2004-04-17A bool Edge Map with iterators that goes through the true or the false edges.
alpar [Sat, 17 Apr 2004 13:15:53 +0000] rev 348
A bool Edge Map with iterators that goes through the true or the false edges.

2004-04-17A generic map with value type [0, N) where N is a small integer.
klao [Sat, 17 Apr 2004 01:57:48 +0000] rev 347
A generic map with value type [0, N) where N is a small integer.
Can enumerate keys with a given value.

2004-04-17megsem volt bug
klao [Sat, 17 Apr 2004 01:50:23 +0000] rev 346
megsem volt bug

2004-04-16Misterious bug with StdMap::set (?)
klao [Fri, 16 Apr 2004 23:00:09 +0000] rev 345
Misterious bug with StdMap::set (?)
Fixed default contstructor.

2004-04-16Some cosmetic changes and spell checking.
alpar [Fri, 16 Apr 2004 22:00:11 +0000] rev 344
Some cosmetic changes and spell checking.

2004-04-16time_measure.h has been added to the doc.
alpar [Fri, 16 Apr 2004 21:35:25 +0000] rev 343
time_measure.h has been added to the doc.
graph_concept.h has been removed for it was confusing.

2004-04-16An example for a readable/writeable but non-referrable map
alpar [Fri, 16 Apr 2004 21:18:40 +0000] rev 342
An example for a readable/writeable but non-referrable map
without get() and set().

marci [Fri, 16 Apr 2004 17:39:19 +0000] rev 341

deba [Fri, 16 Apr 2004 13:42:03 +0000] rev 340

2004-04-16graph_wrapper.h, kicsi doksi. erdekes dolgokat rak az abrakadabra, nem is ertem
marci [Fri, 16 Apr 2004 13:26:15 +0000] rev 339
graph_wrapper.h, kicsi doksi. erdekes dolgokat rak az abrakadabra, nem is ertem