marci@1153: // -*- c++ -*-
marci@1153: #include <iostream>
marci@1153: #include <fstream>
marci@1153: #include <lemon/time_measure.h>
marci@1153: #include <lp_solver_base.h>
marci@1153: using std::cout;
marci@1153: using std::endl;
marci@1153: using namespace lemon;
marci@1153: /*
marci@1176:   On an 1537Mhz PC, the run times with 
marci@1176:   glpk are the following.
marci@1176:   for n=3,4, some secondes
marci@1176:   for n=5, 25 hours
marci@1153:  */
marci@1153: int main(int, char **) {
marci@1153:   const int n=4;
marci@1153:   const double row_sum=(1.0+n*n)*n/2;
marci@1153:   Timer ts;
marci@1153:   ts.reset();
marci@1153:   typedef LPGLPK LPSolver;
marci@1153:   typedef LPSolver::Col Col;
marci@1153:   LPSolver lp;
marci@1153:   typedef std::map<std::pair<int, int>, Col> Coords;
marci@1153:   Coords x;
marci@1153:   // we create a new variable for each entry 
marci@1153:   // of the magic square
marci@1153:   for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
marci@1153:     for (int j=1; j<=n; ++j) { 
marci@1153:       Col col=lp.addCol();
marci@1153:       x[std::make_pair(i,j)]=col;
marci@1153:       lp.setColLowerBound(col, 1.0);
marci@1153:       lp.setColUpperBound(col, double(n*n));
marci@1153:     }
marci@1153:   }
marci@1153:   LPSolver::Expression expr3, expr4;
marci@1153:   for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
marci@1153:     LPSolver::Expression expr1, expr2;
marci@1153:     for (int j=1; j<=n; ++j) {
marci@1153:       expr1+=x[std::make_pair(i, j)];
marci@1153:       expr2+=x[std::make_pair(j, i)];
marci@1153:     }
marci@1153:     // sum of rows and columns
marci@1153:     lp.addRow(expr1==row_sum);
marci@1153:     lp.addRow(expr2==row_sum);
marci@1153:     expr3+=x[std::make_pair(i, i)];
marci@1153:     expr4+=x[std::make_pair(i, (n+1)-i)];
marci@1153:   }
marci@1153:   // sum of the diagonal entries
marci@1153:   lp.addRow(expr3==row_sum);
marci@1153:   lp.addRow(expr4==row_sum);
marci@1153:   lp.solveSimplex();
marci@1153:   cout << "elapsed time: " << ts << endl;
marci@1153:   for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
marci@1153:     for (int j=1; j<=n; ++j) { 
marci@1153:       cout << "x("<<i<<","<<j<<")="<<lp.getPrimal(x[std::make_pair(i,j)]) 
marci@1153: 	   << endl;
marci@1153:     }
marci@1153:   }
marci@1153:   // we make new binary variables for each pair of 
marci@1153:   // entries of the square to achieve that 
marci@1153:   // the values of different entries are different
marci@1153:   lp.setMIP();
marci@1153:   for (Coords::const_iterator it=x.begin(); it!=x.end(); ++it) {
marci@1153:     Coords::const_iterator jt=it; ++jt;
marci@1153:     for(; jt!=x.end(); ++jt) {
marci@1153:       Col col1=(*it).second;
marci@1153:       Col col2=(*jt).second;
marci@1153:       Col col=lp.addCol();
marci@1153:       lp.setColLowerBound(col, 0.0);
marci@1153:       lp.setColUpperBound(col, 1.0);
marci@1153:       lp.addRow(double(-n*n+1.0)<=1.0*col2-1.0*col1-double(n*n)*col<=-1.0);
marci@1153:       lp.setColInt(col);
marci@1153:     }
marci@1153:   }
marci@1153:   cout << "elapsed time: " << ts << endl;
marci@1153:   lp.solveSimplex();
marci@1153:   // let's solve the integer problem
marci@1153:   lp.solveBandB();
marci@1153:   cout << "elapsed time: " << ts << endl;
marci@1153:   for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
marci@1153:     for (int j=1; j<=n; ++j) { 
marci@1153:       cout << "x("<<i<<","<<j<<")="<<lp.getMIPPrimal(x[std::make_pair(i,j)]) 
marci@1153: 	   << endl;
marci@1153:     }
marci@1153:   }
marci@1153: }