2005-05-20added a configuration header to the lemon directory
ladanyi [Fri, 20 May 2005 12:44:28 +0000] rev 1433
added a configuration header to the lemon directory

2005-05-20Functions _eraseRow(), _eraseCol(). Not yet implemented for cplex.
athos [Fri, 20 May 2005 09:43:40 +0000] rev 1432
Functions _eraseRow(), _eraseCol(). Not yet implemented for cplex.

2005-05-20Added function _setCoeff().
athos [Fri, 20 May 2005 09:31:25 +0000] rev 1431
Added function _setCoeff().

deba [Thu, 19 May 2005 11:53:25 +0000] rev 1430

May it should be renamed to ExtendedPair

2005-05-19Able to read edge from undirected edgeset
deba [Thu, 19 May 2005 11:49:42 +0000] rev 1429
Able to read edge from undirected edgeset
Graph reader and graph writer can resolve items by id.

It makes possible:

GraphReader<Graph> reader(std::cin, graph);


NewEdgeSetAdaptor<Graph> edgeset(graph);
UndirEdgeSetReader<Graph> unir_edgeset_reader(reader, edgeset, reader);


It reads the graph and an additional edgeset in to the edgeset.

2005-05-19A very simple xml parser
alpar [Thu, 19 May 2005 11:46:42 +0000] rev 1428
A very simple xml parser

2005-05-18Two minor changes.
deba [Wed, 18 May 2005 13:02:47 +0000] rev 1427
Two minor changes.

comment lines

2005-05-18- minor corrections in the docs
ladanyi [Wed, 18 May 2005 09:39:06 +0000] rev 1426
- minor corrections in the docs
- fixed indenting

2005-05-16minor modifications
marci [Mon, 16 May 2005 21:49:35 +0000] rev 1425
minor modifications

2005-05-14Bug fix.
deba [Sat, 14 May 2005 21:13:00 +0000] rev 1424
Bug fix.

I programmed to much templates.