief Decides whether to continue the annealing process or not.
    60     virtual bool next() = 0;
    61     /// \brief Decides whether to accept the current solution or not.
    62     virtual bool accept() = 0;
    63     /// \brief Destructor.
    64     virtual ~ControllerBase() {}
    65   };
    67   /// \brief Skeleton of an entity class.
    68   class EntityBase {
    69   public:
    70     /// \brief Makes a minor change to the entity.
    71     /// \return the new cost
    72     virtual double mutate() = 0;
    73     /// \brief Restores the entity to its previous state i.e. reverts the
    74     /// effects of the last mutate().
    75     virtual void revert() = 0;
    76     /// \brief Makes a copy of the entity.
    77     virtual EntityBase* clone() = 0;
    78     /// \brief Makes a major change to the entity.
    79     virtual void randomize() = 0;
    80     /// \brief Destructor.
    81     virtual ~EntityBase() {}
    82   };
    84   /// \brief Simulated annealing abstract base class.
    85   /// Can be used to derive a custom simulated annealing class if \ref SimAnn
    86   /// doesn't fit your needs.
    87   class SimAnnBase {
    88   private:
    89     /// \brief Pointer to the controller.
    90     ControllerBase *controller;
    91     /// \brief Cost of the current solution.
    92     double curr_cost;
    93     /// \brief Cost of the best solution.
    94     double best_cost;
    95     /// \brief Cost of the previous solution.
    96     double prev_cost;
    97     /// \brief Cost of the solution preceding the previous one.
    98     double prev_prev_cost;
    99     /// \brief Number of iterations.
   100     long iter;
   101     /// \brief Number of iterations which did not improve the solution since
   102     /// the last improvement.
   103     long last_impr;
   104   protected:
   105     /// \brief Step to a neighbouring state.
   106     virtual double mutate() = 0;
   107     /// \brief Reverts the last mutate().
   108     virtual void revert() = 0;
   109     /// \brief Saves the current solution as the best one.
   110     virtual void saveAsBest() = 0;
   111     /// \brief Does initializations before each run.
   112     virtual void init() {
   113       controller->init();
   114       curr_cost = prev_cost = prev_prev_cost = best_cost =
   115         std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
   116       iter = last_impr = 0;
   117     }
   118   public:
   119     /// \brief Sets the controller class to use.
   120     void setController(ControllerBase &_controller) {
   121       controller = &_controller;
   122       controller->simann = this;
   123     }
   124     /// \brief Returns the cost of the current solution.
   125     double getCurrCost() const { return curr_cost; }
   126     /// \brief Returns the cost of the previous solution.
   127     double getPrevCost() const { return prev_cost; }
   128     /// \brief Returns the cost of the best solution.
   129     double getBestCost() const { return best_cost; }
   130     /// \brief Returns the number of iterations done.
   131     long getIter() const { return iter; }
   132     /// \brief Returns the ordinal number of the last iteration when the
   133     /// solution was improved.
   134     long getLastImpr() const { return last_impr; }
   135     /// \brief Performs one iteration.
   136     bool step() {
   137       iter++;
   138       prev_prev_cost = prev_cost;
   139       prev_cost = curr_cost;
   140       curr_cost = mutate();
   141       if (controller->accept()) {
   142         controller->acceptEvent();
   143         last_impr = iter;
   144         if (curr_cost < best_cost) {
   145           best_cost = curr_cost;
   146           saveAsBest();
   147           controller->improveEvent();
   148         }
   149       }
   150       else {
   151         revert();
   152         curr_cost = prev_cost;
   153         prev_cost = prev_prev_cost;
   154         controller->rejectEvent();
   155       }
   156       return controller->next();
   157     }
   158     /// \brief Performs a given number of iterations.
   159     /// \param n the number of iterations
   160     bool step(int n) {
   161       for(; n > 0 && step(); --n) ;
   162       return !n;
   163     }
   164     /// \brief Starts the annealing process.
   165     void run() {
   166       init();
   167       do { } while (step());
   168     }
   169     /// \brief Destructor.
   170     virtual ~SimAnnBase() {}
   171   };
   173   /// \brief Simulated annealing class.
   174   class SimAnn : public SimAnnBase {
   175   private:
   176     /// \brief Pointer to the current entity.
   177     EntityBase *curr_ent;
   178     /// \brief Pointer to the best entity.
   179     EntityBase *best_ent;
   180     /// \brief Does initializations before each run.
   181     void init() {
   182       SimAnnBase::init();
   183       if (best_ent) delete best_ent;
   184       best_ent = NULL;
   185       curr_ent->randomize();
   186     }
   187   public:
   188     /// \brief Constructor.
   189     SimAnn() : curr_ent(NULL), best_ent(NULL) {}
   190     /// \brief Destructor.
   191     virtual ~SimAnn() {
   192       if (best_ent) delete best_ent;
   193     }
   194     /// \brief Step to a neighbouring state.
   195     double mutate() {
   196       return curr_ent->mutate();
   197     }
   198     /// \brief Reverts the last mutate().
   199     void revert() {
   200       curr_ent->revert();
   201     }
   202     /// \brief Saves the current solution as the best one.
   203     void saveAsBest() { 
   204       if (best_ent) delete best_ent;
   205       best_ent = curr_ent->clone();
   206     }
   207     /// \brief Sets the current entity.
   208     void setEntity(EntityBase &_ent) {
   209       curr_ent = &_ent;
   210     }
   211     /// \brief Returns a copy of the best found entity.
   212     EntityBase* getBestEntity() { return best_ent->clone(); }
   213   };
   215   /// \brief A simple controller for the simulated annealing class.
   216   /// This controller starts from a given initial temperature and evenly
   217   /// decreases it.
   218   class SimpleController : public ControllerBase {
   219   private:
   220     /// \brief Maximum number of iterations.
   221     long max_iter;
   222     /// \brief Maximum number of iterations which do not improve the
   223     /// solution.
   224     long max_no_impr;
   225     /// \brief Temperature.
   226     double temp;
   227     /// \brief Annealing factor.
   228     double ann_fact;
   229     /// \brief Constructor.
   230     /// \param _max_iter maximum number of iterations
   231     /// \param _max_no_impr maximum number of consecutive iterations which do
   232     ///        not yield a better solution
   233     /// \param _temp initial temperature
   234     /// \param _ann_fact annealing factor
   235   public:
   236     SimpleController(long _max_iter = 500000, long _max_no_impr = 20000,
   237     double _temp = 1000.0, double _ann_fact = 0.9999) : max_iter(_max_iter),
   238       max_no_impr(_max_no_impr), temp(_temp), ann_fact(_ann_fact)
   239     {
   240       srand48(time(0));
   241     }
   242     /// \brief This is called when a neighbouring state gets accepted.
   243     void acceptEvent() {}
   244     /// \brief This is called when the accepted neighbouring state's cost is
   245     /// less than the best found one's.
   246     void improveEvent() {}
   247     /// \brief This is called when a neighbouring state gets rejected.
   248     void rejectEvent() {}
   249     /// \brief Decides whether to continue the annealing process or not. Also
   250     /// decreases the temperature.
   251     bool next() {
   252       temp *= ann_fact;
   253       bool quit = (simann->getIter() > max_iter) ||
   254         (simann->getIter() - simann->getLastImpr() > max_no_impr);
   255       return !quit;
   256     }
   257     /// \brief Decides whether to accept the current solution or not.
   258     bool accept() {
   259       double cost_diff = simann->getCurrCost() - simann->getPrevCost();
   260       return (drand48() <= exp(-(cost_diff / temp)));
   261     }
   262     /// \brief Destructor.
   263     virtual ~SimpleController() {}
   264   };
   266   /// \brief A controller with preset running time for the simulated annealing
   267   /// class.
   268   /// With this controller you can set the running time of the annealing
   269   /// process in advance. It works the following way: the controller measures
   270   /// a kind of divergence. The divergence is the difference of the average
   271   /// cost of the recently found solutions the cost of the best found one. In
   272   /// case this divergence is greater than a given threshold, then we decrease
   273   /// the annealing factor, that is we cool the system faster. In case the
   274   /// divergence is lower than the threshold, then we increase the temperature.
   275   /// The threshold is a function of the elapsed time which reaches zero at the
   276   /// desired end time.
   277   class AdvancedController : public ControllerBase {
   278   private:
   279     /// \brief Timer class to measure the elapsed time.
   280     Timer timer;
   281     /// \brief Calculates the threshold value.
   282     /// \param time the elapsed time in seconds
   283     virtual double threshold(double time) {
   284       return (-1.0) * start_threshold / end_time * time + start_threshold;
   285     }
   286     /// \brief Parameter used to calculate the running average.
   287     double alpha;
   288     /// \brief Parameter used to decrease the annealing factor.
   289     double beta;
   290     /// \brief Parameter used to increase the temperature.
   291     double gamma;
   292     /// \brief The time at the end of the algorithm.
   293     double end_time;
   294     /// \brief The time at the start of the algorithm.
   295     double start_time;
   296     /// \brief Starting threshold.
   297     double start_threshold;
   298     /// \brief Average cost of recent solutions.
   299     double avg_cost;
   300     /// \brief Temperature.
   301     double temp;
   302     /// \brief Annealing factor.
   303     double ann_fact;
   304     /// \brief Initial annealing factor.
   305     double init_ann_fact;
   306     /// \brief True when the annealing process has been started.
   307     bool start;
   308   public:
   309     /// \brief Constructor.
   310     /// \param _end_time running time in seconds
   311     /// \param _alpha parameter used to calculate the running average
   312     /// \param _beta parameter used to decrease the annealing factor
   313     /// \param _gamma parameter used to increase the temperature
   314     /// \param _ann_fact initial annealing factor
   315     AdvancedController(double _end_time, double _alpha = 0.2,
   316     double _beta = 0.9, double _gamma = 1.6, double _ann_fact = 0.9999) :
   317     alpha(_alpha), beta(_beta), gamma(_gamma), end_time(_end_time),
   318     ann_fact(_ann_fact), init_ann_fact(_ann_fact), start(false)
   319     {
   320       srand48(time(0));
   321     }
   322     /// \brief Does initializations before each run.
   323     void init() {
   324       avg_cost = simann->getCurrCost();
   325     }
   326     /// \brief This is called when a neighbouring state gets accepted.
   327     void acceptEvent() {
   328       avg_cost = alpha * simann->getCurrCost() + (1.0 - alpha) * avg_cost;
   329       if (!start) {
   330         static int cnt = 0;
   331         cnt++;
   332         if (cnt >= 100) {
   333           // calculate starting threshold and starting temperature
   334           start_threshold = 5.0 * fabs(simann->getBestCost() - avg_cost);
   335           temp = 10000.0;
   336           start = true;
   337           timer.restart();
   338         }
   339       }
   340     }
   341     /// \brief Decides whether to continue the annealing process or not.
   342     bool next() {
   343       if (!start) {
   344         return true;
   345       }
   346       else {
   347         double elapsed_time = timer.realTime();
   348         if (fabs(avg_cost - simann->getBestCost()) > threshold(elapsed_time)) {
   349           // decrease the annealing factor
   350           ann_fact *= beta;
   351         }
   352         else {
   353           // increase the temperature
   354           temp *= gamma;
   355           // reset the annealing factor
   356           ann_fact = init_ann_fact;
   357         }
   358         temp *= ann_fact;
   359         return elapsed_time < end_time;
   360       }
   361     }
   362     /// \brief Decides whether to accept the current solution or not.
   363     bool accept() {
   364       if (!start) {
   365         return true;
   366       }
   367       else {
   368         double cost_diff = simann->getCurrCost() - simann->getPrevCost();
   369         return (drand48() <= exp(-(cost_diff / temp)));
   370       }
   371     }
   372     /// \brief Destructor.
   373     virtual ~AdvancedController() {}
   374   };
   376 /// @}
   378 }
   380 #endif