2005-01-09 Advances in error.h
2004-09-16 Demo file for SubGraphWrapper<Graph>. Documentation will be added later.
2004-09-15 correction of SubGraphWrapper bug.
2004-08-25 bug fix, test...
2004-08-17 technical corrections
2004-06-02 Restored common makefile.
2004-06-02 Seems to work. More tests required.
2004-05-11 #include <hugo/...>
2004-05-11 bip matching comparison
2004-05-07 top-sort, dimacs mods.
2004-04-30 DirPath fejlodes.
2004-04-26 Better control of gcc version
2004-04-26 stGraphWrapper is almost working
2004-04-24 misc
2004-04-24 g++-4.0
2004-04-24 jacint mindig modosit, es ezert nekunk is kell
2004-04-24 modifications for better compatibility with gcc 3.4.0
2004-04-17 A generic map with value type [0, N) where N is a small integer.
2004-04-05 kicsi moveolgatas
2004-03-25 .
2004-03-20 .
2004-03-04 graph wrappers
2004-03-03 Apr?bb jav?t?sok.
2004-02-26 makefile: tobb include konyvtar, jobb depend keszites
2004-02-24 private typedef problemak
2004-02-18 dfs iterator: DfsIterator4 improved version
2004-01-30 atrendezes
2004-01-30 marci_graph_demo, iterator_bfs_dfs_demo
2004-01-27 -MM sajnos mashogy mukodik meg a 3.0 alatt
2004-01-25 Okos makefile
2003-12-16 .
2003-12-13 - Marci type iterator constructors
2003-12-11 bfs
2003-12-06 src/demo/graph.h: a proposal for a graph implementation