Flows with test files. The best is preflow.h
4 #include "smart_graph.h"
6 #include "../list_graph.hh"
7 #include "../marci/dimacs.hh"
9 #include "../marci/time_measure.h"
13 // Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin.
14 // read_dimacs_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file
16 int main(int, char **) {
17 typedef SmartGraph Graph;
18 //typedef ListGraph Graph;
20 typedef Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
21 typedef Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
22 typedef Graph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
26 Graph::DynEdgeMap<int> cap(G);
27 readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap);
29 std::cout << "edmonds karp demo..." << std::endl;
30 Graph::DynEdgeMap<int> flow(G); //0 flow
33 double pre_time=currTime();
34 ret = maxFlow(G,flow,cap,s,t);
35 double post_time=currTime();
36 //std::cout << "maximum flow: "<< std::endl;
37 //for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
38 // std::cout<<"("<<G.tail(e)<< "-"<<flow.get(e)<<"->"<<G.head(e)<<") ";
40 //std::cout<<std::endl;
41 std::cout << "elapsed time: " << post_time-pre_time << " sec"<< std::endl;
42 std::cout << "flow value: "<< ret << std::endl;