- Almost ready. 2004-05-25, by athos
- ResGraphWrapper pretected default constructor 2004-05-24, by marci
- Not ready yet. 2004-05-24, by athos
- max_flow.h bug correction 2004-05-21, by marci
- bug correction in BidirGraphWrapper<Graph> default constructor 2004-05-21, by marci
- The new for macros are: h_for, h_for_inc, h_for_glob, h_for_inc_glob. 2004-05-21, by marci
- misc 2004-05-21, by marci
- misc 2004-05-20, by marci
- misc 2004-05-20, by marci
- a 2004-05-20, by marci
- Cooorected some eroorrs. 2004-05-20, by athos
- for_each fix 2004-05-19, by marci
- the same 2004-05-19, by marci
- max_flow.h: status flags for actMinCut 2004-05-19, by marci
- I don't really feel like working on this at the moment. 2004-05-17, by athos
- #ifndef correction 2004-05-17, by marci
- comparision of ListGraph, SmartGraph and SageGraph 2004-05-14, by marci
- To avoid confusion my old ListGraph is can be used under name SageGraph, work/sage_graph.h contains it. 2004-05-14, by marci
- some documentation in stGraphWrapper<Gr> and BipartiteGraphWrapper<Gr> 2004-05-14, by marci
- for_each_macros.h in include 2004-05-14, by marci
- misc 2004-05-14, by marci
- for_eachmacros.h in include 2004-05-14, by marci
- for_each_macros.h in include 2004-05-14, by marci
- (none) 2004-05-14, by marci
- Started mincostflow. 2004-05-13, by athos
- Another slight modifications. 2004-05-13, by athos
- Slight modifications. 2004-05-13, by athos
- undir -> dir in docs 2004-05-13, by marci
- Almost full documentation added, NO_FLOW incorporated, Phase0(1) changed to Phase1(2) 2004-05-13, by jacint
- I modified mincostflows_test.cc a little. 2004-05-13, by athos
- max_flow interface changes 2004-05-13, by jacint
- Slight modification. 2004-05-13, by athos
- (none) 2004-05-13, by deba
- :wq 2004-05-12, by marci
- (none) 2004-05-12, by marci
- bugs 2004-05-12, by marci
- (none) 2004-05-12, by marci
- (none) 2004-05-12, by marci
- BidirGraphWrapper<Graph> bug volt 2004-05-12, by marci
- (none) 2004-05-12, by jacint
- path improvements 2004-05-11, by klao
- #include <hugo/...> 2004-05-11, by klao
- bip matching comparison 2004-05-11, by marci
- include -> hugo mods in leda files 2004-05-11, by marci
- docs, max_flow improvments 2004-05-11, by marci
- Minor changes: Section labels fixed. 2004-05-11, by alpar
- documentation of bipartite matchings, cleaning 2004-05-11, by marci
- BidirGraph, UndirGraph some docs, in group graphs 2004-05-11, by marci
- Some modifications and another testfile. 2004-05-11, by athos
- Sorry, the other half of the move comes here. 2004-05-11, by athos
- misc 2004-05-11, by marci
- Moved things into the include (hugo) directory. 2004-05-11, by athos
- Finished MinLengthPaths: a specialization of MinCostFlows. 2004-05-11, by athos
- docs 2004-05-11, by marci
- docs 2004-05-11, by marci
- some docs 2004-05-11, by marci