Small bug fixes and changes in the documentation.
7 echo "Usage: autopackage-glpk tarfile"
13 VERSION=`echo ${ORIGTAR/.tar.gz}|tr - ' '|awk '{print $(NF)}'`
16 echo " RELEASE: $RELEASE"
21 function make-dir () {
31 echo '# -*-shell-script-*-
37 Maintainer: The LEMON Developers -
38 Packager: Alpar Juttner <>
39 Summary: GLPK LP/MIP solver
41 SoftwareVersion: '${VERSION}'
42 AutopackageTarget: 1.2
44 # Only uncomment InterfaceVersion if your package exposes interfaces to other software,
45 # for instance if it includes DSOs or python/perl modules. See the developer guide for more info,
46 # or ask on autopackage-dev if you dont understand interface versioning in autopackage.
48 InterfaceVersion: '${VERSION}'
53 The GLPK package is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized
54 in the form of a callable library. This package is intended for solving
55 large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer linear programming
56 (MIP), and other related problems.
58 The GLPK package includes the following main components:
60 * implementation of the simplex method;
61 * implementation of the primal-dual interior-point method;
62 * implementation of the branch-and-bound method;
63 * application program interface (API);
64 * GNU MathProg modeling language (a subset of AMPL);
65 * GLPSOL, a stand-alone LP/MIP solver.
67 See GLPK webpage <>.
80 #require 1.0
83 # Put your installation script here
88 # Usually just the following line is enough to uninstall everything
90 '>autopackage/default.apspec
94 cp *.package *.meta ..
97 rm -rf glpk-${VERSION}