2004-10-16 It's time to design an iterable generic bfs
2004-09-28 beginning of a modular, generic merge_graph_wrapper...
2004-09-22 correction of HUGO_... preproc defines.
2004-09-16 (none)
2004-08-31 ResGraphWrapper<Graph> is done, so does dimacs.h.
2004-08-25 bug fix, test...
2004-08-23 sg is moved sg is not...
2004-08-17 technical corrections
2004-05-21 The new for macros are: h_for, h_for_inc, h_for_glob, h_for_inc_glob.
2004-05-20 misc
2004-05-14 comparision of ListGraph, SmartGraph and SageGraph
2004-05-11 docs, max_flow improvments
2004-05-11 documentation of bipartite matchings, cleaning
2004-05-06 #include <hugo/ > modifications
2004-05-06 (none)
2004-05-06 (none)
2004-05-06 (none)
2004-05-03 matching, flows
2004-04-30 bipartite graphs
2004-04-29 preflow, maxflow
2004-04-27 g++-3.4.0, misc
2004-04-26 leda comparison files
2004-04-26 misc
2004-04-26 stGraphWrapper is almost working
2004-04-24 modifications for better compatibility with gcc 3.4.0
2004-04-23 .
2004-04-22 preflow mods
2004-04-21 experimental bipartite graph wrapper
2004-04-21 time comparison for bfs iterator and iterator by hand
2004-04-15 brrr
2004-04-15 In the resgraphwrapper interface, and in the constructor,
2004-04-13 gw
2004-04-08 ansi pedantic bug in gcc
2004-04-05 konvergalunk, konvergalunk...
2004-03-31 makefile, you see...
2004-03-29 ResGraphWrapper partial improvement
2004-03-17 .
2004-03-17 .
2004-03-16 LedaGraph -> LedaGraphWrapper
2004-03-16 .
2004-03-12 .
2004-03-12 .
2004-03-12 correcting implicit typenames
2004-03-12 towards on ListGraph, SmartGraph compatibility
2004-03-11 graph wrapper improvements, blocking flow on fly
2004-02-23 4.4.1-es ledahoz a demo atalakitva
2004-02-18 numerical results
2004-02-16 Can you test more preflow algs?
2004-02-16 .
2004-02-13 .