alpar@2260: /* -*- C++ -*-
alpar@2260:  *
alpar@2260:  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
alpar@2260:  *
alpar@2553:  * Copyright (C) 2003-2008
alpar@2260:  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
alpar@2260:  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
alpar@2260:  *
alpar@2260:  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
alpar@2260:  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
alpar@2260:  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
alpar@2260:  *
alpar@2260:  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
alpar@2260:  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
alpar@2260:  * purpose.
alpar@2260:  *
alpar@2260:  */
alpar@2260: #ifndef LEMON_CONCEPT_MATRIX_MAPS_H
alpar@2260: #define LEMON_CONCEPT_MATRIX_MAPS_H
alpar@2260: #include <lemon/bits/utility.h>
alpar@2260: #include <lemon/concept_check.h>
alpar@2260: ///\ingroup concept
alpar@2260: ///\file
alpar@2260: ///\brief MatrixMap concepts checking classes for testing and documenting.
alpar@2260: namespace lemon {
alpar@2260:   namespace concepts {
alpar@2260:     /// \addtogroup concept
alpar@2260:     /// @{
alpar@2260:     /// Readable matrix map concept
alpar@2260:     template <typename K1, typename K2, typename V>
alpar@2260:     class ReadMatrixMap
alpar@2260:     {
alpar@2260:     public:
alpar@2260:       /// Map's first key type.
alpar@2260:       typedef K1 FirstKey;    
alpar@2260:       /// Map's second key type.
alpar@2260:       typedef K2 SecondKey;    
alpar@2260:       /// \brief Map's value type. 
alpar@2260:       /// (The type of objects associated with the pairs of keys).
alpar@2260:       typedef V Value;
alpar@2260:       // \bug Value don't need to be default constructible.
alpar@2260:       /// Returns the value associated with a key.
alpar@2260:       Value operator()(const FirstKey&, const SecondKey&) const {
alpar@2260: 	return Value();
alpar@2260:       }
alpar@2260:       template <typename _ReadMatrixMap>
alpar@2260:       struct Constraints {
alpar@2260: 	void constraints() {
alpar@2260: 	  Value val = m(first_key, second_key);
alpar@2260: 	  val = m(first_key, second_key);
alpar@2260: 	  typename _ReadMatrixMap::Value own_val = 
alpar@2260: 	    m(own_first_key, own_second_key); 
alpar@2260: 	  own_val = m(own_first_key, own_second_key);
alpar@2260: 	  ignore_unused_variable_warning(val);
alpar@2260: 	  ignore_unused_variable_warning(own_val);
alpar@2260: 	}
alpar@2260: 	FirstKey& first_key;
alpar@2260: 	SecondKey& second_key;	
alpar@2260: 	typename _ReadMatrixMap::FirstKey& own_first_key;
alpar@2260: 	typename _ReadMatrixMap::SecondKey& own_second_key;
alpar@2260: 	_ReadMatrixMap& m;
alpar@2260:       };
alpar@2260:     };
alpar@2260:     /// Writable map concept
alpar@2260:     template <typename K1, typename K2, typename V>
alpar@2260:     class WriteMatrixMap {
alpar@2260:     public:
alpar@2260:       /// Map's first key type.
alpar@2260:       typedef K1 FirstKey;    
alpar@2260:       /// Map's second key type.
alpar@2260:       typedef K2 SecondKey;    
alpar@2260:       /// \brief Map's value type. 
alpar@2260:       /// (The type of objects associated with the pairs of keys).
alpar@2260:       typedef V Value;
alpar@2260:       /// Sets the value associated with the pair of keys.
alpar@2260:       void set(const FirstKey&, const SecondKey& ,const Value&) {}
alpar@2260:       template <typename _WriteMatrixMap>
alpar@2260:       struct Constraints {
alpar@2260: 	void constraints() {
alpar@2260: 	  // No constraints for constructor.
alpar@2260: 	  m.set(first_key, second_key, val);
alpar@2260: 	  m.set(own_first_key, own_second_key, own_val);
alpar@2260: 	}
alpar@2260: 	Value& val;
alpar@2260: 	typename _WriteMatrixMap::Value own_val;
alpar@2260: 	FirstKey& first_key;
alpar@2260: 	SecondKey& second_key;
alpar@2260: 	typename _WriteMatrixMap::FirstKey& own_first_key;
alpar@2260: 	typename _WriteMatrixMap::SecondKey& own_second_key;
alpar@2260: 	_WriteMatrixMap& m;
alpar@2260:       };
alpar@2260:     };
alpar@2260:     ///Read/Writable map concept
alpar@2260:     template<typename K1, typename K2, typename V>
alpar@2260:     class ReadWriteMatrixMap 
alpar@2260:       : public ReadMatrixMap<K1, K2, V>, public WriteMatrixMap<K1, K2, V> {
alpar@2260:     public:
alpar@2260:       /// Map's first key type.
alpar@2260:       typedef K1 FirstKey;    
alpar@2260:       /// Map's second key type.
alpar@2260:       typedef K2 SecondKey;    
alpar@2260:       /// \brief Map's value type. 
alpar@2260:       /// (The type of objects associated with the pairs of keys).
alpar@2260:       typedef V Value;
alpar@2260:       /// Returns the value associated with a pair of keys.
alpar@2260:       Value operator()(const FirstKey&, const SecondKey&) const { 
alpar@2260: 	return Value(); 
alpar@2260:       }
alpar@2260:       /// Sets the value associated with the pair of keys.
alpar@2260:       void set(const FirstKey&, const SecondKey& ,const Value&) {}
alpar@2260:       template<typename _ReadWriteMatrixMap>
alpar@2260:       struct Constraints {
alpar@2260: 	void constraints() {
alpar@2260: 	  checkConcept<ReadMatrixMap<K1, K2, V>, _ReadWriteMatrixMap >();
alpar@2260: 	  checkConcept<WriteMatrixMap<K1, K2, V>, _ReadWriteMatrixMap >();
alpar@2260: 	}
alpar@2260:       };
alpar@2260:     };
alpar@2260:     ///Dereferable matrix map concept
alpar@2260:     template<typename K1, typename K2, typename V, typename R, typename CR>
alpar@2260:     class ReferenceMatrixMap : public ReadWriteMatrixMap<K1, K2, V>
alpar@2260:     {
alpar@2260:     public:
alpar@2260:       /// Tag for reference maps.
alpar@2260:       typedef True ReferenceMapTag;
alpar@2260:       /// Map's first key type.
alpar@2260:       typedef K1 FirstKey;    
alpar@2260:       /// Map's second key type.
alpar@2260:       typedef K1 SecondKey;    
alpar@2260:       /// Map's value type. (The type of objects associated with the keys).
alpar@2260:       typedef V Value;
alpar@2260:       /// Map's reference type.
alpar@2260:       typedef R Reference;
alpar@2260:       /// Map's const reference type.
alpar@2260:       typedef CR ConstReference;
alpar@2260:     protected:
alpar@2260:       Value tmp;
alpar@2260:     public:
alpar@2260:       ///Returns a reference to the value associated to a pair of keys.
alpar@2260:       Reference operator()(const FirstKey&, const SecondKey&) { 
alpar@2260: 	return tmp; 
alpar@2260:       }
alpar@2260:       ///Returns a const reference to the value associated to a pair of keys.
alpar@2260:       ConstReference operator()(const FirstKey&, const SecondKey&) const { 
alpar@2260: 	return tmp; 
alpar@2260:       }
alpar@2260:       /// Sets the value associated with the pair of keys.
alpar@2260:       void set(const FirstKey&, const SecondKey& ,const Value&) {}
alpar@2260:       // \todo rethink this concept
alpar@2260:       template<typename _ReferenceMatrixMap>
alpar@2260:       struct ReferenceMapConcept {
alpar@2260: 	void constraints() {
alpar@2260: 	  checkConcept<ReadWriteMatrixMap, _ReferenceMatrixMap >();
alpar@2260: 	  m(first_key, second_key) = val;
alpar@2260: 	  val  = m(first_key, second_key);
alpar@2260: 	  m(first_key, second_key) = ref;
alpar@2260: 	  ref = m(first_key, second_key);
alpar@2260: 	  m(own_first_key, own_second_key) = own_val;
alpar@2260: 	  own_val  = m(own_first_key, own_second_key);
alpar@2260: 	  m(own_first_key, own_second_key) = own_ref;
alpar@2260: 	  own_ref = m(own_first_key, own_second_key); 
alpar@2260: 	}
alpar@2260: 	typename _ReferenceMatrixMap::Key& own_first_key;
alpar@2260: 	typename _ReferenceMatrixMap::Key& own_second_key;
alpar@2260: 	typename _ReferenceMatrixMap::Value& own_val;
alpar@2260: 	typename _ReferenceMatrixMap::Reference& own_ref;
alpar@2260: 	FirstKey& first_key;
alpar@2260: 	SecondKey& second_key;
alpar@2260: 	Value& val;
alpar@2260: 	Reference& ref;
alpar@2260: 	_ReferenceMatrixMap& m;
alpar@2260:       };
alpar@2260:     };
alpar@2260:     // @}
alpar@2260:   } //namespace concepts
alpar@2260: } //namespace lemon
alpar@2260: #endif // LEMON_CONCEPT_MATRIX_MAPS_H