Implemented virtual functions of class LpCplex.
5 DisplayName: Lemon Library
7 Maintainer: The LEMON Developers -
8 Packager: Alpar Juttner <>
10 SoftwareVersion: @VERSION@
11 AutopackageTarget: 1.2
13 # Only uncomment InterfaceVersion if your package exposes interfaces to other software,
14 # for instance if it includes DSOs or python/perl modules. See the developer guide for more info,
15 # or ask on autopackage-dev if you don't understand interface versioning in autopackage.
22 LEMON stands for Library of Efficient Models and Optimization in Networks.
23 It is a C++ template library aimed at combinatorial optimization tasks,
24 primaliry those involved in working with graphs.
37 require
40 # Put your installation script here
45 # Usually just the following line is enough to uninstall everything